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Sunflower Seeds!

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  • #16
    Quoth Cia View Post
    In highschool the goatropers would spit their chew into the drinking fountains.
    Aghh! I haerd about a guy doing that at our store once, thank goodness I didn't actually see it. Ewwwww...


    • #17
      Quoth XCashier View Post
      And they stuck their used chaws on the walls, other people's lockers and in the drinking fountain spigots.

      Closest I've had was some fellow high-schoolers who picked a few random lockers (mine among them) in our old building and used them for chewed-gum repositories. It got to the point where I turned the dial of my locker with a piece of notebook paper between my fingers and it because of all the gum wadded on it, and then used the same paper to lift the latch (where more gum had been stuffed). I couldn't figure out why it was so amusing to whoever-it-was to deposit chewed gum on a locker like that.

      At least when they finished building the new high school, the lockers weren't in a main thoroughfare like in the old building, so there weren't as many gum and graffiti problems. Yet.
      "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
      - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


      • #18
        It is the bane of any housekeepers day when you enter a room to find the floor littered with sunflower shells. In most cases despite the fact that the room is equipped with wastebaskets and disposable cups they feel it necessary to drop them at their butts. It's a pain to vacuum. I love sunflowers seeds (keeps me from biting my nails) but would never ever drop the shells on the floor or eat in public.
        My Horror Blog



        • #19
          We had those jerks at my high school, too. They were known as the "Cowboys", they wore western clothes, walked with an exaggerated swagger, talked with the phoniest Texas drawls, and constantly chewed tobacco. There was not one square foot of spit-free sidewalk anywhere in the school. And they stuck their used chaws on the walls, other people's lockers and in the drinking fountain spigots. Needless to say, they were the least popular clique in school. The one thing the Jocks, Stoners, Nerds, Valley Girls, Punks, New Wavers and everyone else agreed on: they hated the Cowboys and their chewing tobacco!
          Nearer to Houston, those same "Cowboys" that you described were known to us as, "Kickers" These were the wanna be cowboys...though a friend of mine was a true cowboy, inside and out till the day he died.

          Ok, I admit it, I am a sun-flower addict, at least, I am a recent However, I will not chew or spit them out in public. I am a closet addict...and they have helped me cut back on smoking at home.

          Now I do have an issue with tabacco chewers..and a serious one, because if yous thought finding seeds were bad, we had a guy walking around the store spitting the tabacco in anything and everything, including produce.


          • #20
            Quoth Gypsy-Rose View Post
            Nearer to Houston, those same "Cowboys" that you described were known to us as, "Kickers" These were the wanna be cowboys...though a friend of mine was a true cowboy, inside and out till the day he died.
            They called themselves "cowboys", but there was no mistaking them for real cowboys. I'd bet money that the closest they'd ever been to riding a horse is the carousel at the State Fair!

            Quoth Gypsy-Rose View Post
            Now I do have an issue with tabacco chewers..and a serious one, because if yous thought finding seeds were bad, we had a guy walking around the store spitting the tabacco in anything and everything, including produce.
            ICK! I hope they found the jerk and made him pay for all the stuff he ruined!
            I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
            My LiveJournal
            A page we can all agree with!


            • #21
              I thought of this thread when I opened the cabnet we keep our candy backstock in and discovered a HUGE box of sunflower seed hang bags!

              Why? Why must we give them the means?
              "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

              ~TechSmith 314
              HellGate: London


              • #22
                Goatroper = cowboy. Western clothing, cowboy boots and hat, pickup trucks w/ gunrack and at least one rifle. The real deal, more or less, 4H'rs and such and so forth. Most of the chew was in the fountains closest to D parking lot where they congregated. Which was near the art rooms, automotive and construction classes.

                A relative of mine, who is a real cowboy, could give them Texans a South Dakota drawl that would bring them to their knees.
                Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

                I'm a case study.

