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I can't believe you just asked me that!!!

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  • I can't believe you just asked me that!!!

    Hey Guys! N00b here!

    anyways.. we'll start a bit of background so no one gets lost. So I'm the overnight manager at a fast food franchise that happens to have a 24/7 drive thru AND lobby.
    So, a car full of teens comes through the DT and get enough for a couple people. Then I watch as the car parks in our lot and one kid comes into the restaurant. I watch him on our cameras as he wanders around kind of like he's looking for something. Then he approaches my counter...
    Me: thoughts put in ()
    Stupid Kid: SK

    Me:Can I help you sir?
    SK: uuhh yeeeeeaaah....
    SK: uhhh do you have any trays?
    Me: (well he got a whole bunch of drinks in the DT maybe he decided he wants a tray) You mean a drink tray?
    SK: No... uh do you have any of those plastic trays you serve food on?
    Me: (ok a little suspicious...) Yes I do. Why?
    SK: My friends and I were wondering if we could have a couple..
    SK: We need something to slide around in the snow with
    Me: *blank stare*.. You're kidding right?
    SK: Nope! I was gonna steal some from your lobby but there was none out there
    Me: Get.Out.NOW! *points to door* BEFORE I call the cops on you guys
    Then he starts getting pissy because I won't give him trays and that apparently it's not stealing if I don't tell anyone I gave him the trays... Our maintenance guy was standing off to the side at the time and just laughing through the whole conversation
    Sorry about the length but I just had to share it with you guys

  • #2

    I love how it's not stealing if you don't tell anyone. Are you supposed to roll over and give him some because he was "honest"?

    Ahh memories. During my time at the Arches of Doom, we would take those plastic trays onto the human habitrails in the "Play Area," and zip all over the place. We also brought home TONS of food at the end of the day, since it was all getting thrown out... but since we didn't tell anyone I guess it wasn't stealing...


    • #3
      There is just something about the snow crowd. They are rude, obnoxious and think that any surface covered with snow is eminent domain free to use and abuse and trail their garbage over whether it's your front yard or the top of your fence that is peaking out of a snow bank. If we had those plastic garbage cans they'd steal the lids to sled on.

      Give me the summer crowd, the rock climbers, the campers, the hikers and the kayaker's any day over any of the snow crowd.

      And welcome to the place to vent your frustrations.

      "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."

