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Why Should I!?!

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  • Why Should I!?!

    I have come to the conclusion I actually died a long time ago and am now suffering in Hell.

    Got this gem today:

    Me: Hi!
    SC: His Royal Bastard Majesty Of Laziness

    Me: Thank you for calling blah-blah-blah. This is Wade, how may I help you?

    SC: Yeah, I want to know why my insurance premium's so high!

    Okay, fair enough. So, I dive right in and review his policy, but only find a premium that looks perfectly reasonable to me considering the circumstances.

    Me: Well, sir, I'm not finding any adverse circumstances that would impact your premium.

    SC: But I'm paying nearly $1700 a year for one car! I have friends that don't pay nearly that much for two or three vehicles!

    You're right, for three reasons: First, you have one vehicle, so no multi-car discount for you. Back of the line! Second - and I have ranted on this in previous threads - every insurance policy is different. A '76 Ford LTD is obviously cheaper than a 2003 Dodge Grand Caravan. Think! And Third, you're an asshat, and I have absolutely no motivation to arbitrarily discount your rate just because you don't like it.

    SC: Well, it looks like I'm going to have to start shopping around!

    Now you get it! You finally grasp the theories of a capitalist free-market! Competition, price variances, consumer decision, supply and demand - you've graduated to eight-grade General Business! I hope your parents reward you with a shiny new bike!

    Me: I completely understand, sir. However, if you obtain a quote from a competitor in writing, please feel free to provide it to us so we can attempt to match their rate.

    SC: Well, why should I do that? Why should I have to mix-and-match!?!

    WTF? You just told me you were going to shop around, yet when I suggest an opportunity to match a competitor's rate, you go batshit for Booberry Crunch?

    SC: You know, I EXPECT my insurance company to give me the lowest rates possible!

    Right, because we just "give" rates out like Easter eggs. I'm sure looking at the world through your rose-colored glasses provides a dreamy landscape where everybody gets everything handed to them on a silver platter with no rhyme or reason why everyone's equal. Wait a minute - that makes you a Communist. Which negates the necessity to shop around.

    SC: Why should I have to shop around to find the lowest rate? It's RIDICULOUS!!! !!!ELEVENTY!!!

    You're absolutely right - it IS ridiculous to think you would lift a finger to do anything, let alone shop around to actually try and save money, because that would require EFFORT on your part. Jesus, you open-mouth breathing sack, you can't even use enough energy to breathe right! God help us all if you crack open the Yellow Pages and attempt to dial! He's trying it - RUN FOR THE HILLS!!!!

    At this point, I just kind of tuned him out, granting the occasional "Yes, sir" and "Uh-huh" until he eventually exhausted himself and most likely figured out I could really care less if he doesn't like our rates.

    And to think I may be up for a promotion.

  • #2
    Quoth Wade View Post
    SC: Why should I have to shop around to find the lowest rate? It's RIDICULOUS!!! !!!ELEVENTY!!!
    "Yes sir, and so is your mantrum (thanks Blas for that one), have a wonderful day sir" click*
    I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


    • #3
      Because different insuracne companies will have different advantages, and no one company will have the lowest rate across the board.

      Your company might have high rates for that 2003 Dodge Caravan, but another company with better rates on the Caravan might dunk their customers who drive the '79 LTD.
      Check out my webcomic!


      • #4
        Quoth Wade View Post
        ...batshit for Booberry Crunch
        I am SO glad I finished my drink before I read that.


        You know, it drives me INSANE that customers think that the retail employee's job is to do their shopping FOR them. And the worst part is that we enable this behavior with price match policies and price guarantees. Seriously, why should we do three times the work only to find out that competitor X is selling the widget in question below our cost, so we match them... and lose money.

        Um, I'll climb down from my soapbox now.
        Last edited by VComps; 02-01-2009, 05:47 AM. Reason: Edited to correct long-windedness.


        • #5
          Your customer has a point about shopping around for the lowest rate. His delivery sucked. Honestly if all things are equal and I shop around for a lower rate, do all of the foot work to find it, I will switch, I won't go for a price match. The same is true for employment, I don't price match salaries.

          If I do the foot work and go through the effort to find a higher paying job with better bennys, I won't do a price match with my current employer. It has to do with respect, respect for your resource base, whether it is your staff or your customers.


          • #6
            Quoth VComps View Post
            WARNING - RANT AHEAD!

