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"I Sure Hope So!"

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  • "I Sure Hope So!"

    I work at a coffee shop that America Runs On. I love it. (:

    I got stuck on Drive Thru today. Which is fine, I'm actually beginning to like it. Maybe I'm a masochist.

    O Hopeful One

    Me: Hi, can I help you?
    C: I sure hope so!

    Oh, wow, I only work one day a week these days but I remember you! You're the guy who lacks faith in the powers of the baristas.

    From what I remember, you only wanted a medium cup of coffee with cream and sugar last time, too-- it's only our most popular item. But can we handle it?

    Me: So that's a medium, cream and sugar, will that be all?
    C: I sure hope so!

    ... Again? You need Self-Esteem, too? I'm beginning to doubt that we'll be able to help you after all, you're not even sure if you're right.

    I Can't Hear You!

    We apparently got a lot of complaints that customers couldn't hear us over the speaker today. I'm not entirely certain what we're supposed to do with this information, seeing as we have no power over the snow interfering with the radio waves. Oddly enough, for the first time in my life, I could hear customers perfectly today.

    ... Why Do You Keep Doing That?

    Me: Okay, that's xxx and yyy, will that be all?
    SC: No. -Proceeds to pull up to the window, and doesn't order anything more.-

    Seriously, at least THREE of you did that today. And I can hear fine through the headset this time. Maybe you couldn't hear me and thought I said "Anything else" or something because you couldn't hear me? Either way, it was extremely irritating.

    Happy Day!

    Regardless, I had a really good day at work today. Maybe it's the Holiday season or something, but all -three- of the people I thought didn't like me were nice to me today. My Shift Lead, my Co-Worker and a kid I knew from High School!

    My Shift Lead gave me a Christmas Card today. Even if she got one for everyone (I assume she did anyway), the fact she took the time to buy me a card made me really happy. It's the ones that come way outta left field that count the most.

    I also got to leave work early since it wasn't busy and she gave me a ride home since we live on the same street. Yay, I don't have to walk in 17 degree weather again!

    S-Stop That!

    -drive thru beeps.-

    Me: Hi, I'll be right with you.
    SC: Hi, I'd like a mediu---
    Me: I'll be right with you.
    SC: with French Vanilla and--
    Shift Lead V: WE'LL BE RIGHT WITH YOU.
    SC: Oh, okay!

    Sure, once you started listening you were alright, but it was you and at least four others. Please listen to what I. Am. Saying. Or pay heed to the four cars in front of you. Whichever sense you use more. Which considering you failed both your Spot and Listen checks, I suggest putting ranks into your Move Silently skill and leave.

    ( Oh yeah, I start playing D&D this Friday. )

    We're All Silly

    All 6 of us that were working today spent part of the day dancing to the Christmas music that was on the radio today. The spirit's in the air more than I thought!

    Then me and my Coworker J got in a joke swearing match over DriveThru headsets. I'll spare you the details.

    My Shift Lead V is Superwoman at the shop. She's always on top of things and three steps ahead. Whenever I couldn't hear an order over DriveThru, all of a sudden I'd hear this booming voice "CAN YOU REPEAT THAT?!" I kept jumping about three feet in the air, which made her laugh, so she kept doing that.

    ... It only occurs to me now that it was probably because of the "I can't hear" complaints. I thought she was just doing it to torture me.