To refresh some memories that award was suggested in this post. It is named for this EW queen
Background: The Department of Public Aid in my state sends out these form letters to its (for want of a better term) clients. There is the sentence that advises: "You may receive a tax credit of up to [emphasis added] $4824."
First of all, that assumes two or more kids under 17 and actual earned income (as opposed to all the alphabet-soup welfare programs) between $12,050 and $15,750 for single parents. The table can be found here. Needless to say quite a few EW's miss the words "up to".
This lady came to my desk and handed me her W-2 and ID. She only worked for about $4000 and had one child.
Me: You federal refund comes to $[REDACTED]
EW: That can't be right I got a letter saying I get back $4824.
[Pointing to the EITC tables, mentioned earlier]Your earned income is $4000, you have one child, you are a head of household, so your EIC is $1369. You had $[REDACTED] withheld, so your refund comes to $[REDACTED].
EW: But I got a letter saying I should get $4824.
Wash, rinse, repeat.
Me: Was this letter from the Department of Public Aid?
EW: Yes, but I don't have it.
Me: No need, I've seen enough of those letters to paper these walls. They say you can receive UP TO that amount. As you can see in these tables; for that amount, you need to have two kids and earn between $12,050 and $15,750.
EW: But I made more than that $4000, I had ADC, WIC and food stamps.
Me: That is not considered earned for this purpose.
[SIDEBAR: Technically, if most of the cost of one's support comes from public assistance, said individual does not qualify for EIC.]
Wash, rinse, repeat.
She finally signed the paperwork and left. Flipping us off as she exited the door. I guess she won't be back next year
Background: The Department of Public Aid in my state sends out these form letters to its (for want of a better term) clients. There is the sentence that advises: "You may receive a tax credit of up to [emphasis added] $4824."
First of all, that assumes two or more kids under 17 and actual earned income (as opposed to all the alphabet-soup welfare programs) between $12,050 and $15,750 for single parents. The table can be found here. Needless to say quite a few EW's miss the words "up to".
This lady came to my desk and handed me her W-2 and ID. She only worked for about $4000 and had one child.
Me: You federal refund comes to $[REDACTED]
EW: That can't be right I got a letter saying I get back $4824.

EW: But I got a letter saying I should get $4824.
Wash, rinse, repeat.

Me: Was this letter from the Department of Public Aid?
EW: Yes, but I don't have it.

Me: No need, I've seen enough of those letters to paper these walls. They say you can receive UP TO that amount. As you can see in these tables; for that amount, you need to have two kids and earn between $12,050 and $15,750.
EW: But I made more than that $4000, I had ADC, WIC and food stamps.
Me: That is not considered earned for this purpose.

[SIDEBAR: Technically, if most of the cost of one's support comes from public assistance, said individual does not qualify for EIC.]
Wash, rinse, repeat.
She finally signed the paperwork and left. Flipping us off as she exited the door. I guess she won't be back next year
