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Well, another day, another 50 cents....

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  • Well, another day, another 50 cents....

    Hey everybody. I hope you all had a good weekend!

    The top five things people say when they find out that thier medicine has been put back to stock after waiting for them to pick it up after 10 days...

    5. SC: "That is bullshit!! I just brought it in a few days ago! (More like a few weeks ago)

    4. SC: "Blank pharmacy keeps my medicine ready until I pick it up, no matter how long it takes!!" (We are not blank pharmacy. We obey the law, and i am pretty sure blank pharmacy does as well)

    3.SC: " Every time I come in it's put back! EVERY TIME!!!" (that is not our problem or fault ma'am. You should show up in time to get them if you know it's going to be put back.)

    2. SC: "This is because I'm * another race than my own* you woudln't do this if I was white!" (... ... The absurdity of that proclimation is so vast I do not even need to make a counter point to it.)

    1. SC: "I need this to live, YOU ARE MURDERING ME by not having it ready!" (this clearly is a case of suicide then, because you didn't pick your life saving medication in 10 days)
    There are no stupid questions, just stupid customers.

    "Labour to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire, called conscience." - George Washington

  • #2
    I don't know if this will make you feel better or not, but everytime my SO suggests I drive to another county to take pharm tech classes I point him in the direction of your posts and he shuts up about it again for awhile.

    How is it possible to not be able to arrange med pick up within 10 days? The local bus system with at the door pick up only takes 24 hrs ahead to arrange.


    • #3
      Quoth auntiem View Post
      I don't know if this will make you feel better or not, but everytime my SO suggests I drive to another county to take pharm tech classes I point him in the direction of your posts and he shuts up about it again for awhile.

      How is it possible to not be able to arrange med pick up within 10 days? The local bus system with at the door pick up only takes 24 hrs ahead to arrange.
      Being a pharmacy tech isn't really that bad, just the customers sometimes. They can be quite, well, trying, lol.

      I have no idea why people do not come to get their medication with in ten days. You would think if this is something that kept a person alive, they would be waiting IN STORE to get their meds. You have no idea how many people say that thier medication is a emergency med and demand that it be done quickly, only to never come and pick it up.
      There are no stupid questions, just stupid customers.

      "Labour to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire, called conscience." - George Washington


      • #4
        OK to avoid re-quoting the entire post, here we go...

        5) "actually ma'am, according to our computers, it says you bought it in 3 weeks ago and the dates are impossible to change."
        4) "actually I know people at Blank Pharmacy and they've warned me about you. They don't hold medication any longer than we do."
        3) "then pick it up in ten days. Suck it up or complain to the GOVERNMENT."
        2) Do the classic response "I'm sorry sir/ma'am, your race card has been declined. Do you have another one to offer?"
        1) "Why are you still alive then if you "oh so desperately" need this medication?"

        That's just the evil side of me.
        The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

        Now queen of USSR-Land...


        • #5
          2) Do the classic response "I'm sorry sir/ma'am, your race card has been declined. Do you have another one to offer?"
          o please tell me you actually used that!
          I can just imagine the sputtering outrage the customer would spew after that one


          • #6
            Quoth reirei View Post
            I have no idea why people do not come to get their medication with in ten days. You would think if this is something that kept a person alive, they would be waiting IN STORE to get their meds. You have no idea how many people say that thier medication is a emergency med and demand that it be done quickly, only to never come and pick it up.
            That's why I like our local, family owned (3rd gen!) pharmacy. For $5, you can have your stuff delivered. Haven't needed it, but I found that out when my grandmother's order was accidentally placed on "delivery" and the van pulled in, ironically as I was walking to the car to go get her meds.
            Any day you're looking down at the dirt instead of up at the dirt is a good day.

