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Rude, annoying...and PWNED!

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  • #16
    Quoth MystyGlyttyr View Post
    It's not a disorder, it's a new weapon at my disposal.
    I used to do the same thing with my hearing at the craft store

    Me: *asks customer to repeat what they have just said*
    Them: "What are you DEAF or something"
    Me: "Well, I have 30% in my left ear, do you think that counts?"
    Them: *stammer stammer*

    Its not a handicap when it HELPS you deal with sucky people!
    I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


    • #17
      Quoth bean View Post
      I hate psych medications.
      I agree. When I was in college, I went into a deep depression, stopped eating, couldn't sleep the whole works. Went and saw the school shrink, and he put me on Paxil. I don't think it did anything to help the depression, it just took me from not sleeping AT ALl to sleeping 18-20 hours a day.
      The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


      • #18


        Nice one!

        But that reminds me of when I had a deaf couple come through my line. I can't remember if I told it here or not . . .

        it was a pretty normal evening in ol' K-Roger's. I can't remember the exact situation because it was a while ago, I think it had something to do with cigarettes, but in any case I had just finished with a customer and had to leave my register for about 10 seconds to go handle something. Before I left I told the couple in line next, "I'm sorry, I'll be right back." Then I came back and started ringing them up and talking to them like usual (the occasional 'oh, I've wanted to try X product that you have in your cart, I've heard such and such about it, have you tried it before?' . . . you know, the banter that most customers don't mind and will usually join in with). Niether one responded, so I just thought "ok, fine . . . I see where I stand; I'll just shut up do my job." I mean, usually a customer will just nod, say "mmm-hmm," and I will understand that they don't want to talk. But these guys were rude. Was it because I had to go do something before I started ringing you up? Get over it. Sheesh.
        Their card won't read when they try to pay so I excuse myself, explain I need a manager, and run off to find him. As I'm coming back with him, he sees the customers, stops, and says, "umm . . . Kerri . . . have you ever had these guys before?"
        Me: "No . . . . why, are they always as rude as they've been with me?"
        Manager: *eyes wide with semi-horror* "No . . . they're both deaf."
        Me: " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."

        So both the manager and I go back to the register and he explains on paper to the couple what needs to happen. I'm just standing there in embarrassment and horror until they need their cashback, so I hand it to them and the woman just grabs it all huffy-like out of my hand, and as they leave I'm just mouthing "Oh God, I'm sooooooooo sorry!!!!"

        They hated me and I was about ready to !!!

        So it seems that deaf customers, ignorance, and PWNED seem to go together!
        Last edited by kerrisan; 10-30-2006, 02:13 PM.
        ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~


        • #19
          As for the whole mom is an addict thing, you'd be amazed (or maybe not) at the number of freakish moms who either drag their poor kids to the pharmacy to fill scripts at midnight (because their doctor wouldn't allow them to fill before a certain day), or other ways of involving them in their dependency, or my personal favorite, the parents who help their adult children with their chemical dependency. There's one family that comes to mind where the son is in his early-mid 20's and he has a small vicodin problem. Who calls repeatedly for refills for him? His mom. over, and over again. Good lord woman, let him get his dang fix on his own!

          The overactive and overmedicated kids are something else, too. There's some kids I see come through who are on like, 10 things at once. The only one I can see that's remotely justified is the one who had an organ transplant.

          As for the psych meds, there's a lot of them out there, and there's a lot of different doses. They have to be titrated until they get to a good level for you, and often have to be accompanied by mood stabilizers too, at least for awhile until you feel better.


          • #20
            Quoth bean View Post
            Rehijack (is that a word?)

            I've been on Lexapro for over a year, and in fact finally got off of it last week.

            I was 150 lbs when I got on it, peaked at a little over 200 - now back down to 190 and dropping fast (actually have energy again, yay!).

            I hate psych medications.
            Good for you.... I stopped taking Zyprexa in 2001 and the weight NEVER went away. And this is living off food bank, meal once a week at local church and snacks at friends. Thing is, I don't care about my weight. I just figure it's more to love. My mom on the other hand....


            • #21
              Quoth AFpheonix View Post
              As for the whole mom is an addict thing, you'd be amazed (or maybe not) at the number of freakish moms who either drag their poor kids to the pharmacy to fill scripts at midnight (because their doctor wouldn't allow them to fill before a certain day), or other ways of involving them in their dependency, or my personal favorite, the parents who help their adult children with their chemical dependency.
              "Ritalin, cocaine with a PG rating." (200 points if you can find the source of that quote)


              • #22
                More like crystal meth with a pg rating. (and no, I don't know where that quote comes from, and I'm too lazy to click aaaallll the way up to my google bar )
                Cocaine is still in use to help quell nose bleeds... Of course, nurses and doctors won't tell you what it is that they're using.
                We have several large bottles of opium tincture too, it's a good anti-diarrheal.


                • #23
                  Psych drugs can be bad news when your docs cant diagnose you properly, or if they have to be tweaked to get you to the right dosage. My brother has some behavioral problems and he's been on the gamut of mood modifiers, ritalin and various other supposed medications. Half the time his meds made him worse.
                  Finally, one of his doctors got things straightened out- and correctly diagnosed his problem- so his meds in combination with counseling are beginning to help.

                  and BTW I LOVE how you guys used your supposed "disorders" to shut up the sucky customers! That is fantastic!
                  I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK

