We had a reseller who felt he deserved a better discount than we were offering him. He argued a lot. But, since he hadn't bought squat from us in four years, we politely told him "no."
Seriously, he's lucky to be getting any discount at all at this point. Most people would expect you to actually re-sell things if they give you a reseller discount.
Instead of taking it like a grown-up, he started whining. Actual talking-through-the-nose whining. That didn't work either.
After he realized he wan't going to win, he gave us the best parting shot:
"How's the weather up where you guys are?"
"Oh, cold and snowy."
"Since you won't give me a better discount, I hope it gets colder." <click>
Cue me
Seriously, he's lucky to be getting any discount at all at this point. Most people would expect you to actually re-sell things if they give you a reseller discount.
Instead of taking it like a grown-up, he started whining. Actual talking-through-the-nose whining. That didn't work either.
After he realized he wan't going to win, he gave us the best parting shot:
"How's the weather up where you guys are?"
"Oh, cold and snowy."
"Since you won't give me a better discount, I hope it gets colder." <click>
Cue me
