The library has a courtesy phone. It's purpose was just to be used as an emergency phone, but of course the management isn't going to police it or take our side if we police it.
There is a note on it that says, "3 min. use"
That sign is ignored.
Today I see a woman walk up to it and had some form that looked like a tax form. I thought to myself "We should add a sign that says 'do not use phone to call IRS'". People come up, ask questions, so we are busy and the woman is on the phone, on hold for a while and was talking for a while about whatever her problem is.
I see a person waiting. I tell the woman, "Some one is waiting on for the phone." I didn't tell her to get off the phone or to hurry up. Most people who use the phone don't realize people are waiting. Usually the person on the phone nods and I don't hurry them unless more than 2 min. pass and it seems they are not getting off the phone.
So, again, I told her someone was waiting for the phone, but I didn't tell her to get off the phone.
The c&*# says, "I wasn't on for 3 min."
I say: Yes, you were.
c&*#: No I wasn't!
me: You were on hold for more than 3 min.
c&*#: I'm not getting off!
me: I'll get security.
So I get security and he tells her she has to get off the phone, that she was on more than 3 min.
c&*#: She's lying! I havn't been on for 3 min!
She finally got off a min. latter.
But her whole attitude was so foul. She automatically protested, like it's second nature; I don't know if she thought she wasn't on for 3 min. but she might be the type of person who is used to bullying, and never thinks she is doing wrong.
There is a note on it that says, "3 min. use"
That sign is ignored.
Today I see a woman walk up to it and had some form that looked like a tax form. I thought to myself "We should add a sign that says 'do not use phone to call IRS'". People come up, ask questions, so we are busy and the woman is on the phone, on hold for a while and was talking for a while about whatever her problem is.
I see a person waiting. I tell the woman, "Some one is waiting on for the phone." I didn't tell her to get off the phone or to hurry up. Most people who use the phone don't realize people are waiting. Usually the person on the phone nods and I don't hurry them unless more than 2 min. pass and it seems they are not getting off the phone.
So, again, I told her someone was waiting for the phone, but I didn't tell her to get off the phone.
The c&*# says, "I wasn't on for 3 min."
I say: Yes, you were.
c&*#: No I wasn't!
me: You were on hold for more than 3 min.
c&*#: I'm not getting off!
me: I'll get security.
So I get security and he tells her she has to get off the phone, that she was on more than 3 min.
c&*#: She's lying! I havn't been on for 3 min!
She finally got off a min. latter.
But her whole attitude was so foul. She automatically protested, like it's second nature; I don't know if she thought she wasn't on for 3 min. but she might be the type of person who is used to bullying, and never thinks she is doing wrong.