Quoth lupo pazzesco
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So far, no word that she's been rewarded, we're getting fired, or of firewood being gathered, so I think we're safe.

Him: That's all right, I was enjoying the view!
Me: Uh...what...?
Him: You have a VERY lovely ass...
Me: ....
Him: Seriously, it's beautiful
Me: ....???
Him: So...how often are you here? <He says, with a strange gleam in his eye>
Me: Uh...you can pay for your book at the front registers, sir, thankyouforshoppingwithushaveagoodday,ohlook,Igoov ertherenowandstockbooks!! kthxbye!! <Flees>
Me: Uh...what...?
Him: You have a VERY lovely ass...
Me: ....
Him: Seriously, it's beautiful
Me: ....???
Him: So...how often are you here? <He says, with a strange gleam in his eye>
Me: Uh...you can pay for your book at the front registers, sir, thankyouforshoppingwithushaveagoodday,ohlook,Igoov ertherenowandstockbooks!! kthxbye!! <Flees>
Random Person: Unwanted compliment
Me: *huge grin plus higher pitch plus increased volume* Thanks!
I think the lack of awkwardness removes the thrill. Perhaps it feels polite and is thus pointing out their rudeness??
