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You SHOULD have offered it to me!!

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  • You SHOULD have offered it to me!!

    Thursday was a weird day. I was in a mood very different from what I usually am. I'd go from just wanting to get the customer through the line, to kidding around with them and cracking jokes. That being said,

    A customer I'm ringing in overhears the next customer ask for parmesan cheese....

    SC: You should've offered ME parmesan cheese!

    (He's right I should have. And I usually do, it was just an off moment for me)

    Before I have the chance to offer unwrap his sub and put on the requested parmesan cheese...

    SC: It IS a pizza sub ya know...gee don't you know your job?

    Me: Just stood there looking back and forth between my coworker and the SC. I was trying to figure out if he was kidding or not.

    as he walks away....

    ME: If I could read people's minds, I wouldn't be working at Subway!!!

    I actually started asking random people if it was a full moon that day.

  • #2
    Ah, yes, that little idea that customers have that we're supposed to be psychic and know what they want without them saying it. I've gotten that more times than I can count. A drive thru example:

    Me: Hi, welcome to <restaurant>, how can I help you?
    C: Yeah, I'll have a <sandwich name>
    Me: Ok, that'll be a <sandwich>, anything else?
    C: Uh, I wanted the meal...
    Me: Ok... (Is it really that much mental effort to put the word "meal" at the end of <sandwich>?)

    I know some places require that order takers say something like "Is that the meal or just the sandwich," but that always rubs me the wrong way. I know I have to serve you, but do I have to think for you too?


    • #3
      Ah yes, I work doing order entry in the manufacturing industry. A customer calls, because the part number and description on his order don't match and we should've known what he wanted. Some background: Our part numbers are pretty straight forward, until you start adding options. At that point, customers don't know the option codes, because it can get pretty complicated and we don't supply these codes to customers usually. That's because it does get complicated and we do it for damage control. So it's pretty common for customers to place an order using standard part numbers and then listing the options in the description.

      In this particular instance, the customer used the correct option code throughout the entire order except for the very first item and all items on the PO had this option listed in the description. It seemed pretty obvious that the option was needed for all items and that their PO system simply wasn't updated with the right number for #1. Nope. Apparently they didn't need the option on Line #1 and we should've known that because their part number didn't include it. Even though the description did. And the rest of the order of almost identical items did. Aaaaannnnnddd I later found out we even called to confirm the correct description and were told it was needed. the future, we shouldn't use the description, common sense, or the approval of their own buyer. We really need to impove our mind-reading all-knowing skills.
      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


      • #4
        I get this all the time at my store! About once a day we'll have someone order one smoothie and when we're done and handing them the one smoothie, they'll look at you and say "um...I wanted two of those!" didn't! I rang you up (or was right there next to the reg since we like getting the orders done before they're actually rung up) and heard you say one! Your order was repeated back and you acknowledged (grunted...whatever) it!

        We have one lady that comes in randomly during the week and everytime she walks up to the register she asks why her drink isn't ready yet, we should have known she was on her way! (we do telephone orders and sometimes if we're slow and recognize the customer on their way in and they get the same drink everytime, we'll make it before they get into the store) But she doesn't call us, doesn't even order remotely the same drink everytime (rotates between 3-4 different ones) but still expect us to have this magic buzzer that goes off alerting us she is on the way! at least she tips every time!
        Now, if you smell the roses but it doesn't lift your spirits, you're either allergic to rose pollen or you need medical intervention. ~ Seshat


        • #5
          Quoth JenCdn View Post

          SC: It IS a pizza sub ya know...gee don't you know your job?
          I love it when people question my capability of doing my job, or how long I've been doing my job (it's only happened a few times with me). I always respond with 'and why is that relevant to the conversation?' I've never had an answer to this from an SC.
          the end of an era is not the completion of a destiny. Momentum comes when we believe the best for the future, we keep speaking life into the future, and we commit to the future - Brian Houston


          • #6
            Quoth Rasputin42x69 View Post
            I know I have to serve you, but do I have to think for you too?
            duh silly, of course you do.
            Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


            • #7
              God, tell me about it! A couple of weeks ago at the pizza place I work at, someone wanted some wings. Then they complained because they did not get either a Ranch or Blue Cheese with it and then claimed that they were from Buffalo and they are "always served with either of those sauces." No Bitch, they are not! By the way, we do not live in Buffalo so shag your ass back there. The roads lead north as well as south. God, I hate the restaurant business.
              I don't have an anger problem! I have an idiot problem!-Hank Hill


              • #8
                Quoth brucetiki View Post
                I love it when people question my capability of doing my job, or how long I've been doing my job (it's only happened a few times with me). I always respond with 'and why is that relevant to the conversation?' I've never had an answer to this from an SC.
                I totally have to use that sometime.
                I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK

