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candy bars that turn into water

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  • candy bars that turn into water

    So I dunno if its because of "aunt flo" or what but customers are really getting on my nerves.The first guy comes up and looks at the candy bars on the counter and then screams WATER!!!And I don't if I'm still in xmas vaction mode or aunt flo mode but I respond(kinda smartass).Well no those are candy bars not water.Water is in that red thing in the corner.And then I had to repeat the total not once but four times.

    The second buys like one of everything in the store and then comes up to pay.I ask him do you need a receipt.He looks at me and says nothing.So I bag his crap and he just stands there,after a few seconds he says Well I need a receipt.So I responded with sir you NEED to tell me that not just stand there,that is very rude. I couldn't say what I was thinking.

    I know its just little things but god do we as cashiers not deserve the very basic human respect?

  • #2
    Quoth candyshopgirl View Post
    I know its just little things but god do we as cashiers not deserve the very basic human respect?
    Clearly that answer is No. But then again I am a selfcentered ass that doesn't know what the words thank you and please mean. Oh wait, that was what one of my customers should have said.
    Melody Gardot


    • #3
      Years of work as a cashier have told me that while we should be entitled to some basic decency, it just won't happen. I've injured myself at work, cut my hand quite badly, and a customer came up to me and started asking me about the sale. I excused myself, wiping up quite a bit of blood, and he complained to my coworkers that I was short and rude to him! Did he not see the blood dripping down my arm?

      On that note - I hate cardboard cuts, particularly the ones that go across the entire hand.


      • #4
        Quoth Shamus View Post
        Years of work as a cashier have told me that while we should be entitled to some basic decency, it just won't happen. I've injured myself at work, cut my hand quite badly, and a customer came up to me and started asking me about the sale. I excused myself, wiping up quite a bit of blood, and he complained to my coworkers that I was short and rude to him! Did he not see the blood dripping down my arm?

        On that note - I hate cardboard cuts, particularly the ones that go across the entire hand.
        HOW DARE you have the audacity to bleed! You should be a robot!
        No longer a flight atttendant!


        • #5
          But even robots would leak hydraulic fluid if damaged. (If they're based on hydraulic actuators, that is.)


          • #6
            Quoth Chromatix View Post
            But even robots would leak hydraulic fluid if damaged. (If they're based on hydraulic actuators, that is.)
            *points accusingly* Nerd!!

            Hehe! I'm sorry, I just had to.
            "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

            ...Beware the voice without a face...


            • #7
              Hehe, I was also thinking of the Simpsons episode where Homer goes to college and points at a geeky looking kid. "Neeeeeerrrrd!"
              Osoroshii kangae nimo osoware masu...


              • #8
                Quoth Iris Kojiro View Post
                Hehe, I was also thinking of the Simpsons episode where Homer goes to college and points at a geeky looking kid. "Neeeeeerrrrd!"
                Hello Dean? You're a stupidhead!

                Homer, is that you?

                AAAAGGGHHHHH! *runs away*

                Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                • #9
                  It's not always just the customers.......these days it seems most managers or supervisors are just as heartless.

                  In my case, it's the shift leads, who aren't my bosses, but they are higher up than me. The biggest cases of heartlessness...last year while training, my knee blew out and I needed to fill out an injury report and Ramsay *tried to* refuse to let me go do it because I NEEDED to be training!!!111!!eleventy!!!11!

                  And then in more recent times, I've nicked myself on product and given myself some pretty nice cuts and had to make a beeline for the first aid kit, booking ass out of the room with my finger in my mouth or squeezing my finger or wrist, only to fly past Ann or Ramsay, standing there with their hands on their hips demanding to know why I'm leaving the room and stopping production.
                  You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                  • #10
                    Quoth blas87 View Post
                    booking ass out of the room with my finger in my mouth or squeezing my finger or wrist, only to fly past Ann or Ramsay, standing there with their hands on their hips demanding to know why I'm leaving the room and stopping production.
                    Which is when you gesticulate and spray them with blood.
                    If I dropped everybody who occasionally said something stupid from my list of potential partners, I wouldn’t even be able to masturbate


                    • #11
                      Quoth candyshopgirl View Post
                      So I dunno if its because of "aunt flo" or what but customers are really getting on my nerves.The first guy comes up and looks at the candy bars on the counter and then screams WATER!!!And I don't if I'm still in xmas vaction mode or aunt flo mode but I respond(kinda smartass).Well no those are candy bars not water.Water is in that red thing in the corner.And then I had to repeat the total not once but four times.

                      The second buys like one of everything in the store and then comes up to pay.I ask him do you need a receipt.He looks at me and says nothing.So I bag his crap and he just stands there,after a few seconds he says Well I need a receipt.So I responded with sir you NEED to tell me that not just stand there,that is very rude. I couldn't say what I was thinking.

                      I know its just little things but god do we as cashiers not deserve the very basic human respect?
                      I applaud you, ma'am [bows]


                      • #12
                        The second buys like one of everything in the store and then comes up to pay.I ask him do you need a receipt.He looks at me and says nothing.So I bag his crap and he just stands there,after a few seconds he says Well I need a receipt.
                        Ack...I know this type of customer very well. In the shop I work in we give customers numbers so that when their food is ready we call the number and they come over and take it.
                        I can't count the number of customers who will just stand there in total silence as you call the number several times and actually watch you take it over to the bench (where orders go while they wait for the customers to come back...some like to go for a walk while they wait for their food).
                        Then after several more calls of the number, they reach over and wave their number in your face. No sound, just hand waving and angry stares. I they not have a voice? Am I suppose to read their mind? I didn't realise it was a prerequisite for my job. *rollseyes*

                        As for the guy who screamed WATER. WTF?? Hahaha! Weird.
                        Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia. ~Charles Schulz


                        • #13
                          If you don't tell me you need it when I ask you don't get it.
                          Maybe next time you'll speak up huh?

                          I think it's a good thing I don't work with the public anymore, I'd get in soo much trouble.


                          • #14
                            But even robots would leak hydraulic fluid if damaged. (If they're based on hydraulic actuators, that is.)
                            but they're still suppose to stop leaking hydraulic fluid when an SC wants attention.


                            • #15
                              Quoth NightWatch View Post
                              *points accusingly* Nerd!!

                              Hehe! I'm sorry, I just had to.
                              Quoth Iris Kojiro View Post
                              Hehe, I was also thinking of the Simpsons episode where Homer goes to college and points at a geeky looking kid. "Neeeeeerrrrd!"

                              That is all.
                              PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                              There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!

