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Ok what would you do in this situation

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  • Ok what would you do in this situation

    This caused an argument in the store.
    Today I had a delivery to one of the many gated communities in the area.
    It is also one of the few for which I don’t have a code in my number locker I call a brain.
    When I pull up I wait by the code .... machine(?) for a few minutes waiting to see if anyone shows up.
    After about 3 or 4 minutes I call my customer.
    I inform them I either need a code for the gate or for them to meet me at the gate. After informing that, yes, I am at the gate, he tells me he doesn’t have a code, so I tell him to ensure a speedy delivery (or what I really said "Well I can’t get in right now, so if you want your delivery within the next 20 minute...") it would be best if they came to meet me at the gate.
    The guy agreed, and I pulled up into some parking spots near the gate. About 5 minutes after I park someone comes up and opens the gate.
    Now, here’s where we have the fight.
    My manager and another driver say that when they opened the gate I should have followed them in and just gone onto the delivery.
    I said, “Well if I was the customer and the delivery driver called me, informed me of the issue and I made arrangements to meet them at gate, depending on how far I was, I would be pissed enough to either stiff the driver, cancel the order or make a formal complaint if the driver hadn't waited as agreed.

    Now I wound up with this customer waiting for more than twenty minutes and calling them back twice, once at 15-17 minutes to see how much longer they would be and once at 22 minutes to tell them I couldn’t wait any longer, and if someone wasn’t there in 30 seconds I was cancelling the order. The guy blew up after assuring me twice that someone would be there, saying that he shouldn’t have to come down to the gate, that there are always people there, and he didn’t have a f***ing code, which by the way, I only asked for once.

  • #2
    Black list 'em. I wouldn't deliver to them again without the code.
    Now a member of that alien race called Management.

    Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


    • #3
      i have feeling they have key card access


      • #4
        I do not think that it is your job to sit there longer than necessary... Your time (and your employers as well) is valuable... and No, I wouldn't have gone in after being told to wait.


        • #5
          He indicated that he was coming down to meet you. So yeah I would have stayed and waited as well, cause you knwo fi you had gone in he woudl have come out looking for you and been pissed he came down looking for you and you weren't there. Its Murphy's Law.


          • #6
            I have a gate that requires a card key to have anybody go in. Now, if you follow a car in security will question you--where I live. You made plans with the customer, you did all right. And why the hell does the guy not have a code that lives there??


            • #7
              about 5 hours after i insisted on waiting in a well lit front gate area where i quick access to my phone, flashlight and well verisous crap in my car that can be used as a weapon, not to mantion my car or the keys to said car it self one of my coworker jumped the fense to get into a gated community (or used a possibliy open visitors gate, its open in the day not at night though) went up the stairs to his 'delivery' was informed they didnt order, went down the stairs got a phone call (i assume he called them at one point) was told they did want to the pizza, went up the stairs again was turn away again and was jumpped after returning from the top floor by assalignts who had hoped to jump him when he went to the gate to be let in, instead of heading to the main gate as i do and wait in the well lit video taped mail area.

              I have yet to point out how me waiting at the drive in gate or taped gate is obviousely the best opotion if finding my own way in could lead to danger.


              • #8
                holy crap
                and since he jumped the gate i doubt the company will help him with the medical bills... or find some way to stiff him on it?

                but that's shitty.
                glad you stood your ground.
                a pizza is not worth getting yourself hurt over!

                i was going to say... who the hell would order pizza just to beat up the driver... and then i realized, they were too cheap to pay for the pizza, that's why. suckage.

                my belief... delivered pizza means pay for pizza + add nice tip. add bigger tip if it's really crappy weather cos they're driving in it to bring me hot tasty foods.

                and if i don't feel like my budget can't afford it... grocery store pizza and frozen veggies for toppings ... but NOT beating up someone who's company can possibly figure out where you live. that ain't right.
                Last edited by PepperElf; 02-18-2009, 04:27 PM.


                • #9
                  Quoth PepperElf View Post
                  i was going to say... who the hell would order pizza just to beat up the driver... and then i realized, they were too cheap to pay for the pizza, that's why. suckage.
                  The thieves probably believed the pizza delivery guy was also carrying lots of cash.
                  "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


                  • #10
                    Whoa, I hope the CW is alright.

                    Yeah, definitely blacklist that community. It's not safe.

                    And if they don't blacklist it, refuse to deliver there.
                    "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


                    • #11
                      Quoth HorrorFrogPrincess View Post
                      And if they don't blacklist it, refuse to deliver there.
                      Definitey. That's so messed up.
                      I hope your cw is ok.

                      I'm on your side: There is absolutely nothing wrong with being cautious. Protecting yourself is way more important than delivering someone's pizza.


                      • #12
                        ok the community- we normally only get orders there during the day, where its its basically right down the street from the police station.
                        we have a small handful of regulars with in its walls (most of which i just realise are situtated on the bottom floor....) who place about 3 orders a day with us.
                        its not going to be black listed by we are being told to be causeous, look around us, and if anyone looks suspecious have the customer watch us as we leave, if they refuse to call the store and talk to a CSR until back to our cars (key in the eignition, doors lock kind of back)

                        My co-worker- he is prefectly ok, workmans comp covers the medical bills, he was trown into a fire hydrant but only substain nasty scrap up one arm. If i would have been him the ***holes wouldn't have even gotten the pizza because my first instict is to drop, my second instict is to disarm and my third is to stomp, stomp stomp.
                        again at least they got no money.


                        • #13
                          The thieves probably believed the pizza delivery guy was also carrying lots of cash.
                          ooo good point.

                          and is that 3 orders a day from the area in general, or 3 orders a day from a specific person?


                          • #14
                            area in general normally its cute single mom (she looks like she old enough to be my mom but shes cute so thats my nickname fore her) war vet and 40s rock god are our normal customers but vegetarian, no english and too young for me to death glare at also order.


                            • #15
                              Ok, in my opinion, i would've waited about five minutes for them, ifn they wanted their order, they would've provided a way to get in.

                              That said, i'll give you a few tricks from fifteen years of delivery/driving jobs. If its the standard system, the code is #xxxx. Trick one, #9999 works a lot of the time, i suspect its some kind of starter code that you're supposed to remove, and few do. If that fails, start at #1111 and work your way up to #8888, there's usually someone too lazy to think of a real code. When that fails, try #1234, then #4567 (never got this one to work). When that fails, there's two other tricks, #last four of the customer's number, there's two buildings i used to deliver to in Asbury Park, NJ that the owner's used for all tenants. Last is #address, ie if you're deliver to 4353 E Indian School Rd, use #4353. And when all else fails, you're at the mercy of the customer.
                              "You're supposed to be the head of covert intelligence. Right now, I'm not seeing a hell of a lot of intelligence. Covert, overt, or otherwise!"-Lochley, B5, A View from the Gallery

