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Thoughtless Comments

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  • Thoughtless Comments

    Argh, had some customers today who just really need to THINK before they speak.

    Earlier I had a lady through my till, it took a long time to ring her up because she was disabled (thalidomide, and dwarfism) and so needed me to help put everything on the belt, pack it, and put it in her trolley. No problem doing this; however, the couple behind her were standing there huffing and puffing and looking at their watches and exclaiming loudly "Looks like we chose the wrong line." As she finished and moved away, the couple came through, and said "People like that shouldn't be allowed to come shopping on their own when its busy." Worst of all, the first lady was sitting on a chair nearby, still in earshot. If the couple hadn't had more than a few items I'd have refused to serve them, but I thought it best to get them out the way. I apologised to the woman afterwards, but that made me so angry Why shouldn't she be allowed to be indepedent? She's disabled; not stupid.

    Later on in the day, we had some boy scouts in to fundraise by helping us with packing; most customers let them then gave them £1 or so. Was going well until they asked a lady if she wanted their help. "Oh no" she says, "I don't like giving to the scouts, not with all those paedophile leaders around" You've completely insulted their leader, and totally freaked out the boys, couldn't you just have said no thank you? Jeez.

    And then, not long after that I had the following gem:
    Lady, who'd just purchased around £150 of groceries: "I wish I was anorexic, then maybe I'd be rich.."
    Me: (thinking: keep stupid comments like that to yourself please, anorexia is a serious illness not something people do just to save money, idiot)

    Really, I despair

  • #2
    Yeah. People are utter asshats at times. God forbid that poor first woman be independent! It moderately inconveniences the other far more IMPORTANT people behind her.

    And those boy scouts, well, obviously they deserve to be insulted and their efforts to do something worth doing as kids trampled upon because there are pedophiles out there, and some of them became scout leaders. It's OBVIOUSLY their fault.

    Finally, of course you'd be rich if you had anorexia! I mean, all anorexics are thin and happy and rich, because they don't spend much money on food. They obviously don't have a crippling eating disorder...

    Yeah, some people don't think about what they're saying or how it might impact others. No social conscience at all... They need a good old fashioned
    Character flaws aren't a philosophy -Scott Adams


    • #3
      MAN! To be in your line when those dumbasses said that. How insensitive. That kind of stuff really breaks my heart! Rather than asking if you and the lady wanted further help (since there were two of these asshats standing there) - they huffed about how inconvienced they were!

      And the scout thing...I, personally, don't like or support the Boy Scouts of America. I feel that their open discrimination against gay people is intolerable. They claim they are a "private" organization and have the right to refuse anyone they want, however, they are a "public" organization and they get special treatment from government organizations and hold their campouts for next to nothing ($1 for a HUGE plot of land for their annual campout) on public lands. HOWEVER, that is my personal opinion, and although I will discuss it among a group of adults or here on a board, I would never bring this up to the child that is particpating with the Scouts - their children - they either don't care or you'll make them worry over crap that you decided to spew at them when they simply offered you assistance. There's a special place for these folks:

      "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


      • #4
        Thank god I wasn't there.

        "If you think you picked the wrong line because of someone who has a problem, then by all means GO TO ANOTHER LINE YOU INSENSITIVE PRICKS!"

        This is why I don't deal with the general public face to face. I wouldn't last 5 minutes at any job like that. There should be a law against SCs.
        I did not sell my soul to Satan. He does have a long term lease with the option to buy.


        • #5
          People can be thoughtless and rude.

          A check in girl at the airport was struggling with cancer, had undergone chemo etc. One woman passenger looked at her ID pass and said 'you looked so much better with longer hair.' I don't know why people insist on making insensitive comments, they should learn to think before they speak!
          No longer a flight atttendant!


          • #6
            I wonder if sometimes they are angry and make off the wall comments that SEEM innocent and ignorant, all the while knowing full well that what they are saying is WRONG!
            "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


            • #7
              Quoth PrincessKatieAirHostess View Post
              People can be thoughtless and rude.


              I don't know why people insist on making insensitive comments, they should learn to think before they speak!

              Either they don't care that they are being rude, they honestly think they're "helping", or...

              Oh, I can't handle it anymore.
              Unseen but seeing
              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
              3rd shift needs love, too
              RIP, mo bhrionglóid


              • #8
                To the third story: Cause, you know, models for fashion shows are rich, waiffish, and thin. And they have a tendency toward anorexia, because of peer pressure. Someone used a 'blanket statement' to categorize all rich people.
                Hell, Look at Oprah, she's rich, and her weight fluctuates like crazy!
                "I call murder on that!"


                • #9
                  I've started to not care as much when such comments come my way. I just let things roll off my shoulders a bit. Like, I get called "stupid" and "useless" every day because I can't fix someone's system32 error in three minutes or less. pfft. Yeah. Cuz' i can magically upgrade your RAM and processor clockspeed/cache with my nonexistant magical wang...

                  Anyway, insensitive comments say about my gender and weight? I end up laughing it off. Like "You shore' you can fix that thang for me honey?" and I'm like "No, but I like jamming screw drivers into floppy drives and seeing what happens LOL."


                  • #10
                    Man, this was my last day of work and I was just looking at the clock. This lady of Chinese descent came up, spoke in perfectly fluent English and asked for a sandwich. As she moved down the line towards the sandwhich station, which is still in hearing distance of my till, this trucker type walks over, smiles and says `God, aren`t there any white people left in Canada?` I started to smile, but then I realized what he was saying and I woùnd up being pretty for the rest of his order.

                    Damn, I wish I`d been of quicker wit back then.
                    "Being crazy was the only thing that kept me from going insane."
                    - Raven


                    • #11
                      These all are classic examples of "Foot in Mouth" disease and it's highly contagious. Sadly, there's no telethon to raise money for research purposes at this time.

                      So be careful out there . . . get immunized as soon as possible.
                      Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                      • #12
                        Quoth Pezzle View Post
                        Cuz' i can magically upgrade your RAM and processor clockspeed/cache with my nonexistant magical wang...
                        Uhhh...something we should know? :ducks:
                        Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

                        Proverbs 22:6


                        • #13
                          My mother in law is very very bad for doing stuff like this. To the point where I do not go out in public with her even at gunpoint (believe me my wife considered that at one point and I told her to just go ahead and shoot me it would hurt less than being in public with her mom.) Fortunately my mind has blocked out most of her worst commetns.

                          Example: Red Lobster: Our server was not a White AngloSaxonProtestant and spoke with a bit of an accent. I had no trouble understanding her, my wife had no trouble understanding her but my MIL did. She spent most of the dinner talkign in rude tourist mode to our server and complaining about how english should be legally required for everyone to work in america. I was seriously considering how to use a lobster claw to do severe harm to her.

                          Another: I forget where we where but somehow the subject of cars came up and i mentioned somethign about wanting a cadillac and she said why would i want a n**** mobile and started in about how they couldnt take care of cars and always drove cadillacs even on welfare etc... I actually told her to shut up or die that time.

                          I cannot begin to tell you how glad i was when she moved to the other end of the state and we only have to deal with her once a year or so.


                          • #14
                            My mother is an sc, a big-time sc.

                            I was about to graduate from high school. My parents were divorced, thus we had two separate parties. Mom ordered a tray of goodies from a local supermarket, part of a chain in the area.

                            We went to pick it up, and guess what? Mom had called the order in to the wrong store, and proceeded to nag and berate the poor woman in the grocery department to no end.

                            I regret to say that I didn't tell my mother to shut the fuck up, I tried to smooth things over and wound up getting money out for bus fare.

                            If the unfortunate Northeast PA grocery clerk is on this board, I'm really really really sorry.

                            (And my mom wonders why I don't want to go places with her when she acts like that)


                            • #15
                              Quoth Pezzle View Post
                              Cuz' i can magically upgrade your RAM and processor clockspeed/cache with my nonexistant magical wang...
                              Again with the stereotypes! Can't us magicians get a fair break in society any more? I mean, when you can't do what the SC's want you to at work, why make it an action that only a "magician" can do? I tell you, I feel so persecuted.....

                              /ridiculous joke

                              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                              Still A Customer."

