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Barstool bumfuckery and brain cell seppuku

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  • Barstool bumfuckery and brain cell seppuku

    And yet, today is a day that will live in (the opposite of infamy):


    Due to nobody being scheduled for carryouts and the one salesfloor person in hardlines taking a break, I had the following outside call inflicted upon me:

    Me: Hello, Health and beauty aids, how can I help you.
    Caller: What is your price on dehumidifiers? I need one for my kid's room.
    Me: Did you mean a humidifier?
    Caller: What's the difference?

    Umm, let's see: One adds moisture to the air and is very handy to have in the winter. The other is a big oxy thing that removes moisture from the air and isn't too useful currently.

    They ain't making them any smarter around here.

    Sit on it

    We are running a buy one-get one free special on barstools. The first barstool is regular price.

    Got called to carryout 4 barstools for a customer--they turned out to be backless, stationary wooden stools in an espresso finish. Got them loaded up and delivered to the customer--who declared they were the wrong ones.

    I brought up the ones that matched the tags she brought up. She insisted the ones she wanted were different, so I schlepped back to furniture with her to check things out after she got her money back.

    The barstools I brought out are $39.99 apiece. In the space for the display of that stool, there was a different one.

    This one was in an oak finish, had a fabric seat and a back, and swivels. It sells for $119.99. So what happened was somebody took that barstool off the shelf to take an up-close and personal look at it, and then either they put it back in the wrong spot or left it and a salesfloor warm body put it back in the wrong spot.

    So I had to tell her if she wanted 4 of those stools, she would be paying $160 more than she originally planned. It may surprise you to learn she didn't like that.

    No, I am going to give her the $119.99 stools for $39.99, or else we will be guilty of false advertising. And she'd like to speak to a manager.

    Sorry, you stupid bimbo, people misplacing things is not false advertising. It is people being lazy pigs. I ended up calling the store manager, who nicely told her to go screw and she left without buying anything.

    Show me a store which prides itself on being "customer-friendly" and "interactive" and displays merchandise in such a way as to "allow customers to easily examine the merchandise and imagine how it will look in their home or on their body", and I'll show you a store that is always hopelessly trashed. If it were up to me, those barstool displays would be secured to the wall or shelf so they can't be picked up or moved.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

  • #2
    Re: #1

    I could use a dehumidifier. Stupid gulf coast always futzing up my sinuses! But at least I know the difference!

    Re:#2's the principle of the matter! The stools HAVE to be sold at $40 each because that's how she found them!!!11!!!

    Ah...SC logic. That's the reason why I had to shoot down an idjit yesterday trying to get a $200 biochemistry book package (book, study guide and solutions manual) for the $50 price of the study guide alone. It was there on the shelf, someone had knocked it over to the side one, and suddenly we're enablers of false advertising and sacrificing their firstborn, or something like that...

    Go figure...


    • #3
      The dehumidifier one,
      I've done that. I walked up to the lady to ask where they were and just as I got to her my brain was all, "Freedom!!" and ran off. Leaving me to have to wade through a pretty simple question with the intelligence of a popsicle. Thankfully my brain came back before I threw out the "whats the difference" question.


      • #4
        Why does "you are guilty of false advertising" always mean "I assumed something incorrectly because I am incompetent now give me a huge discount?"
        "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron


        • #5
          Re: dehumidifiers:

          I worked at a kennel right after graduating high school. They had dehumidifiers chugging away in the corner of each kennel building, and we had to periodically empty them. My first day on the job, I emptied a few gallons of water down the drain, turned to my cow-irker and said, "So where do I fill it up?"
          Ah, tally-ho, yippety-dip, and zing zang spillip! Looking forward to bullying off for the final chukka?


          • #6
            Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
            (the opposite of infamy):



            • #7
              Quoth RetailKate View Post
              just as I got to her my brain was all, "Freedom!!" and ran off. Leaving me to have to wade through a pretty simple question with the intelligence of a popsicle.
              Hil-fucking-larious. A turn of words worthy of my esteemed colleague, Mr. Gravekeeper.

              Seriously, I am drinking a beer right now (big shock), and consider myself lucky I was between sips when I read that, or my monitor would be covered in Sam Adams Cream Stout. And I am guessing that that is not covered by the warranty!

              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
              Still A Customer."


              • #8
                Quoth RetailKate View Post
                ...I walked up to the lady to ask where they were and just as I got to her my brain was all, "Freedom!!" and ran off. Leaving me to have to wade through a pretty simple question with the intelligence of a popsicle...

                In honor of that funny image you just painted in my head.

                I give you a RetailKate emoticon:
                I'm tolerant of everyone and everything except for assholes. - Mongo Skruddgemire


                • #9
                  Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                  And yet, today is a day that will live in (the opposite of infamy)
                  Point of order: The antonym for infamy would be a positive thing, which I don't think is your intent.

                  For example: When President Roosevelt said, "A day which shall live in infamy..." he meant a day that would always be known as a bad, shameful, dishonorable.


                  • #10
                    Infamy, infamy! They've all got it in for me!
                    "I'll probably come round and steal the food out of your fridge later too, then run a key down the side of your car as I walk away from your house, which I've idly set ablaze" - Mil Millington


                    • #11
                      As I read your post, I thought "Hmm... I could really use a humidifier". Figured I'll boil a pot of water in my room (2 burner electric stove, no idea why I have it), then realized that I have a humidifier somewhere under my bed :P


                      • #12
                        Quoth marlovino View Post
                        I give you a RetailKate emoticon:
                        But it needs a kilt!
                        It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                        • #13
                          To give it a kilt it needs legs first. I couldn't find one with legs so....

                          I'm tolerant of everyone and everything except for assholes. - Mongo Skruddgemire


                          • #14
                            Legs? You dun need no steekin' legs!
                            It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                            • #15
                              There is an opposite phrase for "shall live on in infamy", which is "shall be honoured for time everlasting". Or similar.

                              Infamy, in general, means "the state of being famous for a negative reason".

