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Visitor Parking is reserved & dept. realized at 9 a.m. parking spots were not needed

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  • Visitor Parking is reserved & dept. realized at 9 a.m. parking spots were not needed

    Long post

    My shift is from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday.

    According to "Kim", the director of Visitor Parking/Community Relations, I am supposed to tell everyone not on the event list the following when the garage is reserved.

    1) Visitor Parking is reserved, & the parking spots are being held for guests who will be arriving soon
    2) The spots are pre-paid for
    3) There are no parking spots available for anyone else today
    4) You will have to find other parking either at the metered lot across the street or at the public pay lots surrounding the campus
    5) I'm sorry, but I cannot let you park

    I changed this to work for me, & I took my ideas from what the last parking company manager over the account, "Julie", wanted me to say.

    The software controlling the open sign is still not working, & so the open sign is on.

    According to the university President, a makeshift sign stating reserved or full cannot be used.

    My spiel: "I'm sorry, but even though the open sign is on, the garage is reserved. Every parking spot is reserved & already paid for, & I can only allow people on the event list to park. I'm sorry, but I cannot allow anyone else to park because there are no parking spots available for anyone else."

    Student with an attitude:

    me: me
    ss: sucky student

    me: "Hi, how may I help you?"
    ss: *already has an attitude* "Yeah...I need to park."
    me: my spiel
    ss: *glares at me, rolls up her window, moves forward, & then backs up & rolls down her window* "When will the garage be available to the public?"
    *I get the event list every morning, but it's only for that day*
    me: "I'm sorry, but I only get the event list for each day. I'm sorry, but I don't have an answer to that question."
    ss: *glares at me, rolls up her window, & exits*

    Student here for one class:

    me: me
    ss: sucky student

    me: "Hi, how may I help you?"
    ss: "glares at me* "Yeah...I need to park."
    me: my spiel
    ss: "I'm late for class, & it's only one class. Isn't there just one space available?"
    me: "I understand that, but I cannot make any exceptions because I have to follow dept. regulations."
    ss: *rolls up her window, & moves forward. I motion for her to go around the booth, & she exits*

    Then "Kim" calls me & asks if anyone for the event has arrived, & I said no. She said the dept. that reserved the parking spots just realized they were not needed. She also asked me if I turned away a lot of people. I told her I turned away a lot of students who asked me "when will the garage be available to the public?"; "will it be reserved every morning?", & "why is it reserved?" She said 1) students are not supposed to park in the garage & 2) they should not be asking me these questions. But, according to traffic & parking policy, signed by the university President, student's are allowed to park in Visitor Parking 1)as long as there are available spots & 2) as long as they pay for their parking.

    One of the President's employees, who parks in Visitor Parking on a daily basis, arrived to park. I asked her to clarify this. She said she would have someone call me.

    I then e-mailed the parking company manager over the account, "Larry" this information as well as what "Kim" told me. I saved a copy of the traffic & parking policy as a file on the computer at work, & I copied it into microsoft word & highlighted the 2 sections that state this. I attached the file to the e-mail & asked him to interpret the 2 highlighted sections & to find out if students are allowed to park in Visitor Parking.

    Then one of the President's office employees called me, & she said that she interprets the sections regarding students being allowed to park as:
    As long as there are non-reserved spots available they can park. But she also said that is not her decision to make.

  • #2
    Quoth snugglegirl05 View Post
    Then one of the President's office employees called me, & she said that she interprets the sections regarding students being allowed to park as:
    As long as there are non-reserved spots available they can park. But she also said that is not her decision to make.
    Or basically they don't care and don't want to put in any effort to make a real decision


    • #3
      I read all of your posts, and your job seems like a real pain in the ass.

      I'm also wondering when there isn't a special event, and people can actually park , though that's not your fault.

      I love how different supervisors give you different directions, just like at my place of employment. I'll get scolded from one boss about doing something that another boss told me to do, and it drives me nuts.

      At least you're doing the smart thing and trying to figure it out. I gave up a long time ago.


      • #4
        Quoth snugglegirl05 View Post
        According to the university President, a makeshift sign stating reserved or full cannot be used.
        You know, an evil, mean, nasty person (such as myself) might let angered drivers know that you're not allowed to post a temp sign by order of the university president. After all, he should join in on the joy of talking to these people too, right?
        The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
        "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
        Hoc spatio locantur.

