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Asian Tossed Salad

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  • Asian Tossed Salad

    Oh yes.


    Me: “Alright, what’s the product ID number, please?”
    SC: “….19?”
    Me: “…no. I need the product ID number.”
    SC: “…uh…..A?”

    Number. Number. A is not a number unless you’re suggesting it’s a variable in a complex mathematics equation and asking me to fill in the variable with what I believe is the correct answer. In which case you will be receiving a lovely pair of “Baby Phat Tag Cat” with neon pink “detailing” for “a girly feel” that apparently fits “every occasion”. I’m sure all the other guys will be jealous of your fabulous new footwear and remember, it’s good for every occasion, so I highly encourage you to wear them to work or to your sister’s wedding.

    If you like I have a remarkable selection of equally fabulous accessories to go with them. All you need do is surrender yourself to me and I will forge you into a hip hop princess and whisk you away to the “Phat Farm” where “F” and “PH” are randomly interchangeable and every sweat shirt seems to be tailor made for helping you hide your identity while you rob convenience stores. After which you can stuff your ill gotten funds into one of our fabulous $150 designer purses that look like the colour teal was violently ill in.

    Marital Bliss

    SC: “Yes, our fan went out on our furn-"
    SC2: “FAN!? TELL HIM THE MOTHER@*(@&$ING FURNANCE IS *()@&# DOWN P*(&$#@ BASTARD (@^$(@”
    SC: “Sorry, that was my husband.”

    ….you must be very happy together.

    Asian Tossed

    Me: “Good evening, <company>.”
    SC: “HERRO?! huhuhuhuh”
    ( Yes, that's right, he's doing the worst most racially offensive Japanese accent he can muster. )
    Me: “……”
    SC: “huhuh, HERRO?! HOW R YEW?!”
    Me: “…..”
    SC: “HOW R YEW?!”
    Me: “….”
    Me: “…..”
    Me: “…..”
    Me: “……”
    SC: “……hello?”
    Me: “…..”
    SC: “Hello?”
    Me: “….”
    SC: “Aww c'mon man, don’t hang up! Hello?!”
    Me: “….”
    SC: “Hello!?!?”
    Me: “….”
    SC: "...hello? *@&$! <click>"

    And this is why I am the master and you are still the padawan.

    Will Go On

    Me: “Ok, and your postal code please?”
    SC: “….book?”
    ( …what? )
    Me: “…I need your postal code, please?”
    SC: “Umm….xxxx?”
    Me: “No, I need your postal code, please.”
    SC: “…..uh…..I don’t know that.”

    Yes, I figured that. I also get the lingering impression this gap in your knowledge is but the tip of the vast iceberg tearing through the pitiful rubber hull of your mental dingy and threatening the lives of both you and Leonardo De Caprio.

    If you find a piece of debris to cling too, don’t let that bastard up.

    Doesn't Count

    Ok, let’s see. So you had a couple friends over. They didn’t want to park outside in the snow so you told them they could park in the parkade. Even though that means they’d be taking other people’s parking spots. Which you are vividly aware is a no no. After a wild night out chewing shoe leather, sniffing paint cans and trying to make a big happy face out of butt prints on the front window of Starbucks you come back and found that both of their cars had been towed. Because they had taken other people’s parking spaces. Those people didn't appreciate that and had them towed. Now they have to pay $100 to get their cars back. You are swelled with the fetid blubber of anger like an enraged walrus. You want me to have the cars released, for free, and brought back because you were only gone for 3 hours. Correct?

    So basically your entire argument is: I screwed up. I know I screwed up. I knew what would happen if I screwed up. Yet I still chose to screw up. But you should ignore all that, pay for the towing and give me the cars back because even though I knew what would happen and knew I wasn’t suppose to do that it shouldn’t count because I wasn’t stupid long enough?

    Hmmm…..yeah, noooot really seeing your point here.


    Me: “Ok, I can put you at the <Hotel Name> for $59”
    SC: “How do I get there?”
    Me: “They have a shuttle”
    SC: “To the <Hotel Name>?”

    ….no. It comes from the <Hotel Name>, but when it arrives they beat you senseless with your own luggage, bind your hands and feet, blindfold you than drive randomly around Houston for the next 2 hours while digging through your belongs and wearing your panties on their heads while singing along to the Bohemian Rhapsody until you regain consciousness. Than they shove you out the door at an undisclosed location and one of them whispers the cryptic hint: “Home of the Whopper” in your ear before they speed away with your underoos.


