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Misadventures in Pizza-Making

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  • #16
    Quoth cinema guy View Post
    "Allons-y Alonzo!" Just wanted to say that.
    It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


    • #17
      SC: But I'm not your customer.
      Well, since you are not my customer get the phone number your damn self.


      • #18
        Quoth Pagan View Post
        Callisto (Calypso, according to IMDB) was her unleashed form, and only in the third movie. In the second movie, she was the voudoun Tia Dalma. And she was f*cking awesome!
        "I call murder on that!"


        • #19
          Quoth Juwl View Post
          Callisto (Calypso, according to IMDB) was her unleashed form, and only in the third movie. In the second movie, she was the voudoun Tia Dalma. And she was f*cking awesome!
          Well, that's what I get for typing whilst watching TV (no, it wasn't Xena, it was the latest idiocy with our Gov.)! Durrrr....I know it's Calypso! And I just like the thought of a 20 foot tall version of Tia Dalma better.
          It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


          • #20
            Quoth Can I have a cheeseburger View Post
            The one I can possibly sympathize with is the customer who didn't want to go over to the buffet. If they are handicapped, then it might be too much for them to not only walk over to the buffet but to carry the food back to the table without dropping the food. I know where I used to work, some seniors had a lot of trouble carrying food and drink without spilling either all over the place. On a couple occasions I had to help a couple people carry food to their table. That wins back customers.
            My wife has MD and I carry her plate at buffets.
            I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

            Who is John Galt?
            -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


            • #21
              Quoth pizzaparlorchick View Post
              Who do you think I look like?
              A lady comes in for a carry out order of pizza.
              Me: And the name on that please?
              SC: Well what name do you think I look like?
              Me: You know, I'm not really sure.
              SC: Oh, come on! Do I look like a Patsy? or a Suzie? or a Amy? or a --
              Me: Well I guess you look like a Sarah.
              SC: Oh great! And you look like a Brandi!
              Me: Well, my name is Rachel. (And I look like a Rachel too)
              SC: Well maybe you were a Brandi in your pastlife!
              Yeah, I seriously doubt that[

              Sounds like a "Chesty McBoob" to me.

              Quoth pizzaparlorchick View Post
              Just Plain RUDE
              We are right around the corner from another pizza place, but there's is nasty and tasteless and greasy. The following happens quire a lot actually.
              *phone rings*
              Me: Hello this is ____. This is _____ how can I help you?
              SC: Yeah, I was wondering if you could give me the number for the pizza place right around the corner from you guys.
              Me: I don't have their number, sorry.
              SC: Do you guys have a phonebook around? Maybe you could look it up for me.
              Me: You know, I really don't think my manager would be too happy to know that I gave our customer another pizza place's phone number.
              SC: But I'm not your customer.
              Me: I'm sorry, I don't have that number. *click*
              I've actually been known to look up numbers for people. Don't get me wrong, in the situation I just read, I would not have helped him either.

              Had a gentleman call me from the airport... Had been given the wrong number by 411 or whatever. His battery was getting low and he didn't have a phone book. He VERY nicely asked me if I could check my phone book for him. I did so, and didn't have the number for the place. However, he still thanked me very very nicely for trying. People like that, I don't mind helping when I am not busy.

              Dangit.... Getting nice in my old age.
              "Hi, this is Silver. How may I lose my self respect in order to cater to your over- inflated ego today?" --- Silverrb


              • #22
                Quoth pizzaparlorchick View Post
                SC: Well maybe you were a Brandi in your pastlife!
                "Actually, my hypnotherapist thinks I was Cleopatra!"



                • #23
                  Quoth pizzaparlorchick View Post

                  Oh, Nevermind That Order!

                  SC Calls in pizzas
                  Me: Thanks for calling ___ how can I help you?
                  SC: I would like to order (spouts off LONG list of pizzas)
                  Me: Wow. 4 pizzas and breadstix! Feeding a crowd?
                  SC: Yeah, Having a party!
                  Me: Well, your total is $xx.xx.
                  SC: You know what, scratch that order. I think I'll order from the people down the street. Thanks anyway.
                  I spent like 5 minutes on the phone with this SC and he cancels his order?
                  If you onl spent five minutes, you are very fortunate. I, too, am at a pizza place, and the oddities take nearly thirteen on average. Though, it does suck when the order is cancelled.

