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  • Hello.

    I am not sure if this website has anything to with an old LiveJournal community that a friend referred me to years ago, but in any case I always have enjoyed the stories told. I laughed and I cried. I now work as a public servant at a gas station. This outlet could be my sanity. Here is my ice breaker(s);

    1.) "Where do I sign??"

    I here this more than, "What are your cheapest cigarettes?" and it drives me insane When a customer has to sign for something I always put the copy that needs their signature in front of them, the line for the signature and the word "SIGNATURE" is right under said line and the way I place it put's the line right in their line of vision. They stare at the line for about 10-20 seconds before reading over the entire damn slip. UGH!

    2.) "Why is the price of gas going up?" "This is ridiculous! I am reporting you for price gauging!!" etc., etc.

    I am a damn cashier making $7.60 an hour to take your money and give you change for gas and other things you don't need but purchase anyway. I don't see any extra money when gas prices go up nor am I the guy making the choice to hike the rates. Please people, cut the poor cashiers and (where available) attendants some slack. They are just trying to earn a dollar.

    3.) "April 1st, 2009 Tobacco Tax Increase"

    First off, we've had pamphlets warning of a possible 156% tobacco tax increase for about 8 months, and no one has ever taken one. Now, customers are learning they are going to be paying more for their varied cancers. I can somewhat sympathize with them as a smoker (currently trying to quit) but there was this one guy...

    Me: How are you doing today, sir?
    Guy: Not too bad. Can I get two packs of Camel Filters & two packs of Marlboro Red?
    Me: Sure. *grabs the smokes*
    Guy: *looks down to see the sign on the counter regarding the tax increase*.
    Guy: Wow, they're going up .62 cents a pack?
    Me: Yes, and so stores can keep their profit margins they will probably tack another .08 cents onto each pack, so they'll be about .70 cents more a pack.
    Guy: Wow, that is like $5.00 more a carton.
    Me: No, it's actually more like $7.00 more a carton.
    Guy: ....No it's not!
    Me: *puzzled as to why he's upset* ....Yes it is.
    Guy: NO IT ISN'T!
    Me: *grabs calculator*.
    Me: Ok, sir. If they are going up .70 cents a pack, and a carton contains 10 packs... that's $7.00. *shows him the calculator.
    Guy: ....That calculator is broken; *leaves*
    My manager: Someone needs to learn about decimal places.

    I will offer more nuggets of stupidity, foolishness, down right dickheadedness as my time here elapses. Stay sane my fellow clerks.

  • #2
    Quoth Coma View Post
    I am a damn cashier making $7.60 an hour to take your money and give you change for gas and other things you don't need but purchase anyway. I don't see any extra money when gas prices go up nor am I the guy making the choice to hike the rates. Please people, cut the poor cashiers and (where available) attendants some slack. They are just trying to earn a dollar.
    I know that feeling. One time, some old guy saw me re-pricing some cans, and grumbled at me for "jacking up the prices." Nevermind that I was just a poor college student, and had to pay those same prices. We didn't even get any kind of employee discount.
    Sometimes life is altered.
    Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
    Uneasy with confrontation.
    Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


    • #3
      I hate hearing smokers bitch about the cig tax going up. If they'd bitch to some politicians as much as they do to other people maybe it wouldn't go up. But no instead they torture everyone else grrrr.


      • #4
        Quoth Coma View Post
        I am not sure if this website has anything to with an old LiveJournal community that a friend referred me to years ago,
        Similar idea, separate entity.



        • #5
          They should just quit smoking if they are going to complain about the prices. In NYC, it's $10 a pack.


          • #6
            Quoth tinamarble88 View Post
            In NYC, it's $10 a pack.
            *Chokes* WHAAAAT?!

            .....I'm not going to NYC.....and I thought 4$ a pack was bad.
            Now a member of that alien race called Management.

            Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


            • #7
              Quoth jerkface11 View Post
              I hate hearing smokers bitch about the cig tax going up. If they'd bitch to some politicians as much as they do to other people maybe it wouldn't go up. But no instead they torture everyone else grrrr.
              Funny, around here I don't hear the smokers I know complaining about the cigarette tax, which is always going up for one reason or another.

              It seems to be one tax the politicians can keep raising without people getting upset about it.
              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


              • #8
                Quoth RetailWorkhorse View Post
                *Chokes* WHAAAAT?!

                .....I'm not going to NYC.....and I thought 4$ a pack was bad.
                That's just Manhattan. Everywhere else (at least around where I live) is between $7 and $8. It still is expensive anyway.


                • #9
                  Quoth jerkface11 View Post
                  But no instead they torture everyone else grrrr.
                  You hit the SC nail on the head. That's one of the biggest SC traits, I think. Bitching to everyone except the one who can actually help the situation. I've eventually come to this conclusion: It's not actually a big issue for people who do this. They're just getting out the requisite amount of bitching every human needs to get out before they die. They just don't have any friends to complain to about stuff.
                  Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


