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Turn Down That Damn Noise!

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  • #16
    Quoth Slayergrrl View Post
    I work for a police department. There is no way that any officer or property clerk I know would let a civilian see evidence never mind hold it.Especially a firearm! I'm a civilian employee and I don't have access to evidence. Ever.
    Improper chain of custody on evidence can literally break an otherwise solid case, and nearly always does. I hope no one saw what that officer did, because it will get him into trouble as well as allow Rapstar to walk away clean.
    Not all who wander are lost.


    • #17
      Quoth Phantomgrift View Post
      .......... I should know- I'm not going into to many details but I'm currently serving probation for pointing a pistol at the back window of my car when my wife and I were almost ran off the road. I was charged with "illegal use of a firearm", a Class D Felony.
      My ammunition had nothing to do with it, and even now is not listed in my probation handbook of weapons I'm currently not allowed to maintain in my civilian life.

      So, as a member of the military, you can still carry weapons, however, as a civilian, you will not be allowed?
      "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


      • #18
        That is the gist of it.
        My wife currently maintains control of the firearms I had prior to the event and while at home or about, I can't go shooting.
        However, as it was a State offense, the Navy has Federal jurisdiction, so if the need ever arises and my command states it's okay, I am not hindered from carrying a firearm within the context of my job.

        Basically the judge didnt want the sentence to negatively impact my job.
        My wife went to the college in that town and a number of her friends taking legal classes had to work under my prosecutor at some point or another.
        No one spoke highly of her at all.
        Waiter? ... Waiter?
        Curses! When will I ever remember- Order dessert first and THEN kill everyone in the restauraunt.


        • #19
 least the judge had some consideration for you and your job. Could you have lost your job with the Navy because of it?
          "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


          • #20
            Okay, we've had several questions asking for clarifications and additional details, so I think it may be time to give a bit of a rest until Yizuman has time to get back and clear it up. Just to make clear, discussion's fine. If anyone has potential insights to the questions, that's good. But just hold on to more questions for the moment. Thanks
            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



            • #21
              Don't taze him bro! ...sorry, couldn't resist.
              I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
              Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
              Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


              • #22
                Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post


                I, uh....

      'm just going to leave now.

                [edit] Okay...I just can't.

                Why did the cops taze the "rap star" again after he ran into a locked door? This seems excessive use of force. The door was locked, he hit it, which of course stopped him, and then they tazed him again???

                Why did the cops let you see, let alone HOLD, something that was going into property as evidence? [/edit]
                Because he's known to cause problems for the cops. As I stated earlier in my post, he's had priors so that means that cops knows about him and his behavioral problems. He's a fighter and will resist no matter what.

                I know most of the cops as I have done retail in the area for 25 years. They all know me as well, not just a trusted law abiding citizen, but as a friend to most of them. They trust me and I trust them.

                Quoth Seshat View Post
                I hope the police can legally turn the gun over to a museum after it is no longer needed for evidence.

                Or at least can permit historians to properly study and record it.

                I have this thing about the destruction of historic artifacts. It makes me
                Well, I hope so too. But problem is, when a gun (possession or otherwise) is used under a commission of a crime (illegal possession while under the commission of a felon is a crime), they'll end up being melted when it's no longer held as evidence.

                I will however ask him about the gun when I see him next time and express the concern of it's historical value.

                Quoth Ree View Post
                Yeah, unless you are from a really small town, it seems pretty casual and lax on the part of the police department. I don't really understand why they would let someone with a simple excessive noise complaint, who then happened to witness an assault, handle evidence, especially a handgun possibly related to another crime, even if it was found in possession of the person related to the noise complaint and assualt.

                Also, since you were just a bystander who complained about someone playing rap music so loud the windows of your store rattled, (Get thee to a hardware store for glazing putty if loud music causes the windows to rattle ), I don't understand how you ended up privy to so many details about all the crimes and situations that took place after.
                Was it all reported in the paper?

                Seems a rather dramatic situation, really
                To answer that question, I am from a small town.

                LOL the building was done on the cheap, so I'll suggest to my boss about the glazing putty. Thing is though, he's a bit of a tight-wad, so hope it isn't too expensive to purchase and not too much trouble to apply.

                I'm privy to details because cops hang out my store from time to time. So I get to yak up with alot of them when I'm not too busy. Plus the county jail is just two blocks away from my store. So various cops (county, city and state) in the same county always stop at my store after dropping off inmates/prisoners.

                Bottom line is, it pays to build a good relation with cops.
                Last edited by Ree; 03-22-2009, 01:02 AM. Reason: Merging consecutive posts
                "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein


                • #23
                  Quoth yizuman View Post
                  No word on the rest of the guys........yet.
                  Somehow I don't think the cops are putting all that much effort into that one.


                  • #24
                    Quoth PuckishOne View Post
                    Improper chain of custody on evidence can literally break an otherwise solid case, and nearly always does. I hope no one saw what that officer did, because it will get him into trouble as well as allow Rapstar to walk away clean.
                    Are you thinking Big City?