    Me: “Hmm, actually it looks our closest location to you closed today.”
    SC: “Yes, I know, that’s why I called you.”

    Have you ever just muted your mic and hissed at the screen? It’s actually very therapeutic.


    SC: “Hey can I put another name on that?”
    Me: “Sure, what is it?”
    SC: “Her name is Tangerine Twist.”
    Me: "....Tangerine Twist?"
    SC: "Yeah, like the fruit."

    ….you know, you can give me her real name. You don’t have to use….stage name.

    So Lonely

    Me: “Ok, and how many would you like?”
    SC: “4 for 300”
    Me: “Alright, you should receive those in about a week-“
    SC: “How many tickets have you sold?”
    Me: “We’re at about 80% sold I believe.”
    SC: “That’s all?”
    Me: “That’s our last count.”
    SC: “So do you think you’ll sell out?”
    Me: “I’m not sure, it’s hard to say-”
    SC: “How many tickets do you have to sell to make a profit?”
    Me: “….I wouldn’t know, sorry.”
    SC: "Like 50%? 75%?”
    Me: “I wouldn’t have that information, sorry.”
    SC: “So what happens if you don’t sell all of the tickets?”
    Me: “I guess you get a better chance of winning.”
    SC: “Good point. Hmmmm….ok, how about I get 8 for 500 than?”
    ( Your Mercantile skill has increased. )
    Me: “Alright. So 8 tickets than? Ok, you should receive those in about-“
    SC: “So 8 for 500 than?”
    Me: “Yes.”
    SC: “500, right?”
    Me: “Yes.”
    SC: “What was your name again?”
    Me: "GK"
    SC: “GK, right?”
    Me: “….yes”
    SC: “and on Visa right?”
    Me: “Yes.”
    ( ….you were the one that gave me the card number. You tell me. )
    SC: “and an 8 pack right?”
    Me: “…yes.”
    SC: “and GK, right?”
    Me: “Yes.”

    Oh my God. Dude. Look. Seriously. If you’re this lonely there are other lines you can call that would be far more accommodating. They charge by the minute but it’ll still cost you less than $500 and they’ll at least act a lot more enthusiastic to hear you than I do.

    Surrendering Dignity

    Ok, seriously, guys. If you are about to drop $100 on or already shelled out $100 on this:

    And now have gold foil on your ass cheek, it’s probably time to sit down and re-evaluate your life. Yes, these are men’s jeans. No, these aren’t the only example. There’s a whole line of “Silly things printed on my butt cheek” for men in the new 2009 catalog. Including my personal favourite: A hot pink skull. Nothing says manly like having blazing hot pink on your butt cheek. The majority are one cheek. Though there are two examples where both cheeks are artistically impaired. However, dual cheeks will cost you an additional $50. Because you’re paying for double butt cool.

    I’m already terrified because they’ve already gotten a whiff of these new pants. Soon they’ll be slathering at the bit for these and I will die a little bit inside every time someone orders them. And they will order them.

    Like, whatever.

    "I'm sorry, you have the wrong number."
    "Ummm, like, nooo"
    "....yes, yes you do."

    I realize my speech is very difficult to understand seeing as I have not used the work "like" as a prefix or suffix as of yet and did not begin my statement with "Omigawd" nor did I offer a reconfirmation of the gravitas by pairing it with "Seriously, you guys".

    For this I deeply apologize as I was did not spend the ages of 6-16 with only Hannah Montanna dvds, press on nails and hairspray for parental guidance. Nor am I currently measuring my self worth by the size of my wardrobe / the number of phone numbers in my cell phone - the number of books I've been forced to read + the most money I've paid for a single item of clothing I only wore once.

    Yes, that's the formula: ( W / CN ) - ( B + MEC ) = Self worth.

    Save Vs Shame

    So Burnaby finally claimed me as a victim today. Since Burnaby still has not had plow, salt, shovel or even garbage pick up for 2 weeks. Now the snow is still there but its covered entirely in black ice. It was this black ice that proved my….er….well, down fall. I’d managed to stay on my feet for 2 weeks of this and it finally got me. I failed my saving throw. Lost one leg. Tried to catch myself on the other but, well, it was on black ice too. Tried to catch myself on the snow bank…..annnnd no such luck because it has a 1 inch crust of ice on it so my hand just slid off. Thus I landed on my derrier. While I only took 1D4 points of damage, my pride sustained at least 2D6.

    But luckily this damage was halved because no one was around to witness my shame.

  • #2
    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

    Surrendering Dignity

    Ok, seriously, guys. If you are about to drop $100 on or already shelled out $100 on this:

    And now have gold foil on your ass cheek, it’s probably time to sit down and re-evaluate your life. Yes, these are men’s jeans. No, these aren’t the only example. There’s a whole line of “Silly things printed on my butt cheek” for men in the new 2009 catalog. Including my personal favourite: A hot pink skull. Nothing says manly like having blazing hot pink on your butt cheek. The majority are one cheek. Though there are two examples where both cheeks are artistically impaired. However, dual cheeks will cost you an additional $50. Because you’re paying for double butt cool.

    I’m already terrified because they’ve already gotten a whiff of these new pants. Soon they’ll be slathering at the bit for these and I will die a little bit inside every time someone orders them. And they will order them.

    Assless chaps allow more dignity to be retained than those things.


    • #3
      So can I get those pants in a 34 inch waist?


      • #4
        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
        And this is why I am the master and you are still the padawan.
        Teach us master! Teach us how to survive a Nanavut onslaught and how to stop yourself reaching through the phone and strangling your customers!
        "I'll probably come round and steal the food out of your fridge later too, then run a key down the side of your car as I walk away from your house, which I've idly set ablaze" - Mil Millington


        • #5
          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
          Oh yes.

          SC: “Aww c'mon man, don’t hang up! Hello?!”
          Me: “….”
          SC: “Hello!?!?”
          Me: “….”
          SC: "...hello? *@&$! <click>"

          And this is why I am the master and you are still the padawan.
          You must teach me this skill. I would have hung up on him.
          "I look at the stars. It's a clear night and the Milky Way seems so near. That's where I'll be going soon. "We are all star stuff." I suddenly remember Delenn's line from Joe's script. Not a bad prospect. I am not afraid. In the meantime, let me close my eyes and sense the beauty around me. And take that breath under the dark sky full of stars. Breathe in. Breathe out. That's all."
          -Mira Furlan


          • #6
            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post


            Me: “Ok, I can put you at the <Hotel Name> for $59”
            SC: “How do I get there?”
            Me: “They have a shuttle”
            SC: “To the <Hotel Name>?”

            ….no. It comes from the <Hotel Name>, but when it arrives they beat you senseless with your own luggage, bind your hands and feet, blindfold you than drive randomly around Houston for the next 2 hours while digging through your belongs and wearing your panties on their heads while singing along to the Bohemian Rhapsody until you regain consciousness. Than they shove you out the door at an undisclosed location and one of them whispers the cryptic hint: “Home of the Whopper” in your ear before they speed away with your underoos.

            And upon coming to your senses, calling HPD is another traumatic experience waiting to happen as you are now sans undies, in the cold at undisclosed location and then have to wait, at minimum if you're luck, 12 hours for a response because you're not on fire, bleeding to death or naked. And once someone from that illustrious organization finally arrives you'll be told they just can't do anything for you, so sorry, better luck next time, there's a Wal-Mart down the street where you can buy new boxers.

            What, me? Bitter? Disillusioned? Powerless in my abject rage at their flaming incompetence and ignorance? NEVER... >.<


            • #7
              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

              Surrendering Dignity

              Ok, seriously, guys. If you are about to drop $100 on or already shelled out $100 on this:

              And now have gold foil on your ass cheek, it’s probably time to sit down and re-evaluate your life. Yes, these are men’s jeans. No, these aren’t the only example. There’s a whole line of “Silly things printed on my butt cheek” for men in the new 2009 catalog. Including my personal favourite: A hot pink skull. Nothing says manly like having blazing hot pink on your butt cheek. The majority are one cheek. Though there are two examples where both cheeks are artistically impaired. However, dual cheeks will cost you an additional $50. Because you’re paying for double butt cool.

              I’m already terrified because they’ve already gotten a whiff of these new pants. Soon they’ll be slathering at the bit for these and I will die a little bit inside every time someone orders them. And they will order them.

              At my store we have men's jeans with a rather ornate, ummmm, "design" on the ass pockets.

              I opened up the tote containing them the first time they came in and was like "Oh hell no, I will NOT be caught dead in those."

