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Fun family death time yaaay

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  • Fun family death time yaaay

    Like I said to Catherine, I'm just copying the IMs I sent to her in here because I'm not typing this all up again. But yeah, aside from editing a couple of names (like IM names ), here's what happens when families who drink too much and hate each other experience a death in the ranks.

    Catherine (1:06:50 PM): So, what's the story?

    Mysty (1:07:14 PM): Oh dear God. Okay. Let's see if I can make this shorter than it is.

    Mysty (1:07:55 PM): Okay, a girl comes in with an obituary for her grandmother. We don't usually take obits from family members unless they have documented proof of the death. This story is going to tell you why.

    Mysty (1:08:26 PM): And even WITH the documented proof, I wish we wouldn't. Anyway...

    Mysty (1:09:49 PM): So she brings me the obit, and fills everything out, and she's been working to get this together, obviously, so I'm nice to her. She asks about a photo and I give her an extra half hour to give me the picture. She and the lady with her, I assume her mom or something, leave. Case closed, so far as I think.

    Mysty (1:10:37 PM): About twenty minutes later, phone call from some woman wanting to add a memorial account to the obit. I assume (and we all are reminded what assuming does) that it was one of the two ladies and add it.

    Mysty (1:11:28 PM): About ten minutes after that, some guy calls, saying he's the lady's son. And HE starts telling me to take the memorial off, and instead to include that memorials can be made DIRECTLY TO HIM, at the funeral. Which, by the way, is being held in a bar. BAR.

    Mysty (1:12:55 PM): So, first of all, yeah, no. We don't do that in our free one because holy crap. Second of all, I don't know this guy from Adam. And third of all, even if he IS who he says he is, now we have fighting family members and we're not getting in the middle of that.

    Mysty (1:14:49 PM): So I tell him I can't put that in and further, now that we've got family members fighting over it, we are going to pull the obit and hold it until they can get together and agree on what the hell to put in, because there'd be liability and slander and whatnot issues and we are NOT exposing ourselves to that. Dude says the girl who came in is his daughter and has no rights to put anything in, even though she had a death certificate for proof. Then starts giving me this sob story about how this is the first death in his family and it's his mom and whine whine cry.

    Mysty (1:15:38 PM): Well, I can't budge on it even if I want to, and I don't want to because oh my God, it's getting nasty. So he says all dramatic WE'RE GONNA GET THIS SORTED OUT and hangs up on me, and I pull the obit. This is the point where I fled for lunch.

    Mysty (1:16:11 PM): Well, no, first, I had to call the poor granddaughter and tell her we were having to hold the obit because her dad was being a buttnugget, and she promised to get it sorted out. Then I fled.

    Mysty (1:18:04 PM): So by the time I get back from lunch, the girl is at R's desk, on the phone with her dad, and they're fighting over the phone about Grandma's obituary, and the dad is screaming about what relatives can and can't go in because they don't love his mother enough, ergo, sibling rivalry, yay, and daughter is trying to be the voice of reason and get a decent obit fixed. All the while, the guy still doesn't understand WHY we won't put in the obituary for people to come up to him at the funeral IN A BAR and just HAND him money.

    Mysty (1:19:39 PM): And finally daddy and daughter get a compromise in place, and she hangs up the phone with him and starts crying, because the poor thing's dad is a retarded booze monkey, and R gets her calmed down and sent out. And then R looks at me and says "Get EVERYTHING in that obit exactly right because we are NOT rerunning it." And I still haven't even clocked back in from lunch. *sigh*

    So, yes, there you have it. In short form. In reality, it was like an hour and a half of complete and utter crazy drunk hell.

    (And I'm sure that a funeral in a bar isn't unheard of, but it was just the cherry on the crazy-ass sundae, so yeah.)
    Last edited by MystyGlyttyr; 01-23-2009, 06:51 PM. Reason: fixed things
    "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."

  • #2
    Oh. Holy. Hell. Crazy-ass sundae, indeed!


    • #3
      I have never heard of a memorial thing being tweaked to read, "Just give my greedy ass your cash. Oh wait, better yet, give it to me where I will immediately drink it away!" god....
      My heart goes out to the voice of reason daughter though. Poor thing is probably gonna be hearing about this crap till the funeral.


      • #4
        That situation sounds really sucky. And the dad angers me. Poor granddaughter.


        • #5
          My great-aunt and great uncle's funeral (yes, they died at the same time, very sad story, not putting it here. PM if you really want to know, but it's pretty sad) was held at their favorite Mexican food restaurant. In some ways it was weird, because it's not even a good restaurant. But, at the same time, it was also kind of nice to be there in a place that they enjoyed, and remembering them when they were happy.
          "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

          My pony dolls:


          • #6
            I've heard of funerals with an open bar but never at a bar, I always thought they were held in a place with ... a bit more ... class ... .. and space ...
            This area is left blank for a reason.


            • #7
              Gee, I wonder what it was that did her in...
              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


              • #8
                Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                Gee, I wonder what it was that did her in...
                Actually, I'd bet a small sum that Grandma didn't drink much, if at all. After all, it's apparently Daddy arranging the funeral.


                • #9
                  It makes me angry to hear people piss and moan about family rivalries at a funeral. A funeral, for crying out loud. A place to honor the deceased and for the grieving parties to pay their last respects, even if they were fighting like cats and dogs during the deceased's life.

                  I remember during my grandmother's funeral, my Mom mentioned my aunt came in during the service, stayed only a short while, and left before it was over. Not sure of the details (my Mom never wanted to get involved), but there were petty rivalries between my aunt, my granmother, and many of my aunts/uncles. There were people who didn't want her at the funeral, but she came to pay her last respects. Even though she hadn't been on speaking terms with my grandma for a number of years.

                  When my mother died, this same aunt attended her funeral and paid respects to my family. As I said, my Mom never got involved in the sibling rivalries, and we told her how my Mom would've been glad she came, regardless of what anyone else may think. I didn't realize how much that meant to my aunt until she started crying and saying thank you.

                  So yeah, my belief is that pettiness around a funeral only hurts the living. I hope the grandaughter in this story doesn't end up an asshole like her dad.
                  A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

