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Ralerin, Where's My Car?/Doll Lady Returns! (long + gross)

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  • Ralerin, Where's My Car?/Doll Lady Returns! (long + gross)

    I work at Aid of Rite.

    Today, except for this one little gem, was so non busy that I spent about an hour and a half working over my register, the newer register, and the older register with a bottle of alcohol spray and some cotton swabs and paper towels, cleaning 15-20 years worth of gunk (well in the case of the new register, about 2 years) out of the keyboards. The registers are SPARKLING.

    Anywho, as I was saying, I had this gem of a woman come in earlier today. She's old, frail, hard of hearing and suffers from a neuromuscular disorder that causes her to tremble and move slowly. Because of this, she uses a walker. Her name has been changed.

    OL-Old Lady
    Me: like you had to guess.

    OL: "Do you sell that thing thing in a bottle that you drink?"

    Me: "I'm not sure what you're asking. Do you know the name of it? Is it a vitamin supplement?"

    OL: "It's something that you drink, it's a gray bottle with a blue cap."

    Me: "...I'm not sure what you mean."

    OL: "I'll ask pharmacy, they'll tell me!"

    And she totters off.

    So a while goes by. She comes back with three toy cars and some creme eggs and pays for them, after asking me the total several times and me having to repeat it several times. She pays and leaves. All is well, right?


    I get a phone call later.

    OL: "My name is Marissa Urban and I only had two cars instead of three in my bag. I just bought them there and I can't get there until later this week."

    Me: "*puzzled, checking under and over register* Madam, I'm not seeing the cars here, I'm very certain I did put three cars into your bag."

    OL: "My name is Marissa Urban and you only gave me two cars in my bag. I can't get back there until later this week."

    Me: "I'm sure I gave you three, I don't see any cars under my register or on the floor."

    OL: "Huh? Say that again? Can you bring me the third car later?"

    Me: "I gave you the three cars, madam, but I'm not sure what you mean by "bring you the third car."

    OL: "Listen, here. You gave me two cars but I paid for three. Can you bring me the third car?"

    Me: "What do you mean by bring you the third car? I'm not sure I understand."

    OL: "Can you bring me the third car later this week?"

    Me: "Madam, I'm sure I gave you the three cars in your bag. But what do you mean by bring you the third car?"

    OL: "Huh? Say it again? No, can you BRING me the third car?"

    Me: "Madam, there is no third car for me to bring. I'm not sure what you mean by bringing you the third car."

    OL: "No, CAN you bring me the third car?"

    Me:"Madam, I'm not sure what you mean by bringing you the third car. Do you mean for me to go to your house and to give you the car that I'm sure that you have in your bag?"

    OL: "CAN you BRING me the THIRD car, PLEASE?"

    Me: "Hang on a minute, I'm going to transfer you to my manager."

    OL: "What time was that, again?"

    Me: "I am going to transfer you to my manager."

    OL: "What time did you say again?"


    OL: "OH, you don't know NOTHING, do you? *impatient sigh!* My name is Marissa Urban. I had two cars instead of three in my bag. You will tell your manager that."

    Me: "*click on hold* Manager, get the call on line 1, please!" And to the nearby store manager, I mime ripping my hair out. The customer at my register is wondering why someone could've lost her car until I explain that it was a toy one. We joke about someone leaving a real Maserati behind and calling us to demand compensation because they lost it. Ah well, I got OL off my back and to another manager to deal with. It's all good, right?

    The kicker!

    OL calls back later and says, "Oh, I found the third car, you don't have to do anything. Tell your manager that. *click*"


    Now for my second story.

    Doll Lady (who I'm sure I posted about, she reminds me of this absolute creepy doll gone wrong, with a horrible skin disease and HAS to touch me in some way. I hadn't had the pleasure of dealing with her in a while. I saw her and her beau, another customer who I don't want to touch a while ago, standing outside the retirement home near my house. I dealt with her today. Her hands were not terribly bad before, just a bit of peeling skin, some sores, looking red and itchy.


    Great big blisters of peeling skin, purple red hands down to halfway down the wrists, oozing, open, weepy sores all over them. And she paid debit and I had to teach her how to swipe her card and NOT to scream her pin number aloud as she's putting it in. The moment she was gone, I brushed the pile of skin flakes off onto the rug and lysoled down the entire credit card device and the surrounding counter.

    It looks like a rapidly spreading skin fungus gone horribly untreated for several months, like some sort of leprosy. I DON'T want to touch her again, or have her touch me. *shudder*
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill

  • #2
    The kicker!
    and not even an apology


    • #3
      That is freaking foul. Since you know which retirement home she lives at, it could be worth it to give them a call. You could say you know one of your customers lives there and she has a skin condition on her hands that has gotten progressively worse and you wanted to make sure they knew about it (or for your own safety, ask if it's contagious).
      It could be a case of one of those horrible retirement homes that neglects and abuses it residents.
      "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

      ...Beware the voice without a face...


      • #4
        Quoth NightWatch View Post
        That is freaking foul. Since you know which retirement home she lives at, it could be worth it to give them a call.
        If she lives there.

        Quoth ralerin View Post
        I saw her and her beau, another customer who I don't want to touch a while ago, standing outside the retirement home near my house.
        Just standing outside of it doesn't mean she lives there.
        It's floating wicker propelled by fire!

