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Sucky customers, Cell phones, and miss-I-need-it-now

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  • Sucky customers, Cell phones, and miss-I-need-it-now

    Sucky customers and cell phones...

    Tonight was busy VERY busy so busy from 5 to 9 that I was working by myself and the screen consisted of red boxes filled to the brim!

    A customer came through and was on his cell phone in drive through (go figure right!?)

    He was talking and talking and talking.. of course I said

    "Hi may I take your order please?"

    I waited about 2 minutes when I didn't get an answer, thinking he didn't hear me I said "Please order whenever you are ready!" Being very nice and pleasent, though I am sick and can't breath... you know what he did? Yell "I freaking will!" then he drove off... He never came back


    So when I first clocked on at 5. We were kinda busy tonight right? Well, I had probably 3 orders infront of this one. We were waiting on chicken, and I was by myself, baging, taking money, and taking orders, as well as the guy making the food was by himself. We were doing what we could...

    This lady drives through and orders a small sweet tea and a three piece chicken tender. I gave her her total, and she hadn't been in drive through waiting more then two minutes when she pulled out and pulled back around.

    I gave my greeting and got a "Yeah I just ordered the three piece and small sweet tea I need it now I have some where to be in like 5 minutes!" I blinked and thought( then why did you wait last friggin minute to get your food?) and I looked at my manager who said "well she has to wait." (mind you we had three orders in front of her, and her coming back around was just stalling it more, since I had to stop and deal with her) I polietly said "I am sorry ma'm but we are hurrying I will have it out as fast as possible." She then screamed at me in this rude tone "Well I have to cancel my order good bye!" and drove off. GEEZE!

    Our front line wasn't that busy why didn't she just come in!? I am sorry but I can not make three cars pull up because you need your food right freaking now. Why don't you leave 30 minutes early to get you food? I do that when I have some where to be!

    okay I'm done x.x

  • #2
    Oh I love that! People that tell you to hurry the f*ck up because they "have to be somewhere". If you don't have time to shop/get food, then don't! Simple as that!


    • #3

      I always slow down when I get the "I need it now!" morons
      Out of retail!


      • #4
        Hell she wouldn't have waited but a few more minutes she ended up just driving off and we had to right it off as a drive off.. which sucks because the manager on duty gets in trouble for it.


        • #5
          Yeah, I love that. I guess you must've left your magic wand home today, right? Otherwise, you could have made it magically appear.

          I had a chick come up to the counter at Kinko's and say "Can I get it now or will I have to wait a second?"

          Um, I guess since I can't bend time and fart your order out of my ass in a puff of smoke, I guess you'll have to wait "a second."


          • #6
            Moe got a new fryer.

            He told Homer Simpson that it can flash fry a buffalo in 40 seconds.

            Homer replied in his whiny voice, "40 seconds? But I wanted it nowwwww."


            • #7
              argh, we get the "want now" people at work. actually had someone come up to me with an order for several hundred images that she just put in the system and ask me if they were done yet. then i had to take about 5 min to explain to her that things take time to be made, and it would be a couple of hours. and she still thought i was messing with her. >.<

              Hobby Twitter.


              • #8
                Quoth Keiara View Post

                I always slow down when I get the "I need it now!" morons
                Me too.. Ask and you get something, demand and I go into "F-you" mode of how close to DMV can I get slow.


                • #9
                  I would be happy to get your chicken for you right now! I just need you to sign this form please. It will just take a moment and I will have your chicken for you by the time you sign. What is the form for? It absolves the employees and the company of any wrong doing in your eating of undercooked chicken is all. Happy Botchulism!!
                  Bark like a chicken!


                  • #10
                    We get the people that drop off their prescription and are told it will be about 30 minutes. Do they go wander around the store for half an hour? Would I be posting this if they did?

                    Nope, they walk the 15 feet over to the pick-up and ask if it's ready. Half of the time, it hasn't even been entered into the system to where it will show me where it's at!
                    It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                    • #11
                      Quoth Keiara View Post

                      I always slow down when I get the "I need it now!" morons
                      Me too.

                      I'm in a call center, so I always feel like asking:

                      "Wait, am I confused? Did *I* call *you* and interrupt during a busy time or when you're in a hurry? No? Oh, *you* called *me*? Oh, I see! Perhaps next time you should call to book your multi-leg, INTERNATIONAL trip (for 3 months from now) when you have more than 2 minutes to spare!"

                      And yes, my typing and speaking tend to grind to a halt when this happens. The southern-Ohio/Kentucky drawl comes out and I speak annoyingly slowly. This pisses them off even more, but if the call is monitored, it appears as if nothing is amiss.
                      "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13

