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Should you tip more if...

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  • Should you tip more if...

    ...the restaurant staff has to clean up your kid's puke?

    Before I start this, I would first like to say that it is long (sorry)! And second, I would like to say that I haven't posted anything yet because there's no way I could make my stories as hilarious and action-packed as you all do!!!!!!! It really helps to know that I'm not alone in taking abuse from brain-dead idiots day in and day out. But anywho, I've finally mustered up the energy to write about one of my all-time worst experiences.

    OK, so here goes. I work in retail now part-time while I'm in school, (THAT'S a whole 'nother story...) but back home I used to work at a local pizza restaurant that is pretty family-oriented, so I'm pretty tolerant to uptight parents, screaming kids, etc., since it was all a part of my job and I understood that. (And I really DO love kids, honestly)! But the family of four that walked in one Sunday evening was proof that one can only take so much. They seemed a bit worn-out, so granted they were kind of snotty, but whatever, they ordered a lot of food so who cares, right? So no sooner had I brought their drinks when they all rush out of their seats to greet ANOTHER family who has just walked in, totally ignoring the chick with a tray full of drinks who almost spilled them when you were rushing past me like a herd of wildebeasts. (spelling?) It was the whole loud, obnoxious, OMG I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN FOREVER EVEN THOUGH IT'S ONLY BEEN 2 DAYS kind of thing, where they have to get in everyone's way and embrace each other as if they're meeting long-lost relatives or something. (I later found out that they're next-door neighbors. Pretty close, I suppose...) So after a few minutes of me standing there waiting for them to finish, a guy finally acknowledges me and snaps: "We'd like to sit with this family. Would it be possible to push some tables together?" I gladly obliged in spite of his rudeness, since, helloooo big table=big tips. So I finally got everyone situated and that's when all the fun began.

    It wasn't that busy that night; otherwise I could not have put up with all this nonsense. They may as well have been the only table in my section, they were that demanding. The 5 kids were all boys, approx. ages 5-8, and they were just doing the whole running around screaming and annoying other customers crap while the snotty parents (you know, the yuppie, designer-clothes wearing, "my kids can do no wrong" type) just sat around ignoring them and talking about their boats or whatever. But still, this was nothing new to me. I paid them the utmost attention, refilling their kids' sugary sodas AGAIN and AGAIN (even though they insisted that I didn't bring a pitcher for some reason), and OMG did i mention HOW MUCH FOOD these kids were eating?????? So at first they ordered 18 wings and some mozzarella sticks for appetizers, but they scarfed them up so fast that they had to flag me down to put in 2 MORE ORDERS of cheese sticks!!!! There's about 9 of them in an order, so don't you think 18 wings and 27 cheese sticks is enough for 5 young and very thin little boys? And then 2 large and 1 medium pizza. No joke. But I'm loving it because I should be getting a nice tip. When they finally started to wind down (NO BOX NEEDED FOR ANYTHING BECAUSE THEY ATE ALL OF IT), the kid starts screaming at me for a piece of chocolate cake. Just the thought of it made me sick, seeing all the food they ate. But I still kept a smile on my face, thinking of the money. And when I looked at the mom for approval, she had this look on her face like HOW DARE YOU NOT GIVE MY KID WHAT HE WANTS THE SECOND HE ASKS FOR IT!!!! So they order 4 pieces of chocolate cake, and I bring them a check with it, long overdue since they had been sitting for about an hour and a half. I drop it all off with a smile and go to (finally) check on another table. As soon as I walked into the kitchen, my co-worker runs up to me and says: "Colleen, some kid at one of your tables just threw up ALL OVER the restaurant!!!!!!!" I immediately rushed out to see one of the dads flagging me down and shoving some cash into my hand, telling me to "keep the change because my little boy is very sick and we have to go home right now!!!!!" This was the original family, the others stayed and ate more cake. Some friends, lol.

    I go to see the damage The kid had thrown up on the table and threw up on the carpet on the way to the bathroom, in the bathroom trashcan, and on the bathroom floor before he FINALLY made it to the toilet. My co-worker who had seen the whole thing said that he had thrown up all over his clothes, which made sense since the mom had whisked her precious angel away in his undies into their Lexus SUV, where they probably went straight home to their McMansion without even an apology or thank you to the restaurant staff who were now left with the task of cleaning up her kids puke! After the other family left, sans an apology, I was left with cleaning up the aftermath of Hurricane Ritalin (no offense to those who might use it) at their table. They had left me just a standard, 15% tip. Now, please tell me if I'm in the wrong here, but i think that if you get really good service and the server meets all your little demands (which I did) and had to clean up your kid's puke which was all over the place and had grossed out workers and customers alike, shouldn't the server get even a LITTLE extra for their troubles?

