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Sure-fire way to annoy me before...

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  • #16
    For all the "911 center could be in another place" people, I have to say

    Yeah, but
    Quoth JLRodgers View Post
    .... she said it's the park she takes her kids to all the time.

    And she still sent the police to the wrong place and end of town.
    It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


    • #17
      Quoth Naaman View Post
      Would they have a system for "if it's busy the call gets routed to nearest available centre?", if so they may be working off Mapquest and TomToms...
      Possible, but highly unlikely considering she said she'd been there with her kids, and as the police will take calls if it runs over -- I've heard a normal officer say "911" when answering the phone before. So if it did get outsourced, it'd mean all the police officers had been killed or busy doing things... so uh... we'd be screwed.

      My town only has 6700 people in it (20,000 in the county) and there's only one firetruck and one ambulance on hand any given day.


      • #18
        Quoth protege View Post
        You could always do what my neighbor did once. When calling 911, and getting that question... he replied with "the big fucking house with the flames pouring out. Trust me, you can't miss it"
        Yep or like i did, look for the car stacked on top of the other three and being on fire its hard to miss.. I saw the crash from my apartment and gave them my address, telling them across the street north side of the same street and the operator wanted that address, my response "the cars that are now on fire block the address markers".. Use mine take it or leave it, cause I am not walking through fire to read the building"..


        • #19
          Quoth JLRodgers View Post
          Possible, but highly unlikely considering she said she'd been there with her kids, and as the police will take calls if it runs over
          Missed that - apologies
          Lady, people aren't chocolates. D'you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling. Dr Cox - Scrubs


          • #20
            Quoth Naaman View Post
            Missed that - apologies
            Not a problem

