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"No, we're just lousy robbers,"

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  • "No, we're just lousy robbers,"

    As my 200th post goes I could do worse for a story. It happened less then ten hours ago so I've tried to keep it as coherant as the moment.

    So, as most of you know, I am also employed by the Rank Aid empire.

    During the last two months we've been getting our truck in on Tuesday nights and so myself, one of the Assistant Managers, and with any luck up to five other coworkers can be seen unloading the truck and stocking the shelves from 9pm-6am.

    It's about 4 o'clock and we all went to take our last five minute break. The AM, R and A, two my coworkers, all went outside to smoke. I don't smoke but it was such a nice night that I wanted to get some fresh air.

    Again, it's 4 am. The store is closed. But when we get out there we first notice people sitting in a car. They had to have been there for a while and when they got out it was clear from their pasty skin and hazed expressions that they were stoned.

    They get out and walk over to us.

    CF = AM
    R= Coworker 1
    A= Coworker two
    Stoner 1 = Driver
    Stoner 2 = passenger, I'm guessing.
    Stoner 3 = Only has a small part...probably.

    CF: We're actually closed right now.
    Stoner 1: Really?
    Stoner 2: What time are you open?
    R: 7.
    Stoner 3: That's bullshit, man. What time did you close?
    Me: Midnight.
    Stoner 1: What the hell? Well can I go in anyway?
    CF: No. You guys have to take a hike.
    Stoner 3: What the fuck, man. Do you guys even work here?
    R: No, we're robbing the place.

    Yes R did say that, no she probably shouldn't have. At this point Stoner 1 and Stoner 2 is completely baked and he makes an attempt to enter the store. Chris and I close the slide doors and Stoner 2 stands in front of me.

    I go for my box cutter because Stoner 2 is well within my personal space and he's not my type but I keep it in my hand and out of sight, just in case. But for what it's worth I managed to keep my mouth shut when I wanted to tell him to back the fuck off before I cut him a new bong hole. Fortunately he was too wasted to be a threat and he stared at my chest for the better half of five minutes while Stoner 3 tried to negotiate his way into the store again.

    CF: There's a convenience store that's open 24/7 right down the road.
    Stoner 1: Man, this is bullshit. What kind of store closes at 4 and opens at seven?

    The stoners get back into the car and drive off.

    My only regret was that I couldn't call down to the Champlain Farms that was just down the road to warn them.
    Last edited by NateTheChops; 03-11-2009, 06:12 PM. Reason: To commemorate my 200th post.

  • #2
    Psycho stoners. Sorry you got stuck with them.
    Labor boards have info on local laws for free
    HR believes the first person in the door
    Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
    Document everything
    CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


    • #3
      Ah, the joys of a 4am parking lot. I did overnights at Wal-Mart a few times back in the day, and it was a tossup whether the biggest stoners were sitting out there or pretending to unload the trucks in the dock (yeah, some of my nightshift co-workers never came to work sober, it was Wal-Mart, what do you expect?)

      And I just gotta say, dude... your avatar? Um, you do realize that it looks like he's picking his nose with the guard, right?
      What colour is the sky in your world and how high of a dosage do you need before it turns back to blue? --Gravekeeper


      • #4
        It's about 4 o'clock and we all went to take our last five minute break. The AM, R and A, two my coworkers, all went outside to smoke. I don't smoke but it was such a nice night that I wanted to get some fresh air.
        i always called those my non-smoking breaks...
        To err is human, to blame someone else shows good management skills.

        my blog -->
        my brother's blog -->


        • #5
          Quoth mharbourgirl View Post
          And I just gotta say, dude... your avatar? Um, you do realize that it looks like he's picking his nose with the guard, right?
          Well I had one hand on the handle and another clicking the mouse to take the picture so it's kind of a toss up. Still, you're right, I should probably change that pic sometime soon.


          • #6
            What kind of store closes at 4 and opens at seven
            the kind that closes at midnight ... O_o heh


            • #7
              XD I've been stoned in public plenty of times, and I've never tried entering a store when they said they were closed. What a bunch of dicks.

