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Sometimes I feel worse for my CWs

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  • Sometimes I feel worse for my CWs

    The Sign Says..... Employees ONLY
    Did not happen to me, but to one of my co workers about a week ago. She was walking into the break room (We have a nifty key pad... as I'm sure most places do) and as she walks down the hall... she realizes... the door did not shut....
    Turning around she finds this lady walking down the hall.

    CW: poor thing dealing with this on her lunch
    SC: obviously entitled NOT to wait in line

    CW: excuse me ma'am but you need to return to the sales floor. This area is for Employees only
    SC: I'll just be a minute I need to use the bathroom
    CW: Sorry. But these bathrooms are Employee restrooms, the customer restrooms are located by the fitting room
    SC: But there is a HUGE line. I am not waiting! (Tries to push past employee)
    CW: MA'AM. I need you to leave right now or I will call security back here and have you escorted out of the store.
    CW: If you would like you can talk to my manager about this, but she will tell you the same thing! Now GET OUT!
    SC: Leaves in a huff and tries to complain to the manager... manager says the same thing..... and customer tries to threaten that she'll call corporate. .... all this time and she could have just waited in line and been in and out of the bathroom already....

    I am NOT your fashion consultant

    Now I really dont mind being asked "does this look okay" every now and then... I mean sometimes you really do just need an outside opinion...

    But really... Do not bring 20 garments in and out and expect me to give you an opinion on EVERY SINGLE THING.... I have other things to do in the fitting room. And why! WHY WHY WHY! do they get mad at me when I tell them "You know... It looks okay, but I dont think it's the most faltering thing you could wear" if you dont want my honest opinion dont ask for it. I'm not going to lie and tell you you look like a super model when you actually look like shit. It may sting just a little, but I dont think it's very good manners to let you dress like that.....and get laughed at by everyone.

    Again... my poor coworkers....

    So this lady asked CW.. "Do you have any more of these in the back?"
    She informed her that we put everything we get for the day out on the floor. So No, if its on the floor it's all we have.

    SC: ....><
    CW: why oh why me....

    SC: well cant you just go check.
    cw: If it's not on the floor then we dont have it ma'am
    cw:*sigh.... doesnt want to do this today* Alright ma'am I'll go double check the stock room for you

    she walk back to the stock room, to see ((SURPRISE)) only empty boxes and such. but hears this odd sound behind her.. and think to herself... NO it cant be... no one is THAT stupid.... Low and behold SC followed her into the stock room...the doors that clearly state "Authorized Personnel Only beyond this point"

    CW: Excuse me Ma'am I need you to step back out to the sales floor.
    SC: But I want to see if you have any of (item)
    CW: I am looking ma'am, but it is against policy to have you back here. And as you can clearly see, we do not have any (item) back here
    SC: Go look in those boxes over there!
    CW: no... You need to leave the Stock room now or I WILL call my manager down here.
    SC: *Storms off in a blaze of Irate glory*

    ....we got 20 more of (item)s in the next day...... it made me and CW feel warm and fuzzy inside.
    "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"

  • #2
    I would've tossed that third lady back out through the doors myself.

    If you are not an employee, a vendor rep, or anybody else authorized to be in the backroom, you DO NOT set foot back there. There is lots of power equipment and machinery capable of removing fingers and heads, and lots of shaky stacks of boxes and repack totes that can bash your brain into mush.

    And if you were to get hurt, our insurance company would be none too happy with us.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      One time the idiot who was working the produce department decided to go take a smoke break without getting someone else to cover her department, and then some jackass customer decided to walk into the back room to see why no one was answering when he was ringing the bell for assistance. Unfortunately, that just happened to be when I arrived at work (I hadn't even clocked in yet), so I was the one who had to listen to him bitch.

      After it was all over and done with, I tracked down the person who was supposed to be covering the department and gave her an earful. Not surprisingly, she didn't seem to give a rat's ass.
      Sometimes life is altered.
      Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
      Uneasy with confrontation.
      Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


      • #4
        The nerve of these customers! Not only do they feel entitled to go in unauthorized areas, but they're actually disillusioned enough to think that they have the power to have you fired - and for a completely ridiculous reason, to boot!

        This reminds me of when I was working at the drugstore in the backroom with a few other co-workers. Another employee, who actually worked in the beauty boutique, came in because he was looking for packing tape for a customer. A few seconds later, the couple he was helping decided it would be okay to walk in.

        We tried to tell them that they weren't allowed back there but they were insistent: apparently they didn't get sufficient help from the other employees, so they felt entitled to come into the back room and wait for their roll of tape. We kept trying to tell them that regardless, they were not authorized to be there. That was when they tried to throw in the whole "We know the owner" bit. (The store owner, or "associate" is the head pharmacist.)

        They finally left, albeit not happily, having to wait for their damn precious packing tape in the store like every other customer. They vowed to talk to the owner "about this" and kept giving us their names so we could mention them to him the next time we saw him.

        Big surprise: the next day, when we told the owner the story, he laughed, shrugged and said he'd only met them once!


        • #5
          Quoth Red_Dazes View Post
          The Sign Says..... Employees ONLY
          I get crap like that ALL the time at my work.

          I work in xray. we have signs over the doors to our rooms (which I ALWAYS keep shut in an attempt to keep people from wandering around in employee only areas or private areas). anyways the signs say a variety of things such as 'you've reach the Diagnostic Imaging department please have a seat an a technologist will be with you shortly' (there are 3 of these posts within about 10 feet of each other right BY the waiting room chairs.)

          Now we do have an employees only area in the back of our department where we do computer work (making sure xrays got sent to our comp system, confirming patients had their xrays etc.). also this has a little camera so we can tell WHEN patients have arrived in our waiting area.

          now.. on the door leading to this area there is a giant sign at eye level saying 'secure area, employees only' I've had a few people wander back here wanting to know if they've 'reached xray'

          and the biggest annoyance (mostly because this is potentially dangerous) is people walking right into the xray exam rooms when the doors are closed! (we can't lock them to keep people out but i keep them closed unless im escorting a patient into or out of the exam room.)

          we have signs, again at eye level, on the doors of the xray room basically saying 'RADITATION STAY THE HELL OUT' (im paraphrasing slightly). But it's the law to have these warning signs, since, well radiation is harmful so if someone walks in right in the middle of when i'm xraying a patient A. they could be getting a nice little dose of radiation (serves em right the idiots) and B. it's violating the privacy of the patient.

          Yet on several occasions i've had people wandering in, again, wanting to know if they've reached xray. *sigh*
          Common sense... So rare it's a goddamn superpower.


          • #6
            It's what I miss most about the airport. Unless you have a badge you are NOT ALLOWED BEHIND the ticket counter. Not even employees are allowed back there without their badges.

            If you get it into your head that you're entitled to go into the employee breakroom you get to meet the TSA, the sherrif and Homeland Security.


            • #7
              I found a guy in the hotel kitchen about 2am while I was doing my rounds. He said it must be ok for him to be back there because there was no sign stating 'employees only.' Ummm, it's the kitchen, it's kind of implied.

              He wasn't doing anything, the guest had a habit of just walking around the hotel all night due to insomnia.
              "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga

