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VRS's guests are now staying here

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  • VRS's guests are now staying here

    OK, so for those not aware, there has been huge snow storms in the western united states (again)... our supplier is based in Idaho, they haven't gotten trucks out... most guests are understanding that there is NOTHING we can do... we've already bought what we could, but we've gone through that stuff fast (we bought a box of plastic utinsils, it lasted us yesterday and 5 minutes today). It sucks, but when the trucks are stuck in Idaho, there's nothing we can do.

    Well, this special snow flake is demanding a discount (which, no way in hell am I approving discounts, I'll leave that for managers... I have managerial authority for emergencies only, and running out of spoons is not an emergency). Failing that she wanted me to go buy spoons... it's 6:10 in the fucking morning... there is nowhere nearby open that early, closest is on the other side of downtown (about 15 minutes each way, if I hit the lights right, if I don't make that between 20 and 30 minutes) so by the time I got your precious spoon you wouldn't want to eat anyway. Oh, and asking me why the hell the truck hasn't shown up won't help... all you'll get from me is a smart ass response about how it must be because I didn't make enough magical farts last night to make the driver show up faster.

    Oh, and the best part... after her tirade of how unprofessional I was and how the hotel sucks... the truck showed up 5 minutes after she finished.

    edit to add

    I've decided, in the spirit of invoking VRS's name, that I will post a transcript like he does

    guest- smiley, let me tell you something, that breakfast is unacceptable.
    me- i'm sorry, what is the problem (i know damned well, but I'll humor them)
    guest- well there's no spoons available and the selection is limited.
    me- I'm sorry about that, our delivery was delayed, it was supposed to arrive yesterday.
    guest- well, why didn't y'all just go out and buy more yesterday.
    me- because our supplier promised us a delivery before 6am, we thought it wouldn't be necessary to purchase additional supplies considering that.
    guest- well, you should fix this right away.
    me- I'm sorry, there's not much I can do.
    guest- yes there is, you just don't want to.
    me- i'm sorry, the only thing I can do is promise to get stalk out as soon as the truck arrives, but I don't have the power to magically make the truck appear. What more do you want me to do?
    guest- well you could be more polite.
    me- (losing patience) and you could be more reasonable.
    me- yes, it sucks being out of spoons, but it's not our fault the truck is late... yes, had we been thinking ahead we would have bought some just in case, but it's too late for that now.
    guest- I know there's an Albertsons a few blocks away (for the record, this Albertsons "a few blocks away" is really 2 and a half miles away), you could make it there and back before people even notice you're gone.
    me- that Albertsons doesn't open until 7... I had thought of that already and dismissed the idea for that very reason... the closest place that is open is the Smiths at 900 East and 400 South, by the University (for those not familiar with Salt Lake, the airport is about half an hour from the University), I'd be gone for nearly an hour, and by then the truck most definitely will have arrived, and you'll have left for the airport anyway (she had a shuttle scheduled in half an hour).
    guest- you've been very rude, can I at least get a discount.
    me- you'll have to speak with a manager about that.
    guest- well, who's the manager on duty?
    me- that would be me, but my managerial authority is limited to emergency situations only... and I know that the general manager will not consider a lack of spoons to be an emergency situation. The assistant manager, who does have the authority to authorize discounts, will be here an 2 hours, the general manager will be in sometime early afternoon, and the executive member will be in also late in the afternoon.
    guest- what the hell is an executive member?
    me- he owns a third of the hotel. He's not really a manager, but the managers do what he says.
    guest- fine, give me their numbers.
    me- ok, you can call the hotel's main line (hands over our card) you want to ask for either S, T, or M (btw, T and M have very middle eastern sounding names... the guest's facial expressions showed some displeasure at that fact).

    done, right... wrong
    5 minutes later
    guest- why the hell hasn't that truck shown up yet
    me- ma'am, I'm sorry, I don't know... the company is based in Idaho, maybe they got delayed in weather like they did over the weekend.
    guest- it's not bad out there.
    me- but we don't know what the weather is like in Idaho.
    enter really cool greyhound driver (rcgd)
    rcgd- I hope I'm not interupting
    me- (to sc) would you excuse me just a second, I know his shuttle leaves in 5 minutes, is it ok if I answer his question quickly (before she can answer), is it quick RCGD?
    rcgd- you've got a lot of rooms tonight and tomorrow, right?
    me- yeah sure thing... I thought you weren't due back until Thursday though.
    rcgd- that's when I'm scheduled, but with all the bad weather we've been having I don't know what's going to happen with my runs... we canceled a bus yesterday to Boise and it's thrown our entire schedule helter schelter.
    me- yeah, I know... we took two of your passengers last night... but yeah, we should be able to keep a room for you, just in case. And I just saw your shuttle pull in, have a nice day... be safe out there.
    rcgd- sure thing
    me- (talking to sc again) I'm sorry about that ma'am, what were you saying.
    guest- *switches glares between me and the rcgd who just shot a hole in her argument*
    Last edited by smileyeagle1021; 01-27-2009, 04:14 PM.
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

  • #2
    All over a spoon?!

    This is why we always bring our own stuff, but it's stuff that you don't need utensils for.

    I'm sorry,Smiley. Hugs over here and hugs over AIM.
    "Kill the fat guy first?! That's racist!" - my friend Ironside at a Belegarth practice after being "killed" first.

    I belly dance with tall Goblins!


    • #3
      Why did she need a spoon? You can stir coffee/tea with a fork, knife, pencil, etc. Oatmeal or cold cereal can be put into a mug and then you drink it. I've come up with all sorts of work arounds while procrastinating the washing of the dishes.


      • #4
        Quoth Gerrinson View Post
        Why did she need a spoon?
        Like I said, she is one of VRS's guests... that's the only explanation I can come up with... better question is, of all the valid complaints she could have come up with (limited selection, which does suck, broken toaster, which though broke this morning... we don't have a magical backroom in hotels either with a limitless supply of toasters, but it still is something that I could see being a necessity for a continental breakfast, the rooms being cold at check in, because many of them are... I don't know about her's though, there's about a dozen other things I can imagine) and she chose to focus on the GD spoon.
        If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


        • #5
          This is why I keep a picnic set in my trunk. *sigh* NEVER LEAVE HOME UNPREPARED!
          Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

          Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

          Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


          • #6
            me- but we don't know what the weather is like in Idaho.
            I do. It's cold, and there is massive amounts of snow, with more likely. I hate this place so much, I was never built for cold. Thank heavens we have sold our house and are out of this frigid wasteland.
            "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper

