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GRRRUUUUGH FFFFFFF-F***!!! (kinda long length)

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  • GRRRUUUUGH FFFFFFF-F***!!! (kinda long length)

    ^---approximately the noise I made after I hung up the phone from this. This woman was pissed and screaming the whole time so I won't bother to cap everything she says. Also, I wouldn't usually be so polite but we had visitors at this point so I didn't want to start dropping bombs left and right on the phone. Fucking visitors. (Admittedly, I'm also just working at being more polite. I don't think it's going to stick.)

    Me: Newsroom.
    Hosebeast: Ya'll misrun the *Boston* obit again! (grammar OMG)
    Me: Just a moment.

    *retrieves form and today's paper. Notices there are two obituaries in the paper for Boston today-I don't know why there's two but I'd be willing to bet a major snafu on the family's part-a free one, which is what I do, and a paid one, which is what the people downstairs do. Free ones have certain limitations and things since they're a free service. Paid obits are Exactly What It Says On The Tin...advertising bought by the family. Anyway...*

    Me: Okay, ma'am, what was the error?
    Hosebeast: There is two things in the paper today for Boston and they's BOTH wrong!
    Me: Okay, I work on the free obituaries up here so what's the problem with that one?
    Hosebeast: Ya'll left all the son-in-laws off!
    Me: *checks, the limit on survivors for free obits was massively exceeded, hence* Yes, ma'am, we can only do 10 survivors by name on our free obits unless there are more immediate family members, so in-laws are usually left off.
    Hosebeast: So ya'll just left them off??
    Me: ...yes ma'am, like I said, there's a limit on the free obits-
    Hosebeast: Ya'll left her father off, too, that preceded her in death.
    Me: *Do the funeral homes not explain any of this anymore?* Yes, ma'am, we only include preceded in death by parents if the person is 40 or younger.
    Hosebeast: Well it's in this other obit!
    Me: Yes ma'am, that's a paid obituary, you can put whatever you-
    Hosebeast: It ain't right neither!
    Me: *double negatives ahoy* Well, that's handled in advertising ma'am, I can transfer you down to them-
    Hosebeast: Her mother's name is *Smith* and ya'll have *Davis* instead!
    Me: Well, like I said, the advertising depa-
    Hosebeast: And you left the son-in-laws off!
    Me: Yes, ma'am, on the free one, we did because of the limit. I'm looking at the paid obit here and the sons-in-law are included.
    Hosebeast: ...they are?
    Me: Yes ma'am.
    Hosebeast: And her daddy that preceded her in death?
    Me: Yes ma'am, he's included as well.
    Hosebeast: And her mama?
    Me: She's on here.
    Hosebeast: No, no, the name is wrong! It should be Smith and it's Davis!
    Me: Well, ma'am, on our free obit, we do have her as Davis.
    Hosebeast: No, no no no, here is says Smith!
    Me: Yes, ma'am, that's the paid one which is handled in advertising. I can transfer you down to them.
    Hosebeast: I need both these redone!
    Me: *lots of deep breaths at this point, patience was gone five minutes ago* Well, ma'am, we can't rerun the free one because there was no error made, it was just done according to our format, but I can transfer you to advertising about the paid one so if there was an error, they can fix that for you.
    Hosebeast: So you're telling me you won't do nothing to fix this??
    Me: Ma'am, we can't do anything with the FREE obit, but if the paid obituary has an error, I can transfer you so you can talk to advertising about it.
    Hosebeast: JUST NEVER MIND BITCH!! *slams down phone*
    Me: *makes noise from thread title...fortunately visitors have gone at this point*

    Thank God for Cheetos Puffy and brownies or there'd be more broken electronics around here than there already are. *munch munch takes out rage on own body*
    "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."

  • #2
    Hey -

    At least you're not the one who wrote Cheryl David's aunt's obit.
    Dammit !! ~ Jack Bauer


    • #3

      My family has never been that picky over obits for deceased family members.
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #4
        Welcome to my world! I don't get angry family members over obit, I just get the squirrely ones that don't under that fifty bucks does NOT buy a huge casket spray or if the funeral is in remote mountainous Taunteetown WV or Idaho that getting a funeral order out in two hours will be impossible.

        Funerals and weddings, marryings and buryings make people lose all common sense.
        "No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


        • #5
          Quoth MystyGlyttyr View Post
          Me: *Do the funeral homes not explain any of this anymore?*
          I can vouch for the ones out here, at least the one we dealt with...they did explain the limits that the papers have on the free obits. And, no one blew a gasket when the son-in-laws' names weren't in the obit.

          Personally, we had other things to worry about, rather than if someone's name was in print.
          That is so full of suck Dyson doesn't know how they did it - shankyknitter