              Too much ornamentation on the ass pockets of jeans is femmy. So it is written, so it shall be done.

              So why do I get the feeling these will go over big in Nunavut? I think I need to go lie down for awhile.
              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


              • #8
                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                Save Vs Shame

                So Burnaby finally claimed me as a victim today. Since Burnaby still has not had plow, salt, shovel or even garbage pick up for 2 weeks. Now the snow is still there but its covered entirely in black ice. It was this black ice that proved my….er….well, down fall. I’d managed to stay on my feet for 2 weeks of this and it finally got me. I failed my saving throw. Lost one leg. Tried to catch myself on the other but, well, it was on black ice too. Tried to catch myself on the snow bank…..annnnd no such luck because it has a 1 inch crust of ice on it so my hand just slid off. Thus I landed on my derrier. While I only took 1D4 points of damage, my pride sustained at least 2D6.

                But luckily this damage was halved because no one was around to witness my shame.
                But then you went and told all of us!
                "If you find yourself fantasizing about throwing actual users into a blender, please get help... they're heavy." - Tom Dickson


                • #9
                  Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                  Surrendering Dignity

                  Ok, seriously, guys. If you are about to drop $100 on or already shelled out $100 on this:

                  And now have gold foil on your ass cheek, it’s probably time to sit down and re-evaluate your life.
                  Hmm, over here we have females wearing jogging trousers with 'juicy' across both cheeks. They are only worn however by the prepubescent and those who's arse measument is best dealt with in miles.

                  Juicy they are not.
                  A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                  • #10
                    I once worked an office job (that convinced me I never, ever wanted to work an office job again) where one of my co-workers came in wearing jeans with 'Bootylicious' across the ass.

                    And no, she was not 'bootylicious'. Or employed very long.


                    • #11
                      lol omg the jeans amuse me on a level i didnt know i could reach


                      • #12
                        Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
                        lol omg the jeans amuse me on a level i didnt know i could reach
                        You should see the hot pink ones. But I can't find a picture so far. ><


                        • #13
                          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                          DurrrMe: “Ok, I can put you at the <Hotel Name> for $59”SC: “How do I get there?”Me: “They have a shuttle”SC: “To the <Hotel Name>?”….no. It comes from the <Hotel Name>, but when it arrives they beat you senseless with your own luggage, bind your hands and feet, blindfold you than drive randomly around Houston for the next 2 hours while digging through your belongs and wearing your panties on their heads while singing along to the Bohemian Rhapsody until you regain consciousness. Than they shove you out the door at an undisclosed location and one of them whispers the cryptic hint: “Home of the Whopper” in your ear before they speed away with your underoos
                          The sad thing is, I wouldn't be all that surprised if something like that DID hapen here in Houston..... And the HPD won't be of much help. Don't get me wrong I love it out here, but the people that live here. Let's just say I wouldn't be surprised I pink camo ever got big out here.

                          Yes, that's the formula: ( W / CN ) - ( B + MEC) = Self Worth
                          Well if that's true then my self worth is = -255.7265! Wow um that really rose my self esteem....


                          • #14
                            But you should ignore all that, pay for the towing and give me the cars back
                            They must know my old co-worker M who did the same thing at his apartment complex. Parked in a covered spot he knew he hadn't paid for. and then complained at work that the man who'd actually paid for the space had "No right to have my car towed."


                            • #15
                              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                              Save Vs Shame

                              So Burnaby finally claimed me as a victim today. Since Burnaby still has not had plow, salt, shovel or even garbage pick up for 2 weeks. Now the snow is still there but its covered entirely in black ice. It was this black ice that proved my….er….well, down fall. I’d managed to stay on my feet for 2 weeks of this and it finally got me. I failed my saving throw. Lost one leg. Tried to catch myself on the other but, well, it was on black ice too. Tried to catch myself on the snow bank…..annnnd no such luck because it has a 1 inch crust of ice on it so my hand just slid off. Thus I landed on my derrier. While I only took 1D4 points of damage, my pride sustained at least 2D6.

                              But luckily this damage was halved because no one was around to witness my shame.
                              Oh, I know how it feels to land on my rear... I'm sorry 'bout that.

                              But you still confessed it to us so you got at least 1D6 damage
                              Last edited by pacman; 01-04-2009, 07:08 PM. Reason: A little safer language
                              A man can be stupid and not know it, but not if he is married.

