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What register was open

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  • What register was open

    I didn't find this as sucky as I found it amusing. This morning I was sorting signs on our second register wich I have roped off register one is open and had the light on. I was standing there sorting and not one or two but ten different people walked past register one and dumped their stuff on register two and then gave me a wtf look when I told them that I could help them on register one.

  • #2
    People do that all the time when I'm closing.

    I leave my light on while I'm cleaning the other registers' belts...and have their "lane closed" signs up, and it never fails. They wander over to where I'm cleaning, staring at the unlit light and/or the closed sign.

    I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

    Oh, and your tool box got out again.


    • #3
      I often have no people in my lane, so I will shut off the light so I can go back to Service Desk or being Service Coordinator. It never fails...after the light goes off the swarms will come to my lane, just like bugs in reverse!

      The first year I worked at the store I was on one of our express lanes. The Service Coordinator had come and shut off my light and put the Lane Closed sign at the end of the lane. I finished with the couple in my lane, signed out of the register and was turning to walk away when a 20-something African American man came dashing up and plopped a CD and a handful of bills on the belt.

      ME: I'm sorry sir, I'm closed.

      SC: (in an indignant voice) Excuse ME, Ma'am? You're Closed, Ma'am?

      ME: Yes, sir. The light is out, the closed sign is at the end of the lane and I am signed out of the register.

      SC: WELL, EXCUSE ME, MA'AM!! ***snatched up the CD and cash and stormed off.

      I didn't see if he just went to another lane or if he walked out of the store.


      • #4
        Quoth RetailSlave View Post

        I didn't see if he just went to another lane or if he walked out of the store.
        Let's hope he walked out of the store and stayed out of the store.
        Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

