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Weird customer.

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  • Weird customer.

    Maybe I'm overreacting or being mean, the lady wasn't mean or nasty at all, she was just weird.

    First she asked me what the most popular donut we had was and I said, "Considering that we have no more jelly donuts left, I would say the jelly donut and boston kreme." Then she said, "Aww no that was the one I wanted." She was with her grandma also and in the end they took two coffees and 2 donuts.

    The lady then came back to the counter and she wanted to know what was in the egg white flatbreads and I gave her this flyer (I don't know what to call it) and it says what is inside it and then she asked which flatbread is good and I said pretty much all of them are good. (I tried them all) After 5 minutes of wondering whether she should get the flatbread or not, she decided she wanted the jelly stick donut, but then after she saw the calories, she decided she didn't want it anymore and I suggested the french crueller and she took it and paid.

    I don't know. I thought she was weird asking me what the most popular donut was, which flatbread is good. She also asked (before getting a coffee) what coffees we had. It's like she never been to Dunkin' Donuts before.

  • #2
    Maybe she hadn't.

    My Dad's 70, and had his first ever McDonalds last week.

    Vedict: Not bad but he'd have preferred fish and chips.


    • #3
      I've never been to one, and would probably be at a loss.
      I also like to know whats in the food I'm eating, so...
      Deepak Chopra says, "Fear deprives people of choice. Fear shrinks the world into isolated, defensive enclaves. Fear spirals out of control. Fear makes everyday life seem clouded over with danger.


      • #4
        It was just the way she was acting. I really can't describe on the internet how she was asking, but after reading the flyer which explains what's in it, she still was wondering about it. Thank God there were no customers behind her. They would've waited long. I also figured she probably has been at a DD before since she was upset there was no more jelly donuts left.


        • #5
          I will say, When I go to eat out at any place other than a restaurant, I usually ask the people who are working (providing it's not insainly busy) What they think is the best. I like trying new things so it could just be me...
          "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


          • #6
            I love Dunkin Donuts. We don't have them in the UK (Krispy Kreme instead, yum) but when on holiday in the USA my parents would often go and get Dunkin Donuts, flavoured coffee and bagels I was able to relieve that dream when on a layover in Dusseldorf, they have Dunkin Donuts everywhere!

            Ahem...anyhoo...yeah the customer sounds not sucky...just a bit odd.
            No longer a flight atttendant!


            • #7
              I've had a few newbies to Dunkin before. I didn't think it all that strange since some people aren't really into donuts or coffee (like myself, why in the world am I working here?!), or just like homebrewed stuff.

              I felt pretty good once when I was able to suggest a coffee to someone and they loved it... when the truth is, I hate all kinds of coffee! (French vanilla prevails!)