                    I'm a from a small town, firing a gun, armed robberies and murder is very, very rare in my town. We're almost a Mayberry kind of town.

                    Besides they know I don't have a big mouth, as long I don't name names and make mention of where I am from, etc. All is good.

                    Quoth One-Fang View Post
                    Somehow I don't think the cops are putting all that much effort into that one.
                    Prolly not, just that Rap Star is known to the cops as a trouble maker. From the looks how he wears his clothes and the car he drives, I doubt he was born and raised here. Most of us is just short hair, a plain t-shirt, jeans and shoes. A lot of us are farmers. (raises hand, raised at grandparent's farm, I sure do miss the farming life )

                    We do have some big city families that moved into my small town and sometimes they bring trouble with them.

                    I have a tendency to watch for those kind of folks.

                    The nearest big city is 20 miles south of me. They do come up plenty every now and then, especially on weekends.
                    Last edited by Ree; 03-22-2009, 01:03 AM. Reason: Merging consecutive posts
                    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein


                    • #25
                      Quoth yizuman View Post
                      Are you thinking Big City?

                      I'm a from a small town
                      Me too. My BIL is a retired police officer from my town.

                      He may have been overly anal, but he never gave us any details of any investigation he was working, even if we knew the people involved, nor did he let us handle any evidence.

                      My nephew, who is also a police officer, does share some of the funnier incidents with us, but he works in a city about 4 hours away from us. Don't know how he would feel about letting his buddies handle evidence, though.

                      Like you said, small town vs. big city.
                      Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                      • #26
                        Quoth Broomjockey View Post
                        Okay, we've had several questions asking for clarifications and additional details, so I think it may be time to give a bit of a rest until Yizuman has time to get back and clear it up. Just to make clear, discussion's fine. If anyone has potential insights to the questions, that's good. But just hold on to more questions for the moment. Thanks

                        Wow, I am being nickpicked to death. What's up with that? Seems to me people have expectations for every large and small cities to be the exactly the same.

                        As for the gun, I'm no expert on metallurgy, but the last time I've seen a Luger with teeth marks on the barrel was several years ago. So this time I've seen recently had the same type of markings as the one I saw previously.

                        Anyone seen Schindler's List? The movie showed a Jew being executed in that manner, gun in mouth, pull trigger. I think there was another movie that showed that too, but I can't remember what.

                        Unless I'm being fooled by a perpetrated hoax (twice that is) that the Luger barrel has teeth marks.

                        Since that issue is being question and I'm starting to wonder myself, I'll go hit some gun forums and see what they say.

                        Edited: I wrote on a gun forum asking this question and here's my question I posed.

                        Twice I have seen a German Luger 9mm with it's signature long barrel have had teeth marks from supposed executions of Jews and other people on Hitler's hit list.

                        I'm no expert on metallurgy, but is it possible for a victim to bite down a barrel after they have been shot from inside the mouth?

                        Is it possible that teeth can leave a mark on the type of metal on the German Luger 9MM?

                        Thanks for answering my question in advanced....
                        I'll keep ya posted for whatever answers I get.
                        Last edited by yizuman; 03-22-2009, 01:31 AM.
                        "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein


                        • #27
                          Quoth yizuman View Post
                          Wow, I am being nickpicked to death. What's up with that?
                          Unfortunately, we've had some real storytellers around here, and because of that, they make it hard for legitimate stories, especially when things in the stories don't really come off as the norm that the majority of members are used to.

                          There aren't a lot of "Mayberry" type towns left, really, and the world has become a bit jaded for the majority, so when people read a story about police allowing someone to handle evidence, or someone has a whole lot of knowledge about how an arrest went down when there is really no way they would have been there to know those details, spidey senses start tingling and a lot of questions start popping up.

                          I think that's what happened here.

                          The majority of the members just aren't used to a police department that runs with such familiarity to those outside of law enforcement. Like I said, I live in a small town, too, but the police here run a really tight ship for the most part.

                          As far as the gun and the toothmarks, I have no idea on that one, as I am not interested enough in that type of stuff to know about any of it.
                          Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                          • #28
                            Ah I see and I understand.

                            True, there aren't very many Mayberry type of town anymore and I find that sad.

                            We at times from outsiders make mean comments about us being "inbreeds" because of our small town lifestyle.

                            I was born and raised in this town, have no plans to leave it. I married my wife from this same town and my kids and grandkids are also here. (I'm showing my age heh, too early to be a granddaddy, but it happens).

                            As for the cops, half of them own farms. Most of the cops also live in this town and have families here. They don't act like cops, they act like us. We're all kinda like a one big family community, so to speak.

                            The cops are cool with me and I'm cool with them. Just plain and simple. It's how we are.
                            "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein


                            • #29
                              Edited my post since I just read that my question was answered a couple of posts earlier. Were the guys doing the beating from the town? It seems like they should have been the ones who the cops looked for and arrested, not the person who received the beating.
                              Last edited by kibbles; 03-27-2009, 11:40 PM.

