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Client from hell.... (rant-like...)

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  • Client from hell.... (rant-like...)

    (move wherever if this isn't the best place...)

    So my one website development client (that I've mentioned before -- doesn't pay, etc) apparently decided to dump me for being "too expensive" so he could go with someone else who is going to.... get this.... completely redesign his website from scratch -- new graphics, logos, content, shopping cart, maintenance for live for FREE! We're talking around 20-40 solid hours of work if he does things similar to the existing website. And he can't use a template system entirely (client won't pay for a database).

    Here's the sucky part of it-- the asshole didn't even tell me! Oh no.... he replied to bills saying "I didn't get it!" but not once said anything else (despite him finding this person back in Dec/Jan). I found out today when I was asking about the other work he wanted done to one of his associates (which would've brought me in about $2500 total over the next few years -- but it was going to be for two websites too!) He's ignoring my e-mails!

    And this client? He frequently travels the world spending tens of thousands of dollars like it's toilet paper! The bastard doesn't even need to save $25/month for anything.... he doesn't even realize that I was the cheapest web designer in the area -- the next nearest would've charged him $1200+.

    So now... I have no clients! None. Absolutely no possibility of any income from any source..... no new client opportunities in the area.... and all the businesses are laying off

    I hope he gets his ass sued off by all the other people he owes money to and he won't pay. And he still owes me money! I removed his discount for being a "good client" (i.e. maybe he'll pay if it's less), and sent a notice that he gets charged $2.50 each month that he doesn't pay now.

    sorry... just found out.... and this really annoys me....

  • #2
    Just so I do understand.. he is under contract and owes you for services rendered, no? Are you going to take him to court? You can take him to small claims court without need for a lawyer.
    I will never go to school!


    • #3
      Quoth BaristaTrav View Post
      Just so I do understand.. he is under contract and owes you for services rendered, no? Are you going to take him to court? You can take him to small claims court without need for a lawyer.
      He approved the work, but as it is he only owes $100... the time/effort to take him to court wouldn't make it worth it. I know from being his webmaster even if you take him to court he thinks he doesn't have to show (yeah.... he skipped out of that for a few people -- some are still waiting for payment last I knew).

      He was the client I kept around so I could make new client rules for others (to prevent getting screwed), but even so, he agreed to certain rules as well.


      • #4
        If he doesn't show, then isn't there an automatic judgement against him? At that point it takes a little leg work, but you can put a lein on his house or car.


        • #5
          Quoth sprocket79 View Post
          If he doesn't show, then isn't there an automatic judgement against him? At that point it takes a little leg work, but you can put a lein on his house or car.
          I think that's what others have gotten against him (one person I talked to said they got an auto-judgment against him I think because he didn't show). Of course it didn't help him for some reason.... not sure why though.

          And like with mine... given the estimated costs for it ($78), it wouldn't even be worthwhile.
          Last edited by JLRodgers; 02-12-2009, 04:25 AM.


          • #6
            If the other party doesn't even bother to show up, so long as you make a prima facie case against him, the judge will rule in your favor. Simply providing the contract, proof that services were rendered and that payment was never received, and its pretty much a sure thing.

            IIRC, you can even have him pay the court fees as well.


            • #7
              Yes, you can claim what he owes plus court costs.


              • #8
                Hmm... I'll have to remember that in case he doesn't pay... I'm getting mixed signals from his business partner about this switch (I'm getting the impression he knows why he's doing it, but doesn't entirely agree, but as he knows there's an outstanding bill [didn't say how much, just there was one], he made a point to say he's telling him).

                I hope it turns out well. I know it's not a lot and all.... but it's the whole point of the thing. Hell I had to outright say "I'll do more work when you pay me" in the past.... just this whole getting a person to "redo" the entire thing for free just irritates me. It's like a punch in the groin or something.... like web designers aren't worth crap and don't deserve to be paid.


                • #9
                  I wish I could say it was only web designers, but my Other Half (PHP programmer and developer) has gone through something similar to this in the past. He's going through something similar now, but that's more of a Cautionary Tale not to get involved in business with friends.

                  Especially friends who are known to not have regular money to support their creative ideas.


                  • #10
                    Quoth KiaKat View Post
                    ....but that's more of a Cautionary Tale not to get involved in business with friends....
                    That's one true statement there.

                    Oh and while I do some design stuff (graphics), most of my clients do fall into the php-database design stuff... basically if someone comes to me they have a need for something time-consuming.


                    • #11
                      Yes, you can claim what he owes plus court costs.
                      yes that's what i was going to say.

                      i once had a court case against me for a bill i didn't pay (check bounced). i fixed everything and didn't have to go to court... but since the date had already been set, i had to pay the court fees... about 200 buck I think.


                      • #12
                        You can take him to court, and if he doesn't show, you win and can get court costs too. You might even be able to get away with adding interest, late fees, etc. My boyfriend did some work for a crazy lady who decided not to pay, and after late fees and her paying the cost, it worked out pretty well for him.


                        • #13
                          Quoth trailerparkmedic View Post
                          You can take him to court, and if he doesn't show, you win and can get court costs too. You might even be able to get away with adding interest, late fees, etc. My boyfriend did some work for a crazy lady who decided not to pay, and after late fees and her paying the cost, it worked out pretty well for him.
                          Yes but none of that matters if he NEVER PAYS UP. The key point to the story is that the douche skips out on bills all the time. You can win whatever you want in court but you can't get blood from a stone.
                          "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


                          • #14
                            Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
                            Yes but none of that matters if he NEVER PAYS UP. The key point to the story is that the douche skips out on bills all the time. You can win whatever you want in court but you can't get blood from a stone.
                            You can ask the court to put a lien on his property.

                            Its only a small fee to do so, and you'd still be making money from the entire endeavor, however at this point you'd be doing it out of sheer principle.

                            Much how the Gord pursued small claims court all the way to the end, and that was only over about $60.


                            • #15
                              Quoth mae View Post
                              Since the client refused to pay, his website should go lights out until then. Also considering he's gone with someone else, it's really not your problem to maintain it, now is it?
                              I would -- except he goes with someone for webhosting that isn't me. Actually as it is, I don't even have any webhosting clients -- just website development ones (well... past ones that may come back, and businesses that outsource to me infrequently). I tried at one time to get any clients to use me for webhosting... but they didn't want to for one reason or another... so I just have a company on speeddial (so to speak) to get a server setup and ready within 24 hours if need be for me to host sites, but for now I just develop.

