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Just F---ing Update Already

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  • #16
    From what I understand he already updated in a way that isn't supported. So basically Dips has already won because they longer have to support him. And to me, this being a free update is even better cause he can't say, well I paid X for this.


    • #17
      Trust me. We learned our lesson.

      We supported the non-standard use back in 2005 expecting they'd act like the rest of our customers and update in 2006.

      We have no such delusions now. I quite clearly told them we would not be supporting any non-standard uses for either this version or any future version. If they want to do that they are on their own. Those were pretty much my exact words, too.

      I got a one word email at the end of the day in reply to that message. It said, "Thanks."

      I hope that's the end of it. If they buy from us again, fine. We've established that they are due what all of our other customers are due and nothing more.

      If they decide they can't deal with standard-issue software and support, then they don't have to buy from us.

      We win either way.

      I'm still glad we gave away the update because supporting that older version was a drain on our resources. We really weren't expecting much graciousness about it from them, so we were quite surprised when they seemed to be genuinely appreciative at first. Sure enough, they eventually lowered themselves to our expectations.
      The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

      The stupid is strong with this one.

