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It's official... I'm cursed, lol.

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  • It's official... I'm cursed, lol.

    Hello again everyone! It's time for another re-cap of my week of insane customers!

    Our DM paid a visit...

    I was on intake, as usual, and our DM was right next to me on the next computer checking her e-mail when in the span of 20 minutes:

    -I was yelled at because we do not carry formula in that part of the store *it's in infant departmen, who'd have thought?*

    -Had a grown man start whining at me because I would not open the bottle of excedrin he brought to so he could see what color the pill really were

    -Was told that I was a liar when I told a customer that we did not carry GNC vitamins *the bottle even has the insignia that says GNC on it*

    The DM watched this and said when the customer left:

    DM: Have you ever seen the Disney Sleeping Beauty cartoon?
    Me: Umm, I was born female in the US so of course I have lol.
    DM: When you were born a fairy of crazy customers must have come and blessed you with the abitlity to attract every nutjob in a 10 mile radius.
    Me: That would explain a lot!

    Now onto further examples of my curse...

    Son of the Phone of Horror

    Me: Thank you for calling blank pharmacy, this is Reirei, how may I help you?
    SC: Does viagra work?
    Me: I'm sorry sir, but You should really discuss this with your doctor.
    SC: Well I got this email about herbalistic viagra and cialis....
    Me: Sir I really recomend you talk to your doctor before ordering any of those items.
    SC: I just want to know if they work...
    Me: * what I am thinking: and I don't want to be sued for giving you advice that I have no business giving* what I say: I really have to recomend you talk to your doctor sir.
    SC: Well thank you for nothing then. *hangs up*

    Frankly ma'am, pissing you off with politeness makes my day...

    I am filling scripts, actually am getting one from the medicade isle *all my fellow pharmacy people know what I am talking about* When Awesome Pharmacist calles me to "handle" something please because she is on the phone with a doctor she had been trying to reach for the better part of the day.

    Evol 'invelid' bitch of doom: SC

    Me: *watches a middle aged women roll down to intake in a motorized cart, before stopping and getting off with a pissed expression* How can I help you ma'am?
    SC: I am here to pick up medicine that I put in a couple of days ago, and that CASHIER *she says it like it's an insult which begins the pissing me off process because I frankly dispise people who treat us like cattle simply because we work in retail* Says you PUT IT BACK TO STOCK?!?
    Me: I am very sorry ma'am, but we are required by the state to pull all presciptions that have been waiting for 7-10 days or we may be charged with fraud by your insurence company.
    SC: *slams her palm against the counter* It has NOT been 7 days!
    Me: *asks customer's name and birthdate and look her up, and sure enough, she dropped them off to fill over three weeks ago. I tell her this and she is less than pleased.*
    SC: Let me make my position clear: I DROPPED THEM AND I WANT THEM RIGHT NOW!
    Me: Ma'am, as I said, we had to pull them but I would be more than happy to put them-
    SC: And now you are going to MAKE ME WAIT?!? I AM AN INVALID!!!!!!!!!!!1111111elevnty! I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO WAIT! YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWN I WAS AN INVALID AND KEPT THEM WAITING FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1234!!!!!!!!
    Me: *did you hear the snap of my temper, but I keep my cool thank God, because people like this relish in getting us fired* Ma'am, let me make our position clear to you.
    SC: Well, what's that? *walks back to the motorized cart, gets in and drives it close enough so that she can scowl at me properly through the intake window*
    Me: We, *gesture to my self, awesome rph, who is now off the phone and has my back* Obey the law. No exceptions.
    SC: You should have TOLD ME when I dropped them off that you put them back!
    Me: Ma'am, most people pick up their scripts withing the first 48 hours of dropping them. There was no way we would know that you would never come back.
    SC: Just give me my god damn prescriptions!
    Me: Give me 10 minutes, and I promise you, you will have them. *Walks away to fill scripts*
    RPH: Do you have any more questions ma'am?
    SC: No, she explained your "position". *as though Awesome Rph has just offered her a peice of poo pie*

    Less than ten minutes later, I ring her out because the poor clerk looks like she wanted to cry at the thought of serving her again and we close for lunch.

