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Super Mega Bitch

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  • Super Mega Bitch

    So today it was a few mins before I was getting ready to leave.Well the college girl called and said oh I'll be 5-10 or so mins late.I thought okay I really need to pee and since shes running late I'll just take a bathroom break.So I put up the sign and leave.When I get back the college girl has arrived,shes getting her money and I poked my head in the store and theres someone waiting at the door.she looks mad.I'm thinking god can't even get 5 mins. So I go into the store(the backway) and there this girl maybe 19 year old standing with her nose pressed up anginst the glass(I'm thinking oh shit this is gonna be fun).So I unlock the door and this bitch doesn't even wait until the door is open,she almost takes my arm off.Well the queen gets what she wants and comes up to pay. And this conversation ensues....

    Queen Bitch-QB
    Me-Just shoot me

    QB-takes credit out and throws it at me,it lands on the floor. Well why were YOU closed just now.
    Me-I had a bathroom break.
    QB-Well thats stupid,I need stuff and YOU need to be here and open.I had to wait a whole 20 mins.

    (just a note I was gone maybe 3-4 mins at most. But as we all know CS concept of time is all screwed up.)

    Me-(I lost it)Well I'm human and I PISS,sorry but I will close and YOU will wait.At that point she gave the famous cat butt face and was silent until the end of the transaction.
    QB-Well I need a receipt.
    And she left in all her pamered spoiled bitchness

    I swear yall should have seen the look on this bitch's face.Like She couldn't believe that her majesty was told that she had to wait.
    The whole time the college girl employee was standing behind me and was scared to death. She says now she knows how to handle it.She says it happens to her all the time on the weekends.I told her not to put up with this kind of CS shit.You are a human and they can screw off.I mean reall ydo they expect us to stand 8 hours and not ever pee. I've had people chase me down the hallway to the bathroom before asking how long I would be and when I would be back.And finally I'm sick of it

  • #2
    QB-takes credit out and throws it at me,it lands on the floor.

    Please tell me that you did not pick up that EW'S credit card! I would have looked at the card and then at her and said: I think you dropped something. What a spoiled little bitch! But just remember karma always comes around.


    • #3
      When I think something is taking a long time, I count. This makes me realize how little time said thing is taking.
      Interesting Fodder:


      • #4
        I'm sorry, I saw the title of this thread and all I can hear in my head now is "Kyle's Mom is A Big Fat Bitch"...and i don't even watch South Park anymore.
        Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


        • #5
          Quoth katie kaboom View Post
          I'm sorry, I saw the title of this thread and all I can hear in my head now is "Kyle's Mom is A Big Fat Bitch"...and i don't even watch South Park anymore.
          She's a kengameyah BEOTCH!!!!
          I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
          Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
          Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


          • #6
            King Kamehameha
            tho i did cheat and get the spelling from google

            bout time some of these bitches realized they can't expect you to be a robot


            • #7
              It really makes me see red when people think retail workers aren't human.

              Those cheapy little "be back at -time-" signs with the clock hands worked wonders for me at a teensy kiosk smack dab in the middle of the mall thruway when I had to take a bathroom break. The only people that gave me grief over that were those that would probably whine even if I gave them gold and crowned them princess for a day.
              "You are the dumbest smart person I have ever met in my life!" Will Smith, 'I, Robot'.

              "You LOSE! Good day, sir!" Gene Wilder, 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory'.


              • #8
                I saw the title and immediately thought of the movie 'Heathers'.

                Then I read the post and I swear it could of come from that movie.
                I'm tolerant of everyone and everything except for assholes. - Mongo Skruddgemire


                • #9
                  Quoth bloodrose View Post
                  When I think something is taking a long time, I count. This makes me realize how little time said thing is taking.
                  YES! The other night I stayed after work trying to reach my insurance company. I got on the phone at 5pm exactly-and I was getting frustrated-I couldn't seem to reach the right department and I could have SWORN it was taking FOREVER. Seriously. I've been at this BS for at LEAST 20 minutes... Great. My night is ROON'D! I'm here SO late and I'll never get home.......

                  A rep answered the phone and I looked at the clock...........5:10. By 5:15 I was out the door.

                  Proof that it ALWAYS seems longer than it is. Jerks!
                  Well fiddle dee dee!!

