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From The Maw of Darkness

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  • #46
    GK, I gotta say, this is one of your better posts.

    The caliber of your work lately hasn't quite been what it was, but this post more than makes up for it.

    As a matter of fact... are you still on painkillers? Because I'm fairly certain last time your posts had me stifling hearty laughter, it was LAST time you fucked up your back and were on painkillers. Could it be that you are like the Dr. House of, and you need your painkillers in order to remain the forerunner in your field?


    • #47
      Quoth cawaker View Post
      hehe I have to admit, I love lolcats. But I havent ever used the grammar in real life.

      I think it's cute though like a little kid asking for something. I can think of much much worse grammar dialects that have spawned from the bowels of the internet.

      My personal pet peeve is the lack of complete words, like text speak, U, R, 2, etc that drives me bonkers.
      I think you are in my head. I check out daily, but text speak drives me out of my mind.
      That is so full of suck Dyson doesn't know how they did it - shankyknitter


      • #48
        Quoth Kali View Post
        Could it be that you are like the Dr. House of, and you need your painkillers in order to remain the forerunner in your field?
        That' unsettling thought.

        Actually, its probably the reverse. Horrific pain + uncomfortable new desk at work leads to suffering which leads to painkillers. I was feeling better this week though. Week before that? Hell on Earth. Hard, hard bloody week that was. Needed max dosage happy pills just to hobble 2 blocks to the bus stop to get to the Skytrain.

        I can functional relatively normally now though. Rhythmic gymnastics aside.


        • #49
          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
          I can functional relatively normally now though.
          One word: kek.


          • #50
            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
            Some of them would be questionable even here, heh =p

            A few are more benign. I like getting him with something when other staff is in so he can't curse me to the Heavens outloud. For example, our system allows you to send IMs to other people in the office. We were both in one morning, the morning staff is in and one of the big bosses comes around and tells us she needs to do our quarterly reviews before we leave. ( We're night shift so its hard to catch us for these =p )

            Her exact wording to my coworker, however, was "I'll do GK first, than I'll do you, ok?"

            At which point I IM'd him "Hear that? You get sloppy seconds." and reveled in hearing the distance thud and low pitched whine as he cringed over his desk but could not squeal with big boss near him. ;p
            Is anyone else now waiting for the post in Cursing out Co-workers saying "Oh my god! You would not believe some of the gross, disturbing sh*t my co-worker said tonight!"
            "Honestly officer, he asked for a shot and I gave him one. Why do you need the handcuffs?" - MannersMakethMan

