I work in the toy department at Wal-Mart. I don't know why, but lately, if I don't answer my department's phone with ten seconds, a customer will pick it up and talk to whoever is calling. This happened no less than three times yesterday alone. The third time, I was actually within ten steps of the phone when this chick who was standing next to the phone answered it. I'm halfway to the phone when I see her start to hang the phone back up.
Me: "Don't hang that up!"
She hangs up anyway.
SC: "Oh, sorry, dude, I didn't know what to do. The phone was ringing."
Me: "Is it your phone? Did you mistake it for the cell phone in your pocket? Did you feel it vibrate and play a ringtone?"
SC: "Sorry dude, I didn't know not to answer the phone."
Me: "Unless it's your personal phone, don't answer a phone. Please leave."
Side note: This chick and her boyfriend had been wandering around my department for some time. They weren't really shopping. Just taking up space. It's four days until Christmas. I'm not in the mood for stupid.
Me: "Don't hang that up!"
She hangs up anyway.
SC: "Oh, sorry, dude, I didn't know what to do. The phone was ringing."
Me: "Is it your phone? Did you mistake it for the cell phone in your pocket? Did you feel it vibrate and play a ringtone?"
SC: "Sorry dude, I didn't know not to answer the phone."
Me: "Unless it's your personal phone, don't answer a phone. Please leave."
Side note: This chick and her boyfriend had been wandering around my department for some time. They weren't really shopping. Just taking up space. It's four days until Christmas. I'm not in the mood for stupid.