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Slow night, but definitely interesting.

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  • Slow night, but definitely interesting.

    I couldn't think up a good title.

    My second night closing the store as the only MOD, whee! Two customers really stood out in my mind last night, mostly because I was the person with the Final Say.

    How Dare You!!

    A youngish lady and her friend/boyfriend/husband/whatever were at the main register, I was about five feet away, putting security cases on the movie rentals. Coworker on register calls me over.

    SC: Somewhat sucky customer.
    CW: Coworker.

    Me: Hi, can I help you? *looking between customer and coworker to get the story from either*
    CW: Her movie rental account is in collections, not sure why.
    Me: *looks up the info on the details screen* Well, it looks like you owe about 6.50 in late fees that were never paid so the system sent this accont on to collections. (Sucky amount, but it goes by any amount, not just above a certain amount.)
    SC: I just rented movies a week or two ago!! I don't see how this is possible.
    Me: *looks up more details* Well, on this account you haven't rented movies since november. So, since the late fees weren't paid in over three months, the system transferred it to collections.
    SC: But I JUST rented movies!
    Me: Maybe it was on another account? Your friend's, or parents, brother/sister?
    SC: No!
    Me: Well, it wasn't on this one... *looks up info* and you only have one account.
    SC: What do I have to do then!!?
    Me: Just call the 800 number to speak to collections, I'm not really sure what they will ask you, I've never called them myself.
    SC: *tries to call them on her cell phone, fails as it's 10pm sunday night, and huffs at me* I've had this account since 2000!
    Me: Hm. Does your friend have an account, or want one? You could rent under his name for tonight until you get that sorted...
    SC: No!! He does not want one. This is (wait for it) rediculous. I JUST rented movies here (no you didn't, grr) and it's not even for ten dollars (yeah, I agree, it sucks there) and how dare you send me to collections over it!!!
    Me: I'm sorry ma'am, there's really nothing I can do at this point. I've offered you the options available.
    SC: *huffs again* Well, we're not coming back here after this! *leaves*
    Me: *to coworker* She hadn't come back since november and never paid the late fees she owed in that time. I don't think we'll miss her. :P

    Coupon Scam!...?

    (Note: Customer has to have a coupon WITH them to get free rentals, whether it's store issued from a prior bad dvd or from a flyer. Customers who turn in movies the next day instead of when they're due in a week get $2 toward rentals per movie.)

    Same situation, was casing movies, and I hear behind me...

    CW: Um... hey Shaded... can you come over here for a minute?
    Me: What's up? *goes over*
    CW: She says she should get these (three rental movies) for free... but look... *points at screen*
    Me: *looks at info on screen* Oh! Um... Well, I'm sorry ma'am but I'm afraid we cannot accept any more coupons on your account at this time.
    SC: Why NOT!
    Me: *reading note on account saying cust. has over 160 free coupons on her account total and 36 already this year alone... but no date on the note, nor do I recognize the initials... but the info CAN be from another store too* According to a note on your account, it's suspended from accepting coupons, I'm sorry.
    SC: But I was TOLD I would be getting these for free last time I was here!
    Me: Okay, do you remember who you talked to?
    SC: No, I don't.
    Me: Hmm, how about what they looked like at least?
    SC: *huff* I don't remember!
    Me: Well... I'm not sure what I can do for you then.
    SC: *growls* Well, what about my credit at least?
    Me: You mean for movies turned in early?
    SC: Yes!
    Me: *looks on account* I'm afraid you don't have credit right now.
    Me: *looks at dates* Yes.. but you turned them in on the second day. We only grant credit for the next day.
    SC: *throws hands in the air* Well, I STILL should be getting these for free. I was TOLD I would.
    Me: I'm sorry ma'am, but I cannot allow that today. If you would like, you can speak with the store manager about it when she's in, but that's all I can offer you at this time.
    SC: *stands there and stares at me*
    Me: *turns around, looks at the account for a few seconds* (to coworker) Did you scan anything here?
    CW: Nope.
    Me: Okay. *clears out account info and goes back to register screen*
    SC: *stares more*
    Me: I'm sorry, but there's really nothing I can do. You can talk to the store manager if you like, but that's it.
    SC: *stares, frowns*
    Me: *walks away, goes back to casing movies*
    SC: *leaves, speaking spanish, probably something insulting me and/or the store*
    Me: (to coworker) Yeah, I doubt Store Manager will let her either... hah.
    Confirmed altoholic.

  • #2
    OK, I'll bite. How did she score so many freebies? Was she a chronic complainer to a linguini-spined SM?
    I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

    Who is John Galt?
    -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


    • #3
      Well, people can get a free rental when they say (and show) that the dvd is too scratched/damaged to play right. Skipping, freezing, what have you. If we deem it too damaged, and agree that it probably was a problem, we'll give a coupon for a free rental of the same type.

      I get the feeling, though, that some people purposefully damage the disks after watching them so they can say they didn't play and get a coupon. Or pick out disks that look somewhat bad to start with but play fine.
      Confirmed altoholic.


      • #4
        Quoth ShadedWings View Post
        Well, people can get a free rental when they say (and show) that the dvd is too scratched/damaged to play right. Skipping, freezing, what have you.
        Damn. Every other DVD Mrs. TGK and I rent does that at some point. All this time I ran the disks through my trusty CD cleaner and the problem was solved. I missed out on all those free rentals. OTOH, I would be seeing myself on this board.
        I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

        Who is John Galt?
        -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


        • #5
          You know, I don't understand how some people can still have the titanium balls to keep lying and insisting something when they have been called out in a lie/exaggeration. You had PROOF that first woman hadn't rented from your store in 4 months, and she was still flipping out that YES, she just did last week!

          Some people really are that insane, aren't they
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            Quoth blas87 View Post
            You know, I don't understand how some people can still have the titanium balls to keep lying and insisting something when they have been called out in a lie/exaggeration. You had PROOF that first woman hadn't rented from your store in 4 months, and she was still flipping out that YES, she just did last week!
            *laughs* I wouldn't call it titanium balls. It's more like a I cannot and will not concede defeat, to a mere sales slave mindset. Admitting that you were wrong in the first place equals a crushing annihilation of your ego, doesn't it?
            I still miss my ex.
            But my aim is getting better.


            • #7
              I think she just figured that the stare would magically make you change her mind and make you feel sorry for her. And when the stare doesn't work, she just stares some more. Yeah, like that's gonna work.


              • #8
                [QUOTE\] *laughs* I wouldn't call it titanium balls. It's more like a I cannot and will not concede defeat, to a mere sales slave mindset. Admitting that you were wrong in the first place equals a crushing annihilation of your ego, doesn't it?[/QUOTE]

                Totally was gonna say that

