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Yo Pal, WTF ?

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  • Yo Pal, WTF ?

    Hi all !!

    As some of you know, I work in the video game section of a big electronics company. Of course, this also means that I help with CD's and DVD's as well. Management has decided that we must get the names of every person that we greet. I do not agree with this, as it can create an uncomfortable situation. If I'm selling a gaming system or Ipod and am spending some time with that person then I offer my name and wait for them to reciprocate. Otherwise, I greet the customer, ask if they require my assistance, and move on. But, times being the way they are, I do the best I can with it. Because I have to.

    So, I go up to a customer browsing through CD's

    Me - Hi !!
    SC - self explanatory

    Me - Hi, my name is SMP !! What is your name ?

    SC - My name is Get the Fuck Away From Me and Leave Me Alone !!

    Me -

    Now, I understand that some folks want to be left alone. A simple "no thanks" or "just browsing" would suffice. But I'm trying to do MY JOB here. I can't understand the absolute lack of respect some people have. I would NEVER treat someone that way. Believe me, I don't like the name thing either. But I HAVE to do it.

    Sorry for the length of the post. I had to get that off my chest. I welcome your feedback.
    Dammit !! ~ Jack Bauer

  • #2
    Just my opinion but your management seems to lack common sense.
    Are they really that fucking stupid? You DO NOT violate a potential customer's privacy when they first walk in. There is absolutely NO reason for this.

    I'd be willing to bet it was thought up by someone who doesn't do much other than try to think up as many ideas as possible, hoping one will work and make them look like they know what they are doing.
    "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


    • #3
      Um.... wow. Fail with a capital F, that one is!
      There's no such thing as a stupid question... just stupid people.


      • #4
        If the sales guy is asking my name, Im going to get a little uncomfortable and most likely try to get away from him (without cursing at you, of course). LOL.. Thats just odd. And some people will assume that youre, A) Hitting on them or B) Trying to steal their personal info for some odd reason or another.


        • #5
          If somebody tried to ask for my name while I was in a store browsing, I'd refuse to give it.

          If the salesperson persisted, I'd walk right out.

          I can understand being greeted with a simple hello or some such. I think it's pretty stupid, but I can live with it. But what need would a salesperson have for my name before I even bought anything?

          Sorry to hear your management is so stupid.
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #6
            You poor thing. Thats f'n stupid. I hope they pull their heads out soon!
            Well fiddle dee dee!!


            • #7
              We get enough hassles with making people show their Sam's Club card when they come in. Can you imagine the troubles we'd encounter if we were forced to ask for their name as well?
              The way I figure it, people just don't want to be bothered when they come in the store to shop UNLESS they need help & don't want no hassles when leaving with their purchases.
              I think it's so weird of us to make people show us their receipts before they leave the store with their purchases. We have to look on the recept & compare it with what's in their cart & then mark it off with a sharpie. Many times I've been snapped at for doing this very thing.
              I'd like to tell them that it's not my main job! I just clean up after the


              • #8
                i'd tell the bosses about every time you get that... especially if that's the normal answer.

                "The customers seem to hate this, do you want us to continue asking them their names?"

                Eventually the bosses will grow a brain.


                • #9
                  Quoth PepperElf View Post

                  Eventually the bosses will grow a brain.
                  No, they'll just leave the company and come work for the Litter Box.

                  I'll save my rant about having to welcome every customer that approaches every single department for another thread. . .
                  Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                  • #10
                    The salesperson has no need for my name. If they ask, I will not tell them. If they keep on about it, the company will lose a sale.
                    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                    • #11
                      If a salesman asked for my name I'd get VERY unconfortable and avoid them, and I already avoid people in public as it is. That's why I don't usually buy my electronics at a electronic store. They're always coming up to me trying to help. I just want to get in, get what I want and leave. No interaction whatsoever unless I have to. Which is why I love SCO machines!

                      Yes I'm an introvert. I actually use to be worse believe it or not...


                      • #12
                        I agree this guy's reaction was ... extreme, but I also see where he's coming from.

                        A few years back, I read an article about a customer service policy at WalMart called "Aggressive Hospitality". The article commented that "Aggressive Hospitality" sounds a lot like "aggressive hostility", and that isn't a coincidence: that it's motivation is not to improve service, but to deter shoplifting by pointing out to the potential shoplifter that you are watching them.

                        The customer here didn't know you were merely following policy, all he knew was you were acting just like an annoying high-pressure salesman, and that's what he was reacting to.


                        • #13
                          So SMP, where do we write/call/email to tell your lovely managers what complete imbeciles they are? A retail store asking for names? just lost a lot of business.

                          I'm already creeped out by the regular retail "Hi-How-Are-You-How-Can-I-Help-You-Do-You-Need-A-Basket" spiel. Leave me alone! If I need help, trust me, I'll find YOU ('course then there won't be an employee in sight...).

                          The only place I'll give my name is for waiting lists at a restaurant...and I generally give someone else's name anyways.
                          "This isn't a home, this is a swirling vortex of entropy." - Sheldon "The Big Bang Theory"


                          • #14
                            i've stopped responding to my legal name, my nick name based off my legal name, and scores upon scores of aliases I have associated myself with over the years... I recently decided it might be fun to start introducing myself as a random name every time someone asks who I am.
                            "Hello, I'm Jackie Joyner Kersie."
                            "Hello, I'm Mudd."

                            Particularly fun if someone asks me my name more than once.
                            "I'm barbie Millicent (forgot her last name)."
                            "You just said you were Orora Munroe."
                            "So, you're telling me you actually remembered my name, but didn't trust yourself?"
                            "I call murder on that!"


                            • #15
                              Yeah, that's more than a little creepy.

                              I can't stand greeters. I would never be anything but nice to them, but I'm not there to have social hour. I'm there to shop. I'm always respectful and polite and even reasonably friendly to them, but in all honesty, it annoys the hell out of me.

                              If someone asked me my name when I came in like that, I'd probably look at them like they were an aggressive pervert and hurry on my way. I would not speak to them. Because in my experience, people who jump in my face and start in with "what's your name" before my eyeballs even have a chance to focus on their face tend to be aggressive perverts. And it's just flat out rude.

                              This sounds like an excellent way for management to keep the crowds thinned out to a managable level.

