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My computer should last FOREVER!

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  • My computer should last FOREVER!

    (Actually, this post got disrupted when I had to go up to my store at 11pm because the alarm was going off. Yea!)

    An older lady comes in sometime in 2008 looking for a replacement printer for her 'new' computer. I go through the usual stuff and she actually settles on one. She wants extra ink and paper and is even interested in the warranty! WOO! Now I go for the hat-trick and ask if she needs a new USB cable.

    <SC> What's UBS?
    <me> USB. It's the small, flat connector to plug your printer to your computer.
    <SC> I don't have one of those. My old printer has a big cable.
    <me> Well, do you have a USB port? *shows what they look like*
    <SC> Oh, I don't have THAT.
    <me> I thought you said your computer was new?
    <SC> It's not THAT old. I don't remember when I bought it.
    <me> -_- What version of windows do you have?
    <SC> Um... I think it's Windows 95.

    Remember, this is 2008. Windows 95 is THIRTEEN YEARS OLD! This is NOT a new computer!!!

    <me> Ma'am... Windows 95 came out in 1995... and it was replaced by 98, me, XP and now Vista. The printers only take Vista and XP.
    <SC> Why is that? It still works!
    <me> It may, but things change.
    <SC> So what do I have to get to make my computer work with it?
    <me> A new computer.
    <SC> But mine still works!!!
    <me> Yeah, but it's out of date. It would cost more to upgrade it than to get a new one.
    <SC> THat's not fair! My computer still works so they should still make stuff for it!

    This pretty much ended this sale. She refused to believe me that her 13 year old computer was out of date and that she couldn't get anything new for it. She was sure she could find something that worked with her antique at another store.

    I've had people looking for Windows 3.1 compatable stuff and even disks for a Commodore Amiga!

    Any other Tales of Obsolecence?

  • #2
    Last January i saw some software that still supports 2000 on windows and MAYBE printer drivers for Mac OS 9 if you really look. But now even 2000 is hard to find any you are lucky to get anything earlier than Mac OS 10.2.


    • #3
      Yeah, another lady came in today (reminded me of the other story, but hers wasn't as interesting). She had windows 2000 and none of the HP printers we carry work with 2k. She was ok about it, but I remembered how the other lady was just fighting to keep her old POS alive.


      • #4
        I do tech support for a company with many schools as customers. School districts (well, some of them) are notorious for having no money and never updating their computer equipment.

        Just today I had a customer using Mac OS 9.2

        This week I had another one using Win 98.

        In the past I've had at least one using Win 95.

        We also have a 'legacy' software that hasn't been updated since 1996. I have had at least two dozen customers still using this software, despite having a free (feature-limited) version of the new stuff.

        Also, at one point our devices used SCSI connections as that was the new hotness. Actually, its a great technology for certain applications to this day. Many customers still have these devices, one model cannot use anything but SCSI or serial. Good luck finding a SCSI card these days, or even a computer that will hold one.

        Then we have the 20% or so that have the new stuff with Vista, which is a whole separate headache!


        • #5
          You can't entirely blame older folks for not getting that computers etc. go out of date so fast. You and I may have grown up with technology that's out of date almost before it hits the shelves, but most people grew up when things WERE new for 13 years. Yeah some people can adjust easily to changing times and technology, but keep in mind that in the last 60 years we've made more technological advances than we have in the last 600.
          The High Priest is an Illusion!


          • #6
            Quoth ThreatLevelMidnight View Post
            Also, at one point our devices used SCSI connections as that was the new hotness. Actually, its a great technology for certain applications to this day. Many customers still have these devices, one model cannot use anything but SCSI or serial. Good luck finding a SCSI card these days, or even a computer that will hold one.
            Me being my usual snarky self, I had to point out that SCSI cards are not hard to find.

            Of course, getting the right match between SCSI-1, SCSI-2, FAST SCSI, Wide SCSI, UW-SCSI, Differential SCSI, and Serial Attached SCSI will be a whole different ball game. That's the one thing I hated about SCSI was making sure I got the right connectors for the right equipment.


            • #7
              Quoth Pedersen View Post
              Me being my usual snarky self, I had to point out that SCSI cards are not hard to find.

              Of course, getting the right match between...
              Ok, fair enough. However, most of my customers have never heard of SCSI, let alone know how to find one on the internet. Also, our devices are very picky about the type. Right now there are only two (by Adaptec) that we know work, one for desktops and one for laptops.

              Anyway, too much semantic babbling!

              This week I had a guy who didn't realize that downloading is not the same as installing. He thought it would auto-install when it was done downloading.


              • #8
                Quoth Pedersen View Post
                Me being my usual snarky self, I had to point out that SCSI cards are not hard to find.
                True, it's just a pain to deal with them.
                I AM the evil bastard!
                A+ Certified IT Technician


                • #9
                  One of my computers...still runs Windows 98. Right now, it's hiding in the closet, as there aren't any free network ports currently. That's not the only one--I have an ancient Dell laptop...with 95 on it. Only thing that's good for, is playing Castle Wolfenstein
                  Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                  • #10
                    I just retired my decade old Windows 98SE machine this year. It still runs, albeit a bit slow, but it's been consigned to the closet. However, it's not the oldest functional computer still in my possession. Somewhere, packed away in a box, is a Commodore VIC-20.
                    "Sigh, I'm going to Hell.....but I'm going with a smile on my face." -- Gravekeeper


                    • #11
                      I say tell them to hit up pawn shops and garage sales.
                      When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. ---Colleen C. Barrett---


                      • #12
                        Quoth Mara-chan View Post
                        I've had people looking for Windows 3.1 compatable stuff and even disks for a Commodore Amiga!

                        Any other Tales of Obsolecence?
                        Well, I can tell you that Amiga floppies are still available... sells all the older style discs

                        That will be great if I ever finish that computer game idea I had when I was using my C-64 in 1985

                        Originally Posted by edible_hat
                        (also, wouldn't lube work better in a f***ing machine?)


                        • #13
                          Quoth ThreatLevelMidnight View Post
                          This week I had another one using Win 98.

                          In the past I've had at least one using Win 95.
                          If you ask me, having a customer using those operating systems in 2008 is not quite as bad as looking to purchase them.

                          Yeah. I've had multiple customers, as far back as early 2005, come into the store and ask for an upgrade copy of Windows 95 or 98. Some got mad when I told them I only had XP (and, later, Vista and XP) available. Of course, it didn't help thing when I later told them that, at least in my town, the only way I knew to get those programs was to order them online, and that opened up whole new levels of problems when they thought it might be a good idea to try sites like eBay.

                          Also had a customer in 2006 who was still using Windows 3.11 and wanted a new printer. And a customer in early 2007 who wanted a serial mouse. Nothing particularly sucky about them, though.
                          I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
                          - Bill Watterson

                          My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
                          - IPF


                          • #14
                            It could be worse...the customer could have been looking for a copy of CP/M or games for his TI 99-4/A

                            Sometimes though, not everyone can afford a new computer. At home, both of mine (well, the ones I still play with, anyway ) are approaching 6 and 8 years respectively...and eventually, parts will be a problem. Not only will I probably not be able to get things, but if I do, they'll be more expensive than the things are worth. At least I can always play "scavenger hunt" with the "retired" (aka "junk") machines at work
                            Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                            • #15
                              Back in 2003, when I still worked for a software company, we had a client call up for a replacement for his disk. Usually not a problem. But he wanted a replacement for his floppy disk. His 8.5 inch floppy disk. The one he bought from us in 1982! He was not happy when he found out that Reagan wasn't president anymore either.
                              "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"