            You know, it drives me INSANE that customers think that the retail employee's job is to do their shopping FOR them. And the worst part is that we enable this behavior with price match policies and price guarantees. Seriously, why should we do three times the work only to find out that competitor X is selling the widget in question below our cost, so we match them... and lose money.

            Um, I'll climb down from my soapbox now.
            I have come to the conclusion that price matching needs to die in a fire.

            99.9% of the people wanting price matches at the clearance swamp do not actually qualify for it. They have to bring in the ad, the ad must mention a specific price not a percentage off regular price, and the competitor must have the item in stock.

            And these people usually aren't buying a whole lot of other stuff to offset the loss we'll take from price-matching anyway.

            If you want the cheaper price, go to the store that has the cheaper price. But unfortunately the clearance swamp loves to pound it into customers' heads that they will match advertised prices. ALWAYS HAS, ALWAYS WILL.

            EDIT: And another thing that cheeses me off about price matching--the clearance swamp will match prices on electronics and household supplies like laundry detergent, paper products, cleaners and so forth. Yet about a year ago they eliminated employee and senior citizen discounts on those items because that cuts into their profit margins too much. This year we're going to be starting military discounts--bet those won't apply to electronics and household supplies either.

            So if we can't give discounts on those items because it cuts into profit or causes a loss, why are we matching prices on them and giving discounts anyway?
            Last edited by Irving Patrick Freleigh; 02-03-2009, 07:17 PM.
            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


            • #7
              A '76 Ford LTD is obviously cheaper than a 2003 Dodge Grand Caravan.
              For insurance? Wow I'd think it'd be higher insurance cos it's so freakin old and has a lot less safety features. but hey *shrug*

              SC: Well, it looks like I'm going to have to start shopping around!
              SC: Why should I have to shop around to find the lowest rate? It's RIDICULOUS!!! !!!ELEVENTY!!!
              Logic = FAIL


              • #8
                No no no, the shopping around line was supposed to be a "clever" ploy to be offered a lower rate. At the threat of losing this wonderful customer, the insurance company is supposed to cave and arbitrarily drop the price.

                So many people don't seem to understand that the facade of courteous service is not because the megacorporations like them personally. You are not a special snowflake, you are a source of revenue and if a net profit can't be made off you then you're not worth keeping.


                • #9
                  Some people just don' t get it. I had my auto insurance with one company for years, then with my current job, I was eligible for insurance through a co. in my state, directly, and they have MUCH lower rates than anyone else around. have to have a clean driving record, and your co. has to be a member of a particular business association in the state. What's funny, is my renters insurance is still with the old co, and they keep trying to get me to come back. But when I mention who I have, they say "oh, we can't match them"

                  But you as the agent or ins. co can't just change the rate because someone thinks they're paying too much. They dont' like it? To quote my late dad "get your finger out" and do some research!

                  As for price matching, I won't ask any store to do that, but you can bet I SHOP around. I'm cheap, and if I'm spending money on something, esp if its a big ticket item, you can bet I'm going to do my research, and buy it where I find the best price!


                  • #10
                    Hmmph. I get this too, and here is how I deal with it.

                    SC: I guess I'll have to go do some SHOPPING!

                    Me: Well, that's your right as a consumer but... OR hey, I'm a consumer too, but...

                    ... while you're shopping, make sure you're comparing apples to apples. A lot of places out there will quote you a lowball figure, but make sure you're getting the same BENEFITS you're getting here for our price. Our product includes (benefit X++) and (benefit Y++) and Z! Now, make sure they don't quote you (Plain old X, Y) and leave out Z altogether. You might discover that we're offering a pretty competitive price when you compare apples to apples. But if you want an economy product, remember it doesn't include (X++, Y++, and Z.) Okay?

                    SC: Okay, I'll let you know. (No trace of pomposity remaining.)

                    Now depending on the business, X, Y and Z might be policy limits, necessary accessories or add-ons, anticipated extra parts and services needed almost always. Make sure to explain the benefits, it is amazing how many people go from SC mode to respectful, long-term clients this way.
                    This is how you learn to act when you OWN the business!
                    Suckiness is reinforced up OR down at every transaction. Accepting BS makes them worse for all of us; firm fairness trains them to suck less.


                    • #11
                      No no no, the shopping around line was supposed to be a "clever" ploy to be offered a lower rate.
                      it's only clever until you call their bluff and find out they're too lazy to do it

