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Marriage counseling, anyone?

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  • Marriage counseling, anyone?

    Had a member waiting for tire change service yesterday. Driver went to the location we were given. He couldn't find her. I called her and the following conversation ensued:

    Starring role: Me, dispatcher supreme
    AW: Angry wife

    ME: Our driver is in the area but he does not see a vehicle matching the description of yours.
    AW: Oh, my husband placed the call. Where did he say I was?
    ME: 1st and A St,
    AW: What an IDIOT! You know, my stupid husband, he thinks he knows everything when he's really a COMPLETE MORON!
    ME: So, you're not near this location?
    AW: NO! Not even close. I can't believe how STUPID he can be! I told him I am on 2nd & B St, sitting in the parking lot of *company* name. I can't believe how freakin' dumb he can be! What's wrong with him?
    ME: *I repeat back the correct location* I will have the driver head that way, he's close, so it should only take a few minutes.
    AW: Thank you! I'm so sorry that MORON gave you the wrong directions. If I want something done right, I always have to do it myself. My husband can be such a dumbass. I'm really sorry about this.
    ME: It's quite all right, you're not far from where he said you were....
    AW: *loud audible sound of disgust* He's so stupid!
    ME: Well...the driver is on his way.
    AW: Thank you. Sorry again.

    She wasn't really sucky, but man, I could just imagine what kind of home life these two lead.
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead

  • #2
    To be fair, they may be a very happy couple. People get weird when they are in frustrating situations, like with a broken down car out in the cold. I know I have had at least one girlfriend that questioned my intelligence loudly, publicly, and often, and yet we were very happy together. (It was not nearly as abusive as that makes it sound, really!)

    In all likelihood, though, yeah, they are probably not the kind of couple Hallmark looks to put on their sappy cards. Just thought I'd offer one other possibility.

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."


    • #3 have a point...but...this was my first and only impression of them. It made me picture some weak little guy cowering in a corner while his wife threatens or does beat him!
      "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


      • #4
        Ha! It almost sounds to me as though maybe she actually gave him the wrong directions herself and was desperately trying to pass the buck. For some reason, I've met a lot of customers who really seem concerned with looking clever or silly in front of strangers. I half suspect they worry about winding up on forums like this and wind up trying desperately to overcompensate so we remember them as blindingly awesome captains of marvelousness or something.

        HINT: We never do!
        Personally, I find cleavage very helpful. In a crime-fighting sense.


        • #5
          At least the driver only had to go around the block.
          Proud to be a Walmart virgin.

