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More from Ross (long, but not as long as the lines at work)

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  • More from Ross (long, but not as long as the lines at work)

    Um…because that’s not yours?

    I ring up a customer’s items, it’s her, her daughter and a child. This ensues:

    SC: old idiot
    PD: Present-daughter

    SC: My daughter works at Ross.

    Me: [good for her] That’s nice…

    PD: Not this one, the one @ [other location].

    Me: [still don’t care] Oh, I see…

    SC: [hands over employee discount card]

    PD: Here’s her discount, can we use it.

    Me: [O_o] No, you can’t. Only the employee or their spouse can use the discount.

    *For the record, if it’s someone that works in my store, I’ll usually allow it, but if they work at another location, I’ll follow the discount policy to the letter. The reason is; my manager would be much more lenient if she found I did it for a coworker than an out-of-store employee. What with a beloved CW of mine being fired for giving out her discount, I am even more strict than I had been.*
    SC and PD grumble but accept my authority and end up paying face-value.


    I got scammed by an old lady. She handed me a receipt and two articles of clothing, and I returned them quickly. She had another return; a perfume. But…the bottle didn’t look right, and the description on the receipt said ‘Paris Hilton Fancy.’ Hrm…I bring it to my FES’ attention, and she denies the return, telling me the lady tries to do this all the time. I go back to look at the other two returns and realize; they’re not even from our store. [crap!]

    To Many ‘Roids, eh?

    Guy comes into the store within five minutes or so to close. Our lovely LP, R again, informs him of the time hack, and he going on his not-so-quiet tirade about having to be out in 5 minutes. I sigh and mutter, “I love my customers[sic].”
    Nigh five minutes later and said customer has returned, retorting to the ever-kind R, “See? Made it in five minutes, didn’t I, huh?”

    Now, it wasn’t that he was a jerk, it was that he was saying all this very confrontationally, like he was gonna explode on us at any second. On top of that he starts chewing out his kids in the middle of the transaction, completely going bat-shit. I got him outta there as fast as possible, and me and R shared a bemused, “


    Ok, for those of you who remember, there was a little boy left at our store for just about the whole day. Eventually, the evil wench of an aunt who was supposed to care for the tot (it was winter, he didn’t have winter clothes, so the MOD ‘damaged’ some stuff out and gave it to the poor kid), collected him 5 hours after she’d left. Anyway, one of the MOD’s who’d been there saw her the other day, and the lady tried to act all innocent and polite, like they were chums. Um, no lady, you’re a scumbag who should be in jail for child abandonment, you stupid, c*nt-wolfing wh*re!!

    Return B**ch

    So, I was of course stuck at CS for my shift on Sunday (thank God I didn’t close) and the lines were massively long because, surprise, surprise, there were only about 4 ppl who could cashier scheduled [sigh]. Anyway, this lady brings up a pair of shoes and a new pair to exchange. I don’t see a tag and the following ensues.

    Me: hiya!!
    JS: N00b ASM
    SC: Who else?

    Me: Ok, do you have your receipt?

    SC: No, I don’t have it…

    Me: (sigh) Well ma’am, without the receipt or the tag, I can’t do an exchange.

    SC: What, why not?

    Me: Ma’am that’s store policy that we need either the receipt, the tag, or both in order to do a return or exchange.

    SC: So, are you telling me I stood in that line (it is veeery long, mind you) for nothing?

    Me: (If you had asked before getting in line, I woulda told you “No,” dummy). Apparently so…

    SC: Well, where’s your manager? (sigh, really?)

    Me: She’s right there (points to where our new ASM, JS, is showing jewelry).

    SC: Can you go talk to her, please?

    Me: (Fine, if it’ll get you outta my line) Sure, one second, please. (grin)
    [walks over to JS]

    Me: Hey, JS, this lady doesn’t have the receipt or the tag and-

    JS: Nope, can’t return it.

    Me: (instant ) K, thanks XD
    [walks back to the counter]

    Me: Sorry ma’am, she said no.

    SC: But there’s one just like it on the shelf.

    Me: (sigh) Hang on… [goes and asks JS, she refuses) Nope, sorry ma’am.

    SC: Well, this is ridiculous, where is that posted anywhere in the store?!

    Me: Ma’am, it’s posted here (taps return policy on counter) and it prints out on our receipts (big smile).

    SC takes her stuff and huffs out.

    Me: Bye, have a nice day (smile).

    Well, if you want, I’ll make you handicapped…

    Heard this lady about…five or six people down the line complaining. Great. I hear her complain all the way to the register? Why? She’s elderly, and the ‘handicapped’ register better be open for her etc. Also, this is the CS register, so how come people are having their purchases rung up. I sigh and look at my current customer, who smiles understandingly.

    Me: (under my breath) Geez, all the lines are long, get over it…

    CC: I know, I can’t believe she’s complaining like that…

    Me: Besides, our CS sign does say, “Purchases, exchanges and returns.”

    CC: (sigh, picks up her things) Yeah, I know. Bye.

    When it finally becomes SC’s turn, she is just as rightfully vile as I anticipated.

    SC: I want this (places bedsheets on counter) and two larger items I can’t carry in the back. [/I] me(condescending) do you have someone around that can help me with them.

    Me: O_o (Why aren’t you dead yet? [yes, I was very evil-minded yesterday, apologies]) Sure ma’am. Would you like me to ring this up (points to sheets) first while you wait?

    SC: Well, how’ll you ring it up. You don’t have the numbers or prices of those other two I want do you?

    Me: (Didn’t you hear…?) All right, I’ll get someone to help you and we’ll ring ‘em up together, ok?

    So, I call JS and she reigns in the SC, taking her off to the back (hopefully to put her down). Allthe while, SC complains about “she better not have to wait in line…”

    Now, for me, if she’d done the one purchase, I’d have cheated and let her do the other two items instantly (or as soon as I was done w/ a current customer). Since she refused and went off w/ JS, guess what? She lost her place in line. JS was sure to enforce this, telling SC to get to the back of the line :evil:

  • #2
    Nigh five minutes later and said customer has returned, retorting to the ever-kind R, “See? Made it in five minutes, didn’t I, huh?”
    bully for you, sir; you will hear the sound of one hand clapping as you leave.

    wtf is with all these older codgers? are they saving up their nastiness for retirement specifically?

    good for js, making his female counterpart wait in line; you leave the line, you lose your place, lol.
    look! it's ghengis khan!
    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


    • #3
      Quoth chainedbarista View Post
      bully for you, sir; you will hear the sound of one hand clapping as you leave.

      wtf is with all these older codgers? are they saving up their nastiness for retirement specifically?

      good for js, making his female counterpart wait in line; you leave the line, you lose your place, lol.
      Actually, the guy was mid/late-thirties, looked 'roidal (as in 'steroids') and tattooed up the yin-yang.


      • #4
        The "handicapped" story brought a recent event to mind. We don't ring regular purchases at customer service, but the line can still get quite long. I usually take my break sitting on a bench that's a short distance from customer service. I'm completely out of the way and customers usually don't even see me while I hide out on the bench near books. Except for a particular woman in a wheelchair. The wheelchair of course had nothing to do with her being sucky, but I mention it due to the exchange below:

        SC takes one look at the line stretching almost to the bathrooms (I'd say a good twenty people in line ahead of her) and she snarled in disgust "Is this the line for customer service?!" Hey, I understand, the line is long. Surprisingly, employees tend to move through the line rather quickly. But it's still a bit of a wait. She then looks over and latches onto me. Note that every sentence she said was said loudly, snappish and borderline furious/incredulous.

        SC: Is this the line for customer service!?
        Me: Err, yes it is.
        SC: They need to get more workers up here!
        Me: They already have employees up there. They actually move through the line pretty quickly...
        SC: Don't they have a separate line!!
        Me: Pardon?
        SC: A separate line! For the disabled!
        Me: (Don't say it. Don't say it. Sorry ma'am, you'll have to wait your turn like everyone else. Hurray, you didn't say it)
        Me: I'm sorry, they don't.

        Few moments later whilst I'm shutting my eyes and otherwise faking dead while I again attempt to enjoy my break.

        SC: Can I get a bag?! (I'm still *somewhat* blissfully ignorant)
        SC: Excuuuuse me! Can I get a bag!
        Me: *blink blink* (Was she talking to me? Well, she is huffy and glaring). Excuse me?
        SC: Can I get a bag?
        Me: Bag?
        SC: BAG! Can I get a bag?
        Me: Err, sure thing. (I go grab a bag, hand it to her) Here you go, ma'am. (Then I saunter off to the in-store Subway restaurant to finish the rest of my break in peace. sigh)
        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

