We ain’t no goddam Macy-Walmart
Pleasant looking young woman comes up to my register with a return. Her BF/sancho is with her and I greet them both. Now, she has the tags for the items, but not the receipt. My mind instantly flashes [CRAP] because I’ve already semi-ran three returns that were cancelled because they didn’t have receipt…lemme ‘splain.
With our policy, without receipt, we can only give store credit. Also, if the product has been reduced, we can only give you the reduced price. Also note that reaaaallly old stuff gets reduced like a mother^@#*$%.
SC: duh
BF: mostly just there.
Me: [scans item in price-check mode] I’m sorry, without the receipt, this is ringing up at $ .99.
SC: What?! Why is it only that?
Me: apparently it’s been reduced already, ma’am. And without the receipt we can only give the reduced amount.
SC: Well, that’s just stupid!
Me: [Don’t care, but tries to calm her] Well, ma’am, lemme just ring the other one and see what price it is, ok?
SC: Okay, whatever…
Me: [ring… $.99 Crap!] Sorry ma’am, this one’s also .99.
SC: What?! That’s ridiculous [/rant]
Me: [O_o] Well, sorry, ma’am, but those’re the rules. I can’t do anything about it.
SC: But this [price tag] says X.XX, why can’t I have it for that?
Me: [Did u not here my reasoning…wait, of course you didn’t: restates previous.]
SC: [takes them back] This is stupid, we’ll just go to another store. They don’t do this at Wal-Mart, they give you back your money…[/rant]
Me: [This ain’t no goddam Wal-Mart!!] Bye!
400032140967 =/= 400012981234
Lemme explain the title. These are examples of Ross sku’s. (They might actually work…idk). Now, we get shipments in very frequently of the same products. We get the sku’s from the distribution centers and sometimes, identical products get different sku’s (because they’re on different shipments) and sometimes the price also changes.
Lemme also point out that, if the items have the same exact sku number and price I won’t even process it through the register. I take off the security tags, hangar, take the return and back the exchange. Done deal and there’s no problem ‘cause the receipt still has that same number on it.
Two young [cough] ladies are in line to do an exchange. The exchange is a pair of pants, the returned pair for 9.99 and the other for 10.99. I begin the process of checking the sku number on the receipt and am just about to log on when:
SC1: sucky girl one
SC2: sucky girl’s friend (who looked promising until she opened her mouth
ASM: our coolio new ASM
SC2: Wait a minute, these are the same thing.
Me: Oh? Really…lemme look [looks at tags 9.99=/=10.99] Oh, sorry, they have different sku’s, so I can’t do it as a straight exchange.
SC1: Why not, they’re the same thing!
Me: [again…] This is [sku#] and this is [different sku#]. They may be the same, but our system processes it through these numbers. This number [new one] is NOT on receipt; this number [return item] is on receipt.
SC2: IS there a manager we can speak to?!
Me: Sure! [turns to ASM over my shoulder] Hey, ASM, these customers would like to speak w/ you.
ASM: [Comes and reviews evidence, looks at sku’s listens to their jabbering and listens to me.] Sorry ma’am, he’s right. We can’t do it as an even exchange.
Me: [Glee] XD So, would you like to do the exchange after all.
SC1: I guess, whatever. Just hurry the f%$& up already…!
Me: O_o [I wasn’t holding up the line with such a bitchy ‘tude, and secondly, watch how you speak to me, young lady. There better be a ‘sir’ at the end of your sentences, too] Yeah, okay…
Process it, get their $1.08 they owe and give ‘em a nice, “Have a nice day.”
It’s a damned penny, you stupid, insipid, annoying, festering sore of humanity!
This customer had actually been very nice the first two times I helped her. she bought two pictures, but as I handed her the receipt, she noticed one of the frames was a bit…scuffed. Remembering there’s one more in the back, she rushes off and retrieves it. Bringing it back to me, I see the sku’s are the same and wave her off on her merry way.
Skip ahead two or so hours and the line is long, she has both of her pictures in for a return, and a humongous picture for exchange. Now, the first two pics were about $34.99 each, and the exchanged pic was $69.99 or something. Anyway, the exchange came out to $.01. I kinda chuckled and tried to joke about it, and was about to just wave her off when she just lost it.
SC: Wait! What’d you mean I owe?!
Me: O_o [It-it’s a penny…] Well, because the exchange wasn’t even. It was almost-even, so that’s why there’s a remainder.
SC: What about my taxes?
Me: [What about them? There was a purchase, they were taxed…] Well…the system calculates that all together, and taxes aren’t calculated until the end. Since the two pics were almost the same as the one pic you’ve bought…continues explanation.
At this point, I should explain that I was just gonna type in the penny and close the register as it opened. I wasn’t worried about being a penny short…but her EW-ness brought out the asshole in me, so I wouldn’t budge til I saw that damn penny
SC finally gives me her penny and I ring her out. She leaves, muttering and huffing. As my next customer steps up, I can’t help myself.
Me: What the crap?! It was just a penny…
Pleasant looking young woman comes up to my register with a return. Her BF/sancho is with her and I greet them both. Now, she has the tags for the items, but not the receipt. My mind instantly flashes [CRAP] because I’ve already semi-ran three returns that were cancelled because they didn’t have receipt…lemme ‘splain.
With our policy, without receipt, we can only give store credit. Also, if the product has been reduced, we can only give you the reduced price. Also note that reaaaallly old stuff gets reduced like a mother^@#*$%.

SC: duh
BF: mostly just there.
Me: [scans item in price-check mode] I’m sorry, without the receipt, this is ringing up at $ .99.
SC: What?! Why is it only that?
Me: apparently it’s been reduced already, ma’am. And without the receipt we can only give the reduced amount.
SC: Well, that’s just stupid!
Me: [Don’t care, but tries to calm her] Well, ma’am, lemme just ring the other one and see what price it is, ok?
SC: Okay, whatever…
Me: [ring… $.99 Crap!] Sorry ma’am, this one’s also .99.
SC: What?! That’s ridiculous [/rant]
Me: [O_o] Well, sorry, ma’am, but those’re the rules. I can’t do anything about it.
SC: But this [price tag] says X.XX, why can’t I have it for that?
Me: [Did u not here my reasoning…wait, of course you didn’t: restates previous.]
SC: [takes them back] This is stupid, we’ll just go to another store. They don’t do this at Wal-Mart, they give you back your money…[/rant]
Me: [This ain’t no goddam Wal-Mart!!] Bye!
400032140967 =/= 400012981234
Lemme explain the title. These are examples of Ross sku’s. (They might actually work…idk). Now, we get shipments in very frequently of the same products. We get the sku’s from the distribution centers and sometimes, identical products get different sku’s (because they’re on different shipments) and sometimes the price also changes.
Lemme also point out that, if the items have the same exact sku number and price I won’t even process it through the register. I take off the security tags, hangar, take the return and back the exchange. Done deal and there’s no problem ‘cause the receipt still has that same number on it.
Two young [cough] ladies are in line to do an exchange. The exchange is a pair of pants, the returned pair for 9.99 and the other for 10.99. I begin the process of checking the sku number on the receipt and am just about to log on when:
SC1: sucky girl one
SC2: sucky girl’s friend (who looked promising until she opened her mouth


ASM: our coolio new ASM
SC2: Wait a minute, these are the same thing.
Me: Oh? Really…lemme look [looks at tags 9.99=/=10.99] Oh, sorry, they have different sku’s, so I can’t do it as a straight exchange.
SC1: Why not, they’re the same thing!
Me: [again…] This is [sku#] and this is [different sku#]. They may be the same, but our system processes it through these numbers. This number [new one] is NOT on receipt; this number [return item] is on receipt.
SC2: IS there a manager we can speak to?!
Me: Sure! [turns to ASM over my shoulder] Hey, ASM, these customers would like to speak w/ you.
ASM: [Comes and reviews evidence, looks at sku’s listens to their jabbering and listens to me.] Sorry ma’am, he’s right. We can’t do it as an even exchange.
Me: [Glee] XD So, would you like to do the exchange after all.
SC1: I guess, whatever. Just hurry the f%$& up already…!
Me: O_o [I wasn’t holding up the line with such a bitchy ‘tude, and secondly, watch how you speak to me, young lady. There better be a ‘sir’ at the end of your sentences, too] Yeah, okay…
Process it, get their $1.08 they owe and give ‘em a nice, “Have a nice day.”
It’s a damned penny, you stupid, insipid, annoying, festering sore of humanity!
This customer had actually been very nice the first two times I helped her. she bought two pictures, but as I handed her the receipt, she noticed one of the frames was a bit…scuffed. Remembering there’s one more in the back, she rushes off and retrieves it. Bringing it back to me, I see the sku’s are the same and wave her off on her merry way.
Skip ahead two or so hours and the line is long, she has both of her pictures in for a return, and a humongous picture for exchange. Now, the first two pics were about $34.99 each, and the exchanged pic was $69.99 or something. Anyway, the exchange came out to $.01. I kinda chuckled and tried to joke about it, and was about to just wave her off when she just lost it.
SC: Wait! What’d you mean I owe?!
Me: O_o [It-it’s a penny…] Well, because the exchange wasn’t even. It was almost-even, so that’s why there’s a remainder.
SC: What about my taxes?
Me: [What about them? There was a purchase, they were taxed…] Well…the system calculates that all together, and taxes aren’t calculated until the end. Since the two pics were almost the same as the one pic you’ve bought…continues explanation.
At this point, I should explain that I was just gonna type in the penny and close the register as it opened. I wasn’t worried about being a penny short…but her EW-ness brought out the asshole in me, so I wouldn’t budge til I saw that damn penny
SC finally gives me her penny and I ring her out. She leaves, muttering and huffing. As my next customer steps up, I can’t help myself.
Me: What the crap?! It was just a penny…