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Visitor parking is not available due to construction & number of reserved spots

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  • Visitor parking is not available due to construction & number of reserved spots

    According to "Kim", the director of Visitor Parking/Community Relations, there are only 10 non-reserved spots available, which are first come first serve. She wanted me to tell everyone "The garage is not available due to construction."

    My spiel: "I'm sorry, but Visitor Parking is not available due to construction."

    Pissed of student:
    *after I give my opening spiel*

    "This is fu**ing ridiculous"

    She asked me where other parking is, & I gave her 2 alternatives.

    Pissed of student:
    * with a snotty voice*
    "I don't know where any of those lots are."

    She rolls up her window, & I raise the gate. She drives off.

    It's only for one day. You will survive.

    Customer going to the bookstore:

    customer: "I'm going to the bookstore, & I need to park in Visitor Parking"
    me: *my spiel*
    customer: "I do not have any student parking"
    me: "I'm sorry, but I cannot let anyone park in Visitor Parking due to construction"

    She had a surprised look on her face. She backed up & left.

    Facutly/staff member:

    *The faculty/staff garage is adjacent to Visitor Parking*

    faculty/staff member: "I want to park. The faculty/staff garage is full."
    me: *my spiel*

    "Ok (sigh). This is annoying. Can you raise the gate so I can exit?"

    *I raise the gate, & she exits*

    Hopefully the work was finished by the end of the day.
    Last edited by snugglegirl05; 02-04-2009, 03:27 AM.

  • #2
    I have a Plan. we burn down your parking lot! Voila, no more problem, and as this is not offering violence to actual customers, it should be ok to say on teh board. Also, said fire could probably burn down the useless sign....

    Anyone got a dragon we can borrow?


    • #3
      Quoth Bramblerose View Post
      I have a Plan. we burn down your parking lot! Voila, no more problem, and as this is not offering violence to actual customers, it should be ok to say on teh board. Also, said fire could probably burn down the useless sign....

      Anyone got a dragon we can borrow?
      Who needs a dragon? I have a dirty rag and a bottle of vodka...

      Not that it would solve the problem. I can see it now.

      "I need to park!"
      "There is no more parking. It's been burned to the ground."
      "But I NEED to park here!"
      6/16/2008: Best. Day. Ever.

      Things I've Learned: Birth is not a miracle, it's a science, and science is damned disgusting. It's also really, really, cool.


      • #4
        It's been my experience that parking drama is the most common kind of drama there is.

        We have a SEVERE parking shortage at the college where I work, and so parking drama is all the more... errr, dramatic.

        The one major parkade, for whatever reason, doesn't have any gate arms, so it's perpetually being stuffed with people pakring there who don't pay. Worse, people parking in the wrong zone (Typically, students parking in the staff areas), and EVERYONE gets dramatic about it. Finally, for some reason the whole issue of parking pass placement seems to escape people. People put their parking pass sticker in a smoked, nearly black window, then scream and yell when they get a ticket. I've literally had one person tell me it shouldn't matter if their pass is visible or not, they paid for it and they shouldn't get ticketed! (This was a staff member, not a student)

        One time we had two officers regulating traffic to check passes. Or, at least they tried. People would NOT stop... an obvious authority figure in a yellow jacket steps out in front of your car, hand outstretched, making eye contact and telling you to stop... we had one staff member push through, happy to run us over a 5 kmph, even ignoring as we banged on the side of their vehicle.

        When I worked in the parkade booth, I've had multiple multi-page e-mails written to complain about me by staff for the following crimes:

        1. Failing to sell a staff member a day pass when we were sold out

        2. Routinely preventing a staff member from parking in the ground-level Visitor parking, and instead making him park in the A section staff parking.

        3. Making staff stop so I could check their pass, and then subsiquently making them display it VISIBLY

        4. For not PERSONALLY going out and dealing with illegal parkers in D lot (Not my lot, and the responsibility of other officers... it wasn't getting dealt with fast enough for this gentleman, however)

        5. Not letting them park for free because they were 'New staff'

        6. Confiscating Visitor's Lot parking passes (Which the staff should NEVER have... apparently a Dean got a hold of a book of them, and gave them out to his staff members so they could have free parking.He was not happy when I ratted him out to the Parking office)
        Check out my webcomic!


        • #5
          Quoth Pixagi View Post
          "I need to park!"
          "There is no more parking. It's been burned to the ground."
          "But I NEED to park here!"
          This ^

          This I can see happening, and quite frankly I'd be suprised if it didn't happen...
          A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


          • #6
            Quoth Pixagi View Post
            Who needs a dragon? I have a dirty rag and a bottle of vodka...
            Is teh vodka going to burn hot enough to catch teh asphalt on fire? I want burned-to-ashes-no-way-Bones-can-identify-ANYTHING fire.


            • #7
              Quoth Bramblerose View Post
              Is teh vodka going to burn hot enough to catch teh asphalt on fire? I want burned-to-ashes-no-way-Bones-can-identify-ANYTHING fire.
              Right. There was an interesting chemical on that "Things I won't work with" chemist's blog. It would burn concrete and brick with the side effect of very bad for your lungs gas. Perfect for the job, I think.
              The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
              "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
              Hoc spatio locantur.


              • #8
                Quoth Polenicus View Post

                One time we had two officers regulating traffic to check passes. Or, at least they tried. People would NOT stop... an obvious authority figure in a yellow jacket steps out in front of your car, hand outstretched, making eye contact and telling you to stop... we had one staff member push through, happy to run us over a 5 kmph, even ignoring as we banged on the side of their vehicle.

                When I worked in the parkade booth, I've had multiple multi-page e-mails written

                6. Confiscating Visitor's Lot parking passes (Which the staff should NEVER have... apparently a Dean got a hold of a book of them, and gave them out to his staff members so they could have free parking.He was not happy when I ratted him out to the Parking office)
                But they have degrees and teach the childrun so they are special.

