OK, for the non-Aussies, my state has recently started phasing out bags. And this is now across the state, not just my store We can still offer the standard bags, but we also need to provide an alternative. What I have noticed though is that we have gotten a LOT of customers giving us green bags and it's occurring more often than usual. Retailers have until May to phase out bags.
boutique bags, produce bags (i.e. the really thin and stupid bags used to bag various produce), paper bags and certain compostable bags are exempt from the ban.
Yesterday a customer hands my coworker a bunch of green bags. They weren't awfully dirty, but when my coworker opens the bag, he gets a little surprise....in the form of a COCKROACH! Yeah, a live cockroach crawling around the bag.
So what does my coworker say?
"Anybody hungry?"
Thanks mate, I wasn't THAT desperate
Anyway, he gave them a warning just to ensure that the bags were clean, but THAT is why we insist on having clean green bags.
boutique bags, produce bags (i.e. the really thin and stupid bags used to bag various produce), paper bags and certain compostable bags are exempt from the ban.
Yesterday a customer hands my coworker a bunch of green bags. They weren't awfully dirty, but when my coworker opens the bag, he gets a little surprise....in the form of a COCKROACH! Yeah, a live cockroach crawling around the bag.
So what does my coworker say?
"Anybody hungry?"
Thanks mate, I wasn't THAT desperate
Anyway, he gave them a warning just to ensure that the bags were clean, but THAT is why we insist on having clean green bags.