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That poor woman....

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  • That poor woman....

    I saw Moonchild2007's thread and wanted to post a similar event without hijacking
    So, without further ado:

    At (cell phone company) I get a call from this guy. We'll call the guy Comrade Jerkinoff and the wife Blindina:

    ME: May I please have your name?
    COMRADE JERKINOFF: (gruff voice) Blindina
    ME: Sir, you're obviously not Blindina (unless your parents hated you to the point I'm starting to). Let's try this again. What is your name?
    COMRADE JERKINOFF: (grudgingly) Comrade Jerkinoff
    ME: Thank you, Sir. (No notes indicate he is authorized)
    I'm sorry, is Blindina available? You're not listed on the account. If I speak to her, I can have you listed.
    COMRADE JERKINOFF: WHAT? That's IMPOSSIBLE!! I do all the paying, I answer all the questions. I should be able to DO ANYTHING TO THIS ACCOUNT!!
    ME: I can't, Sir. I need to speak to Blindina.
    COMRADE JERKINOFF: But she's my wife!
    ME: (then I hope you have some redeeming anything you urinate on becomes gold. Otherwise, please offer my sincerest condolences on your wife's obvious head trauma) I'm sorry, sir. If she's not there, I can't let you in.

    Rant, rave, rinse, repeat. For all I know, she wised up and dumbed the idiot and now he wants revenge. Sorry, Pal. You're SOL.
    I have a...thing. Wanna see it?

  • #2
    We can not discuss an order with anyone but the purchaser and at this time of year we have a lot of spouses or gf/bf call and email in about the order because there is a problem but we can't talk to them due to it not being them who placed the order.

    Common responses:
    "but it is my present"
    "It is purchased on my credit card so I should be able to call about the order"


    • #3
      I deal with that quite often at my job w/ the Health Insurance company. People assume that just because they're married, that automatically means they're involved in the spouse's healthcare. Because of HIPPA, we can't release someone's personal information unless there's an authorization on file, we have the person's OK, or they've verified that they're actively involved in the person's care. Anytime I ask how they're involved in Joe's care, Jane tells me "he's my hustand". Sorry, that doesn't mean anything regarding your involvement in Joe's care.
      That is so full of suck Dyson doesn't know how they did it - shankyknitter


      • #4
        Quoth Sonoma View Post
        I deal with that quite often at my job w/ the Health Insurance company. People assume that just because they're married, that automatically means they're involved in the spouse's healthcare. Because of HIPPA, we can't release someone's personal information unless there's an authorization on file, we have the person's OK, or they've verified that they're actively involved in the person's care. Anytime I ask how they're involved in Joe's care, Jane tells me "he's my hustand". Sorry, that doesn't mean anything regarding your involvement in Joe's care.
        Please tell me you double-check that- my husband *is* authorized- I stated it on the HIPPAS I signed.


        • #5
          Quoth Bramblerose View Post
          Please tell me you double-check that- my husband *is* authorized- I stated it on the HIPPAS I signed.
          For the company I work for, if there is an authorization on file, we get a pop-up when the account pulls up. If not, I send out many authorization forms every week. We also have the forms available online.
          That is so full of suck Dyson doesn't know how they did it - shankyknitter

