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Sorry, You Ain't Gonna Get It Here.

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  • Sorry, You Ain't Gonna Get It Here.

    Okay, I realize that the very sight of computers in the Library are like a magnet to some. We're thrilled that you want to spend some of your Museum visit in our Library. However, we must tell you that not all Libraries are the same. The main Public Library a long block away has more breadth than we do but, because we're an Art Library, we can often provide more information on art than the Public Library can give you. In quick succession, on January 2, 2009 we received two requests we really couldn't handle but the Public Library could.

    First, we had two young men. They appeared to be Rastafarians and were searching our OPAC for information on "Haille Sellassie". They got nothing and were a bit disturbed. How could any Library worthy of the name not have a great deal of information on this important historical figure?

    It was pointed out that we're an Art Library. We have plenty of material in Ethiopian art. We have plenty on the image known as the "Lion of Judah". We have next to nothing about the man himself. It was still shameful in their eyes. We might get a complaint on this one but I think we can cover ourselves decently. At least they were polite.

    The other was an intelligent but entitled Middle School student who searched for the "Oldest Living Thing" I knew she couldn't find that in the OPAC and told her so. We suggested that she go to the Public Library because I had a sneaking suspicion her report was due on the first day of school after Christmas break and I think she needed a bit of help and asked her a few questions to focus her research. (such as it was).

    "The Oldest Living Thing" might mean many different things. Was she looking for:

    1) Animal or Vegetable? That makes a big difference in your search.

    2) The oldest known species still alive today?

    3) The oldest individual of a species? Again, plant or animal? Would a 175 year old tortoise serve.

    The girl wasn't as interested in this report as she seemed to be. She was as attached to her water bottle as a teething baby is to a pacifier and equally attached to the computer.

    There are things we can do and do very well. There are other things we can't do well at all but we can direct people to others who can help them find what they want. We just do what we can.
    Research is the art of reading what everyone has read and seeing what no one else has seen.