    My co-workers and managers were so cool about it; EVERYONE helped me out cleaning the bathroom and table; my manager even scrubbed the carpet clean. I tipped them all out (even though I couldn't really afford to since those families took up so much space from OTHER paying customers lol). The part that REALLY got me mad was when my co-worker told me that when Supermom was carrying her poor baby out the car, the other mom goes: "Don't worry, sweetie, we'll bring you home some chocolate cake!!!!" WTF! When I was his age, I was lucky to get a piece of cake even on my birthday. Shouldn't that be the last thing he needs.... ?

    So, sorry about the length of that story, but I just wanted to test my writing abilities as compared to the wonderful people on this forum. Like I said, it's cool to know that I'm not alone and even cooler that there's tons of new posts EVERY DAY!!! Well, it's kind of sad, too, seeing that in order to post new stories featuring people that just get stupider and stupider with each story, there really has to be people THAT brain-dead that you encounter every day in your workplace. Keep your posts up, guys, because this coming holiday season in retail when I'll feel like punching a hole in the wall, they're all I have to keep me sane at the end of the day!!!!!! (Did I mention I used to work at Target, too? Ooh, Lordy, I've run the gauntlet lol)....Thanks for reading, it means a lot!!!!!!
    "If you are planning not to tip, please let your server know before ordering so they can decide whether or not to wait on you" - from an advice column I read some time ago

  • #2
    oh yay! Another generation of self-entitled SOB's in the making!!
    Our brains are smarter than we think they am!


    • #3
      My answer to your question is a resounding YES! Just to give everyone some hope for the world I have a quick story.

      I was working in the movie theatre. It was a slow day mid-week, kids in school, our primary patrons being middle aged women. I got a call on the radio to get to the women's room ASAP. I turn the corner, and the smell hit me like a a ton of bricks, and there is a woman barely consious on the floor in a pool of her own vomit, and looking a strange shade of blue-green. I immediately had a manager call an ambulance, knowing that something VERY VERY bad was going on with this lady. The EMT's got her up and out of there in about 5-10 mins and I was left with the task of cleanup. It took me about an hour and a half to get everything mopped up, disinfected and deoderized.
      A week and a half later on a particularly crummy Friday night, the woman came back. She thanked me and the manager for taking care of her, and gave me a $50.00 tip. She never did say what was wrong, but at least she had the decency to know that when you make someone else clean up the most vile of all bodily fluids, you show some appreciation.
      The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


      • #4

        When my older son threw up in the bathroom at a motel (we all got some virus on this vacation), we wiped what we could with the towels (it was about 2 a.m., I figured the maids weren't in, I didn't see any point in hauling up the night clerk to clean everything up, and what was left was minimal), and left a $10 tip. I warned the desk clerk when we checked out. He let me take the ice bucket (hard plastic with the chain's name on it) for accidents on the rest of our trip.

        I'll never forget how nice he was, and I hope $10 was enough for the maid.
        Labor boards have info on local laws for free
        HR believes the first person in the door
        Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
        Document everything
        CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


        • #5
          ugh, and they live in my state nooooo lol
          that really sucks
          about the movie theater post, wow thats nice
          ive had to deal with several people vomitting all over or being sick in other ways andwhile a couple tried to be the least burden psosible most didnt care one guy even jetted out after doing it next to my shoes!
          what is it with people after getting sick?


          • #6
            Urgh the parents should have cleaned up. If a kid vomited on the airplane I'd give the mum or dad stuff to clean it up with...I'm handling food so it's not very hygenic for me to be scrubbing vomit out of the carpet!
            No longer a flight atttendant!


            • #7
              Had a kid pee on the floor of the supermarket once; the mother was mortified and insisted on clearing it up herself. Which I'm sure is unusual behaviour, judging by the things I've read on this forum.
              People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
              My DeviantArt.


