Sunday was the first of the month, and of course we had the usual group of Sunday crazies.
Wait, what?
I am on intake, as allways.

Elderly black gentleman: EBG
EBG's Asshole grandson, or maybe younger friend: AG
*normally race would not be mentioned, but it is part of the story*
EBG: I have my medicare card for you miss to put in, so it can cover my prescriptions.
Me: Not a problem sir, I will put it in and rebill it for you.
EBG: Thank you kindly. *Begins to walk away from intake window with friend*
AG: *as he is walking away* You betta check and make sure she does it. These white bitches love to cheat a man outta his money.

Lady, honestly, they don't pay me enough to deal with your shit!
A lady came up to the intake window rather angry that medicare part d had been charged for her scripts instead of her regular insurence. Even though the copay for medicare was much cheaper, go figure. I try to do as she asks and put her regular insurence, and it refuses to cover becuase she has medicare part d.
Me: I am sorry ma'am, your insurence company is refusing the claim because you have medicare part d.
SC: I have NEVER had medicare part d!! I have never applied for one or recieved a card! You are just not trying to put it through hard enough because you don't give a shit about what happens to me!
Me: *what I am thinking: Like my mind powers can magically make it work, lol.* What I say: I am very sorry you feel that way ma'am, but there is really nothing I can do. This is something you are going to have to go over with your insurence company about.
SC: Now I KNOW you are lying! You could call them right now and straighten all of this out, because I have NEVER HAD medicare part D! CALL THEM!
Me: *sighs* allright ma'am, I'll give them a call. * I call, and as it is Sunday, no one answers and I am eventually hung up on automatically four times, she makes me call FOUR TIMES* Ma'am, I am not calling any more. You are going to have to call them on Monday, because it does not look like they are open for pharmacies right now.
SC: *begins digging through her bag* Well, you are gonna call the number on the back of my card then.
Me: Ma'am, that is the customer service line, completely seperate from the line we use.
SC: *pulls out a card and hands it to me* CALL THEM!
Me: *Looks at card and laughs*
SC: What's so funny?
Me: *flip it around so that she can see it* Ma'am, this is your medicare part D cared that according to you, does not excist. *hands her back the magical non-excisting card* Have a nice day.


An hour later, the pharmicist came up to me and told me the lady had call trying to do the same thing again. She had told her that she had been right there when I had taken care of her and knows that she in fact has a medicare part d card. What we do not under stand is why. Her scripts are significantly cheaper with medicare part D. Maybe it's pride. There is nothing that we can do though. The insurence company covers her at their own discresion.
Have a good week everyone!
