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The poor plumbing

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  • The poor plumbing

    So it finally happened...The idiot customers have finally broken the plumbing.We all joke about it at work.I guess the other day all the bathrooms flooded.Only one bathroom works in the entire 7 story building.So what have they found in fixing the plumbing might you ask....

    2. Entire rolls of toliet paper
    3. socks
    4. shoes
    6. gum
    7. packs of gummy bears
    8. pens and pencils
    9. small notebooks
    And that was just in the last few days.Its amazing that people will do such stupid shit(no pun intended) in public restrooms.They would put that stuff in their toliet at home.

  • #2
    Quoth candyshopgirl View Post
    4. shoes
    What? Shoes? "Oops, my shoe flew off my foot and into the toilet. It's fine. I'll flush it and walk around in my socks all day. If anyone asks, I'll make something up."
    Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


    • #3
      Quoth Apathy View Post
      What? Shoes? "Oops, my shoe flew off my foot and into the toilet. It's fine. I'll flush it and walk around in my socks all day. If anyone asks, I'll make something up."
      See I didn't understand that either.I mean I change in the stall before working out and I've never flushed my shoes. People are flying idiots


      • #4
        Quite frankly, this really doesn't surprise me.

        With the shoes and whatnot, I'd say it was drunk people who did it. My friends have dropped their phones in the toilet at the bar before......too drunk, trying to text while peeing......

        Oh well...they can't really complain now can they? If it wasn't for stupid people trying to act like children and see what all they can flush down the toilet, this wouldn't have happened.

        And candyshopgirl, I highly doubt these people do that at home. That's why they trash public places......their homes are probably spotless or pretty close to it.
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #5
          Quoth blas87 View Post
          With the shoes and whatnot, I'd say it was drunk people who did it. My friends have dropped their phones in the toilet at the bar before......too drunk, trying to text while peeing......
          See? I've had people call to renew their books over the phone ... WHILE PEEING! Seriously, is it (or anything else, for that matter) THAT important that it can't wait until you're out of the rest room ... or your car ... or your dinner ... or while you're in line anywhere, etc.? Priorities, man, priorities!
          I love mankind ... it's people I can't stand. -- Linus Van Pelt


          • #6
            I have talked on the phone while peeing before.....talking to a girl friend......never talking to a guy or any kind of professional call!
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              I don't talk to my husband on the phone while in the bathroom (well, I offer to hang up if I have to go), even though we have been known to follow each other at home to continue a conversation. It's a matter of consideration.

              Oh, wait. That's why I'm here. If I was like the people who did these things, I'd be posting on
              Any day you're looking down at the dirt instead of up at the dirt is a good day.


              • #8
                WTF? Okay, the worst I've previously heard about is either too much TP, or paper towels. maybe pens and anything that can fit in the back pocket of pants and can accidentally fall in. But freakin' wallets, shoes, newspapers (ran out of TP lol?) there are too many crazies running around.


                • #9
                  When I was in college, I lived in a nine story dormatory. Some genius had the thought to flush a lit M-80 from the ninth floor. (Yes, the fuses burn under water.) Did tens of thousands of dollars in damage when it exploded somewhere around the 4th floor. Idiot should have picked better friends. Once they saw the extent of the damage, they all narked him out to save their own hides.

                  If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience.
                  --Woodrow Willson


                  • #10
                    I'd say... when you post the signs of "bathroom is closed" ... print up the list of what was found clogging the pipes

                    so when they bitch they can see.. it's the people using the toilets (aka THEM) who broke them!


                    • #11
                      The only thing I want to know is hot they fit the freakin shoes in there! I mean, it would make sense if it was a small child shoe, but a normal shoe???
                      I see dumb people...

                      "I think I died long ago, and you two are my eternal punishment"
                      "You're like a constant downer, huh?"


                      • #12
                        Wallets... yeah. I suspect that's a case of a pickpocket getting rid of the leftovers.
                        Who hears all your prayers? Why, the NSA, of course!


                        • #13
                          we had to pay 1K to get all the locks in our store rekeyed because our resident idiot flushed the keys down the "john" after she heard them fall in. We paid the plumber to find them but he said it was too late. he saw one loose key and the rest had gone out and unless we wanted to pay big bucks to dig up the street to get our keys back it would be easier to just rekey the locks. That was the 3rd set she lost. Can you guess if she was fired over that? (I will see her tomorrow at work)


                          • #14
                            Quoth QASlave View Post
                            When I was in college, I lived in a nine story dormatory. Some genius had the thought to flush a lit M-80 from the ninth floor. (Yes, the fuses burn under water.) Did tens of thousands of dollars in damage when it exploded somewhere around the 4th floor. Idiot should have picked better friends. Once they saw the extent of the damage, they all narked him out to save their own hides.

                            It would have sucked to be near the pipe when that went off. Just imagine going to the bathroom when all of a sudden the place and you are covered in sewage.


                            • #15
                              Quoth candyshopgirl View Post
                              7. packs of gummy bears
                              Take the gummy bears. Empty them into a dish. Put dish out on counter as a complimentary free sample.

                              Do it.