              • #8
                an extra on the tip AND an apology was called for, but considering they type of people they were, i was expecting to see no tip and a complaint for the manager. i guess that because they 'had' to leave sooner, and actually tipped you, they considered that 'reward' enough.

                i'm not surprised one bit that said tip was the mere 15%, and not more, even though puke/other bodily wastes deserve the extra in the tip AND an apology. urk.
                look! it's ghengis khan!
                Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                • #9
                  They totally stiffed you - but also, I'm with chainedbarista, I'm actually surprised they tipped you at all. You've gotta look on the bright side, I guess...

                  Also, welcome to CS!
                  Me non rogo, hic modo laboro.


                  • #10

                    Wow, I was only gone for a couple hours and look at all those replies!!!!! Looking back on it, chainedbarista, I AM glad I even got a tip at all, because they seemed like the type of people who would only tip 15% if the service was superior. But I wish I had gotten $50 out of it!!!!!!!! and that's not even expected at movie theaters!!! I'm also really thankful that everyone pitched in to help me out, because we all know that cleaning up bodily fluids turns into a "1-2-3 NOT IT" game. It's just funny looking back on it now, but I still think those parents should have been ashamed of themselves!!!!
                    "If you are planning not to tip, please let your server know before ordering so they can decide whether or not to wait on you" - from an advice column I read some time ago


                    • #11
                      Geez, my kid just dropped dry crackers all over the floor of a place this past weekend. Not only was on my hands and knees trying to pick it all up, but I then tipped 30%+ just for the waitress being so tolerant and kind.

                      So, yeah, I think they not only could have helped you clean up, but they should have paid you above and beyond for your GOING above and beyond.

                      My next addition to my diaper bag: a small whisk broom and a little dust pan.


                      • #12
                        To answer your question Giggle Goose, yeah it's a great idea to tip extra in case of things like that. Wish my mom would get it but she's been in food service too long. By the way, welcome to CS.
                        The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Giggle Goose View Post
                          ...the restaurant staff has to clean up your kid's puke?
                          Abso-bloody-lutely!!!! Last I knew, a restaurant worker's job description does not normally include handling strangers' body fluids.

                          In an ideal world, one of the kid's parents would have done cleanup (I realize the kid probably wasn't up to it). OK, so maybe if your kid's sick, you're in enough of a hurry to take care of him/her that taking time for cleanup doesn't seem wise, but have some sympathy for the *human beings* who work there and are stuck cleaning this up!!!!

                          [OK, so maybe I'm a tad biased. I've had pets my whole life and some experience with babies/children, and have dealt with just about any known body fluid, human or animal, at some point. I am NOT squeamish, but vomit is the one cleanup that makes me feel less than well.]
                          "Crazy may always be open for business, but on the full moon, it has buy one get one free specials." - WishfulSpirit

                          "Sometimes customers remind me of zombies, but I'm pretty sure that zombies are smarter." - MelindaJoy77


                          • #14
                            Quoth wagegoth View Post

                            When my older son threw up in the bathroom at a motel (we all got some virus on this vacation), we wiped what we could with the towels (it was about 2 a.m., I figured the maids weren't in, I didn't see any point in hauling up the night clerk to clean everything up, and what was left was minimal), and left a $10 tip. I warned the desk clerk when we checked out. He let me take the ice bucket (hard plastic with the chain's name on it) for accidents on the rest of our trip.

                            I'll never forget how nice he was, and I hope $10 was enough for the maid.
                            Ex-motel maid here: $10, plus a warning of what I would be facing, would have put you high up my "considerate guest" scorecard. I had much worse cleanups with no warning, and tips were extremely rare.
                            "Crazy may always be open for business, but on the full moon, it has buy one get one free specials." - WishfulSpirit

                            "Sometimes customers remind me of zombies, but I'm pretty sure that zombies are smarter." - MelindaJoy77


                            • #15
                              I've experienced kids getting sick in restaurants I've worked in, but not my particular section.

                              I've experienced a lot of kids that were allowed full reign to TEAR the table up! I mean, coasters used as frisbees, sugar packets thrown all about, table menus destroyed, and creamers all over the place.

                              On particular bad time was one of my first server jobs @ the age of 17. I worked for a greasy spoon truck stop and this father came in with his two kids. They emptied every sugar packet onto the table and created a little sugar village complete with creamer (they opened the creamer on the table) moats. Father laughed and said I bet your kids are a handful too! I said, "no, sorry, I don't have children"

                              He left me .50 on about $17 bill and one HUGE mess to clean up.
                              "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead

