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The Cripple and the Masochist

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  • The Cripple and the Masochist

    Note: I only use the word "cripple" because that is what the customer described himself as. Don't be mad.

    The Cripple
    Okay, so I was training on the register position this week and for the most part things were going fine. The only problem is that at the cafeteria we only accept cash and "cafe cards" which only work at the hospital and thus only the employees tend to have them. Usually though, if we had a customer that did not have cash I would just direct them to the ATM that is just down the hall and they would get cash with no problems. Then I had this customer:

    I see a man come up to the register with his wife. He is wearing leg braces and is using the special type of crutches that have supports on the forearm. While I am ringing up his order I see that he is bringing out a mastercard and I politely inform him that we only accept cash. Well, he is not pleased.

    SC: What! You only use cash, why aren't there any signs!
    (there are multiple signs right in the main entrance to the cafeteria)
    ME: I am sorry sir, but there is an ATM right outside the main entrance to the cafeteria.
    (literally, it is no more than ten feet away in a room with vending machines and a big sign that says "ATM inside")
    SC: That's bullshit! How am I supposed to use an ATM, I'm crippled!
    ME: I am sorry, but your wife is with you, she can use the ATM while you wait.
    SC: No, no, no. She can't use an ATM, what's wrong with you!
    (I have no idea what he meant by that)
    ME: Well, I am sorry but there is nothing more I can do.

    SC then walks away with his wife in tow mumbling something incoherently and I am left to clean up all the food they left behind at the register. Luckily it was mostly pre-packaged and I just had to throw away his sandwich.

    The Masochist

    I do not know if this guy necessarily qualifies as an SC, but he was so strange I had to post about him. See, it seemed like he went out of his way to order items he did not like. He comes up to the counter and this is the conversation that ensues:

    SC: Do you serve your chicken stew in a bowl?
    ME: yes
    SC: I don't like that.... Give me the chicken stew.
    ME: Okay.
    (he looks at the fish)
    SC: Your red snapper looks raw!
    ME: I can assure you sir, it is fully cooked.
    SC: Well, it sure doesn't look right... I'll have that.

    I gave him his fish and he walked off, leaving me to ask "what just happened here?"
    Last edited by Service Staff Steve; 03-16-2009, 08:06 PM.

  • #2
    I have some customers like that second guy. He thought the chicken stew and fish were just fine and is just one of those people that like to bitch about everything.

    Several of the wine store customers complain about our prices every single time they come in, but they still come in at least once a week and buy something. It drives me nuts. Personally, I don't make a habit of buying things I truly believe aren't worth the money.

    If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


    • #3
      Quoth Service Staff Steve View Post
      SC: That's bullshit! How am I supposed to use an ATM, I'm crippled!
      Are ATM's powered by a treadmill? Because it would make sense then.


      • #4
        um... i always assume a place *won't* accept cards unless there's one of those visa/mastercard logos visible.

        and... Although it's won't be super easy for him, I see no reason why someone who's disabled can't use an ATM. If that were the case then... we would never see the machines with braille buttons, headphone jacks, and even some with special buttons at wheelchair level.


        • #5
          For some reason people panic when they have to use the ATM. Or rather they are way to freaking stubborn and have no patience. I have had SOO many people young, old, middle aged, what have you but they cannot for the life of them figure out which way to put in the card, how long to leave it there or basically how to go slow and read the prompts.

          SC: How do I run my card?

          I wasn't sure how to answer that without sounding like a smartass.

          Me: Well, you slide your card and follow the prompts...


          • #6
            Gosh, that is a little depressing, I've only used American ATMs a few times (when I was last there visiting relatives) and though they are completely different from what we have in the UK it was pretty easy to figure out how to use them, if you're a native there's no excuse!

            One also wonders why he said his wife couldn't use an ATM. . . .


            • #7
              As for the female with him not being able to use it . . .unless he called her wife it may have been a friend, or family member.
              No matter what the relationship - she may not have been on the account and therefore allowed to know the password.


              • #8
                Quoth Emrld View Post
                As for the female with him not being able to use it . . .unless he called her wife it may have been a friend, or family member.
                No matter what the relationship - she may not have been on the account and therefore allowed to know the password.
                He definitely referred to her as his wife, but I get what you are saying about the account.