    When we re-open, clerk tell us that she was in line to pay for a drink when she saw the SC in a line across from her screaming at her cashier over the cost of grapes. Grapes.

    At least she's consistant, lol.


    I am on intake, like allways, and a lady comes up with a stack of papers and tries to hand them to me.

    Me: Can I help you?
    Sc: Can you look through these and find my pin number?
    Me: Excuse me?
    Sc: I got these from my bank to day and I want you to find my pin number. *tries to hand them to me again*
    Me: *backs up* No ma'am, I am not taking those and looking through them. They are private.
    Sc: Well I am giving you permission, so go through 'em and find it!
    Me: No ma'am.
    Sc: Fine then, *stomps off*
    RPHx: Wouldn't it be funny if she comes back later saying you took them?
    Me: That's exactly why I didn't take them.

    An hour later...

    I am washing my hands in the sink and hear my co-worker calling me over to the window. I look and she the lady from before standing there looking mad and shake my head at her. Co-worker comes twords me.

    CW: She is saying you stole her bank paperwork.
    Me: You can't me serious.*walks down there*
    Sc: Where's my paperwork!
    Me: Probably in your purse ma'am, because I sure didn't touch it.
    Sc: That's not true, I was just here and you looked for my pin number for me.
    Me: I never touched them ma'am.
    Sc: I'm sure you did!
    Rph: She never touched them ma'am, and if you keep insisting that she did, I would be happy to call security to check the cameras.
    Sc: Oh, ok....*slinks away*
    Rph: Did that just happen?
    There are no stupid questions, just stupid customers.

    "Labour to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire, called conscience." - George Washington

  • #2
    Your DM sounds awesome (though my geeky mind is saying "Dungeon Master") .
    I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


    • #3
      back when i worked for little sleazer's pizza... i mentally called the DM a dungeon master too. but he was ok.

      yours sounds funny lol
      and he just might be right too


      • #4
        "...Me: Thank you for calling blank pharmacy, this is Reirei, how may I help you?
        SC: Does viagra work?
        Me: I'm sorry sir, but You should really discuss this with your doctor.
        SC: Well I got this email about herbalistic viagra and cialis....
        Me: Sir I really recomend you talk to your doctor before ordering any of those items.
        SC: I just want to know if they work...
        Me: * what I am thinking: and I don't want to be sued for giving you advice that I have no business giving* what I say: I really have to recomend you talk to your doctor sir
        SC: Well thank you for nothing then. *hangs up*...

        Words he hears from his wife every night.
        "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


        • #5
          Quoth Nurian View Post
          Your DM sounds awesome (though my geeky mind is saying "Dungeon Master") .
          That's exactly what I think whenever I see DM here, and have to check myself, go geekiness.
          If I dropped everybody who occasionally said something stupid from my list of potential partners, I wouldn’t even be able to masturbate


          • #6
            There's the whole invasion of privacy issues with the growth of CCTV, but in situations like this I would be kissing those cameras every day for saving my ass.
            Last edited by wagegoth; 03-09-2009, 08:36 PM.
            Labor boards have info on local laws for free
            HR believes the first person in the door
            Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
            Document everything
            CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


            • #7
              Quoth PepperElf View Post
              back when i worked for little sleazer's pizza... i mentally called the DM a dungeon master too. but he was ok.

              yours sounds funny lol
              and he just might be right too
              Quoth Nurian View Post
              Your DM sounds awesome (though my geeky mind is saying "Dungeon Master") .
              I am very greatful that she is awesome. You should watch her handle SC's. Pure mastery of pwnage.

              Quoth wagegoth View Post
              There's the whole invasion of privacy issues with the growth of CCTV, but in situations like this I would be kissing those cameras every day for saving my ass.
              You and me both, lol.

              That lady actually came back today trying to buy sudefed *sp?* with out any form of ID. She was disapointed again when we refused.
              There are no stupid questions, just stupid customers.

              "Labour to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire, called conscience." - George Washington


              • #8
                Quoth reirei View Post

                When we re-open, clerk tell us that she was in line to pay for a drink when she saw the SC in a line across from her screaming at her cashier over the cost of grapes. Grapes.

                At least she's consistant, lol.
                Either she really needs to pick up her meds on time, or she needs a new Rx. Work with your drugs, dear.
                Any day you're looking down at the dirt instead of up at the dirt is a good day.


                • #9
                  What I want to know is why is it almost a daily occurance that a man calls you and asks about male enchancement?

                  I shouldn't be surprised, but I am...
                  You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                  • #10
                    Quoth blas87 View Post
                    What I want to know is why is it almost a daily occurance that a man calls you and asks about male enchancement?

                    I shouldn't be surprised, but I am...

                    I work in a pharmacy. It's either viagra, inhalers, or pain meds when people call with questions. Viagra is the winner with most calls usually.
                    Last edited by reirei; 03-10-2009, 05:12 PM. Reason: Spelling is a skill I do not have...
                    There are no stupid questions, just stupid customers.

                    "Labour to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire, called conscience." - George Washington


                    • #11
                      Quoth Nyoibo View Post
                      That's exactly what I think whenever I see DM here, and have to check myself, go geekiness.
                      Failed my saving throw against geekiness. Can't tell you how long it took to figure out what DM meant in the context.
                      Interesting Fodder:


                      • #12
                        Quoth blas87 View Post
                        What I want to know is why is it almost a daily occurance that a man calls you and asks about male enchancement?
                        It's all they have to prove they're men, because they certainly don't do anything else manly.
                        Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                        HR believes the first person in the door
                        Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                        Document everything
                        CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                        • #13
                          Quoth reirei View Post
                          Me: I am very sorry ma'am, but we are required by the state to pull all presciptions that have been waiting for 7-10 days or we may be charged with fraud by your insurence company.
                          Isn't it amazing how they have no concept of time?

                          Quoth reirei View Post
                          That lady actually came back today trying to buy sudefed *sp?* with out any form of ID. She was disapointed again when we refused.
                          Had one yelling at me last night because I wouldn't take her prescription for a control because she had no ID.

                          Goddess, I hate anything with pseudoephedrine in it. Do our dear little meth heads really think we don't start recognizing them after a couple of times. Especially with all the twitching they do?

                          And for the non-meth heads. If you have a problem with having to sign for it, take it up with the federal gov.

                          Quoth blas87 View Post
                          What I want to know is why is it almost a daily occurance that a man calls you and asks about male enchancement?
                          Same with mine. Plus the fact that our RPh has made it a rule that all of those types of drugs have to be paid for at the pharmacy.

                          Quoth reirei View Post
                          I work in a pharmacy. It's either viagra, inhalers, or pain meds when people call with questions. Viagra is the winner with most calls usually.
                          Ours is oxycodone, Oxycontin, Percocet....
                          It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                          • #14
                            Quoth Pagan View Post
                            Isn't it amazing how they have no concept of time?
                            Goddess, I hate anything with pseudoephedrine in it. Do our dear little meth heads really think we don't start recognizing them after a couple of times. Especially with all the twitching they do?
                            Where I am from in NY, the problem is mostly crack then meth. Gotta love crackheads. But we do get the occasional meth head, usualy from Canada or out lying counties. And boy, you really can spot a meth addict a mile away.

                            The Canadian ones are allways disapointed that our policy is to not sell psuedophedrine to anyone who does not have a form of valid US id. And the ones from out lying counties are allways surprised when we actually still know that they have bought a crap load allready with our computer systems. I just want to know how a person can look at the guy who sold you the meth in the first place and think it's a good idea to do it. *shudders*
                            There are no stupid questions, just stupid customers.

                            "Labour to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire, called conscience." - George Washington

